How to Use venous in a Sentence
This can cut off the venous return of blood to your heart, which means your heart will have less blood to pump out.
—Bryant Stamford, The Courier-Journal, 11 Apr. 2024
The highest use of central venous catheters was seen in Black patients ages 18 to 49.
—Fox News, 7 Feb. 2023
The leading cause of death is venous thrombosis — a blood clot that forms in some part of the body and then travels to the lungs, heart, or brain.
—Kayla Bartsch, National Review, 28 Jan. 2024
An angiogram indicated a minor stroke in the form of a small venous tear at the back of his head, Van Hollen said.
—From Usa Today Network and Wire Reports, USA TODAY, 17 May 2022
Nine had cerebral venous thrombosis, a clot blocking a vein that drains blood from the brain.
—New York Times, 9 Apr. 2021
If the venous needle dislodges, the machine continues to pump and clean blood, but the blood escapes.
—Brett Kelman, CBS News, 6 July 2023
The blood clot may start in an arm or leg, known as deep venous thrombosis, and detach and travel to the lungs, which can be deadly.
—Matt Velazquez, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 15 Dec. 2017
The second trial targets venous leg wounds, caused when swelling breaks the skin and becomes an ulcer.
—Julie Washington,, 28 Dec. 2017
Five years ago, I was diagnosed with deep venous thrombosis (a blood clot in my right leg).
—Dr. Keith Roach, oregonlive, 15 Apr. 2023
The two venous lines met at a Y connector, turning into one.
—oregonlive, 5 Oct. 2019
Another issue is that in some patients HRT may increase the risk of venous blood clots.
—Bryant Stamford, The Courier-Journal, 15 Aug. 2024
According to a 2015 study, those who had used the pill in the previous year were exposed to triple the risk of developing a venous blood clot.
—Jessica Phillips,, 29 Sep. 2020
Sometimes called venous eczema, the AAD says that this type of eczema is often caused by poor circulation.
—Korin Miller, SELF, 6 Oct. 2020
The main concern is a type of clot called cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, or CVST, which blocks blood being drained from the brain.
—Washington Post, 16 Apr. 2021
The result can do damage throughout the body, prying plaques and clots from the walls of blood vessels and causing strokes, heart attacks and venous embolisms.
—Melissa Healystaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 10 Apr. 2020
The blood was being collected largely by venous draws, not finger sticks, and results took as many as five days to come back, court records show.
—Heather Somerville, WSJ, 6 Oct. 2021
Sigounas said Van Hollen could not identify any kind of exertion before giving his speech that could have caused the venous tear.
—Meagan Flynn, Washington Post, 8 June 2022
In contrast, by the time the blood passes through the capillaries and reaches the veins, a typical venous blood pressure is only about 10 mm/Hg, and there is no pulse.
—Bryant Stamford, The Courier-Journal, 11 May 2023
The clotting events that have drawn the most concern, known as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, entail clots in the veins that drain blood from the brain, a condition that can lead to a rare type of stroke.
—, 2 Apr. 2021
The portal vein brings venous blood to the liver, while this artery brings oxygenated arterial blood.
—Hannah Yasharoff, USA TODAY, 29 May 2019
The researchers found that the risk of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) in those who have been infected with the coronavirus is around 100 times greater than normal.
—Chronicle Staff, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 Apr. 2021
The most worrying of these blood clots is called CVST, or cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
—Andy Larsen, The Salt Lake Tribune, 22 Apr. 2021
Together, a deep vein clot and a pulmonary embolism are known as venous thromboembolism (VTE).
—Sadia Rafiquddin, STAT, 31 Aug. 2023
Cases identified so far are of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), or blood clots in the brain's veins, rather than in the arteries, which is the case for most strokes.
—NBC News, 19 Apr. 2021
Compression stockings should also not be worn by those with an acute clot in a major leg vein (a deep venous thrombosis).
—Dr. Keith Roach, oregonlive, 21 Aug. 2023
Patients who were connected to the machine via a central venous catheter had a higher risk of infection.
—Brenda Goodman, CNN, 6 Feb. 2023
As the team was preparing for the 2020 season, the defensive lineman was diagnosed with a venous thrombosis, a blood clot, in his brain.
—Norma Gonzalez, The Salt Lake Tribune, 23 Mar. 2021
These blood clots in the brain -- called cerebral venous sinus thromboses or CVST -- are dramatic on their own, but the clots may be forming elsewhere, also.
—Maggie Fox, CNN, 16 Apr. 2021
Nineteen of the patients developed a type of brain blood clot called a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, or CVST.
—NBC News, 12 May 2021
Topical iodine has been found to aid in healing diabetic foot wounds and venous leg ulcers.
—Johna Burdeos, Health, 11 Aug. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'venous.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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