How to Use vendetta in a Sentence
noun- He waged a personal vendetta against his rivals in the Senate.
And then, of course, there's Inaros' vendetta to contend with.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 8 Oct. 2020
This isn’t a vendetta against cows or people who eat them.
—, 26 Apr. 2021
This vendetta especially applies to the team which swept the Nets out of the playoffs in the first round.
—Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 27 July 2022
And, for reasons that soon become clear, he's got a vendetta.
—Ew Staff, Peoplemag, 23 Oct. 2022
The plot gets far more tangled than that and draws in past vendettas and secret legacies.
—Randy Myers, The Mercury News, 7 Aug. 2024
And now crime and vendetta killings are on the rise in the West Bank, which is awash with guns, many smuggled from Israel and Jordan.
—Taylor Luck, The Christian Science Monitor, 17 Aug. 2023
For someone to come into our group, have this weird vendetta against me.
—Jason Pham, StyleCaster, 1 Aug. 2024
This is a personal vendetta, at least that’s what this feels like.
—Aubrey Wieber, Anchorage Daily News, 6 Nov. 2020
An Armond with a stash and a vendetta is a dangerous thing.
—Amanda Whiting, Vulture, 25 July 2021
There’s far more to the legend of Jabbar Muhammad than his vendetta against the Wolverines.
—Mat Issa, Forbes, 25 Nov. 2024
The two are caught in their own personal vendettas, perhaps at the cost of their own people.
—Tom Philip, GQ, 14 July 2017
Each of the swans carries out their personal vendetta against Capote in their own way.
—Brande Victorian, The Hollywood Reporter, 13 Mar. 2024
So starts Hughie's vendetta, along with millions of people's love for the series.
—Gord Magill, Newsweek, 22 Dec. 2024
Imagine what somebody with a press vendetta and a dim view of the First Amendment would do with that kind of power.
—Jim Rutenberg, New York Times, 13 Nov. 2016
Villarreal, who’s out on bail, said the police have a vendetta against her.
—Jason Buch, San Antonio Express-News, 29 Dec. 2017
Bet even Kim Jong-Un hasn't nursed a vendetta against anything like Sessions has with pot.
—Sarah Rense, Esquire, 13 June 2017
Trump himself, who isn’t charged, has called the trial a baseless vendetta.
—Greg Farrell, Fortune, 16 Nov. 2022
Though his garbage-sifting has waned, his vendetta is as strong as ever.
—Corey Kilgannon, New York Times, 10 Jan. 2025
Many of the people who worked at Drexel have long felt that the prosecution of Mr Milken was, in essence, a vendetta.
—The Economist, 20 Feb. 2020
Kasich was also the least caught up in the debate’s many micro-vendettas.
—Amy Davidson, The New Yorker, 7 Feb. 2016
At the time, Flournoy described the attack as a personal vendetta.
—Susannah Bryan,, 28 Apr. 2017
Beckham went into the game with a vendetta against the Cardinals.
—Dana Scott, The Arizona Republic, 14 Dec. 2021
Monkey Man is, on the surface, a fairly simple tale of vengeance: Man has vendetta.
—David Fear, Rolling Stone, 12 Mar. 2024
And the claims against him were brought by SEALs who resented his leadership and were acting out of a vendetta against him.
—David French, National Review, 3 July 2019
Nature, just like the human working classes, has a righteous vendetta and the numbers to win a war.
—Vinson Cunningham, The New Yorker, 19 July 2021
Vladimir Putin gets slammed for his personal vendetta against her.
—Paul Jenkins, Alaska Dispatch News, 23 Sep. 2017
The secretary of the state is not empowered to conduct vendettas.
—Bob Nightengale, USA TODAY, 3 June 2018
In court this incident was pitched as a personal protest against Mr Majendie in order to further the defendant’s defence that this claim was a personal vendetta.
—K.j. Yossman, Variety, 17 Jan. 2025
More than half are set intentionally, officials say, for reasons ranging from land clearing to personal vendettas.
—Laura Paddison, CNN, 27 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'vendetta.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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