How to Use valorous in a Sentence
Also valorous, and critical to the battle, were the deeds of Brig.
—Scott Huddleston,, 6 Mar. 2020
The actor has more than enough talent to take on the smoldering, valorous Bond.
—Evan Romano, Men's Health, 15 Dec. 2022
Outside of the White House, some recognized Kitt’s action as valorous.
—Scott Calonico, The New Yorker, 16 Feb. 2022
The 2020 defense policy bill removed a requirement that such awards be given within five years of a valorous act.
—Josh Boak, Star Tribune, 21 May 2021
That said, Michelle Yeoh makes her valorous presence felt as Airazor, a glittering peregrine falcon whose devotion to the cause takes a surprise turn.
—Owen Gleiberman, Variety, 5 June 2023
James Atlas, who died last week, of chronic lung disease, at seventy, was a valorous combatant who knew both glory and defeat.
—Judith Thurman, The New Yorker, 9 Sep. 2019
It was upgraded to the Medal of Honor decades later following a policy change that lifted a requirement that such awards be made within five years of valorous acts.
—CBS News, 10 Apr. 2024
Bonhoeffer had written his now famous Letters and Papers from Prison to Eberhard, who in releasing them had introduced his valorous genius friend to the wide world.
—Eric Metaxas, National Review, 26 Oct. 2020
What mattered were the valorous Vietnamese paratroopers.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 27 Aug. 2022
Fear can make ordinary people turn valorous or villainous or just unattractive.
—New York Times, 3 Apr. 2020
The cult of the Lost Cause embraced an apocryphal history suffused with nostalgia for a world of valorous Confederates, kindly masters, and contented slaves.
—Drew Gilpin Faust, The Atlantic, 18 July 2019
The four slain soldiers’ actions during the operation and under ambush were considered valorous, the officials said.
—Nancy A. Youssef, WSJ, 25 Apr. 2018
Is there anything more infuriating than the Biden administration’s public rhetoric — or, rather, its lack of meaningful rhetoric — in response to the Chinese people’s valorous protests against the monstrous communist regime that enslaves them?
—Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 29 Nov. 2022
But Merton Ames had belonged to that inspired party of originators, scholars valorous enough to catch hold of new meanings in traditional formulas, resolute enough to withstand the skeptics.
—Cynthia Ozick, Harper’s Magazine , 10 Apr. 2023
The practice of introducing valorous ordinary people was vastly overdone, and the July 4 old-fashioned flag-waving a trifle laborious.
—Conrad Black, National Review, 31 Jan. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'valorous.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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