How to Use unfeasible in a Sentence
The fine print made cashing in the Disney coupon unfeasible.
—Noah Lederman, Los Angeles Times, 2 Apr. 2020
Plus those public paths through the yacht clubs are just plain unfeasible, according to the San Diego Yacht Club and many of its members.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 24 Aug. 2019
Barbie was 57 but, with her lustrous blonde hair and unfeasible bust-to-waist ratio, didn’t look a day over 19.
—Samanth Subramanian, Quartz, 26 Jan. 2022
The time and money required to isolate makes touring in the country unfeasible, even for those who can get visas.
—New York Times, 22 Feb. 2022
Living up to the verdict may prove unfeasible for Shell (or any oil and gas company) in a world that still relies so much on them.
—Jeroen Kraaijenbrink, Forbes, 28 May 2021
An attempt was even made by Benitez to bring Townsend back to the club on loan in January, but this proved unfeasible due to Palace’s lofty demands.
—, 22 June 2018
It’s the kind of long-term planning that seemed unfeasible only a few years ago when the organization was on the brink of closure.
—New York Times, 19 Apr. 2022
In his eyes, the takeout model would lend well for drive-through service — which feels unfeasible for a landlocked business.
—Lyndsay C. Green, Detroit Free Press, 14 Sep. 2024
Still, weather experts said China's claim that the balloon had gone off course was not unfeasible.
—Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Staff and Wire Reports, Arkansas Online, 4 Feb. 2023
Testing them by hand takes time and is often unfeasible.
—Maor Shlomo, Forbes, 31 Jan. 2022
But the pandemic made some overseas loans unfeasible and forced the cancellation at the Frick.
—Washington Post, 30 Aug. 2021
Weather experts said China’s claim that the balloon had gone off course was not unfeasible.
—Matthew Lee, Chicago Tribune, 3 Feb. 2023
The project proved unfeasible due to lack of materials that would sustain it, and Brunel’s concept was abandoned.
—Anamaria Silic, Discover Magazine, 13 Feb. 2021
The developer says adding PLAs make the deal unfeasible.
—Arlene Martinez, USA TODAY, 5 Mar. 2020
Easy enough to right, but totally unfeasible in the pre-computer age.
—Razib Khan, Discover Magazine, 6 Aug. 2013
That might have been possible 20 years ago, but now appears unfeasible even for a couple who both have high-paying jobs.
—Stephen Wright, WSJ, 31 Mar. 2022
The timeline is unfeasible for the primary to be held in May, in part because early voting is scheduled to begin on April 5.
—Andrew J. Tobias, cleveland, 18 Mar. 2022
Borden says the corridor would add to costs that already make the project unfeasible, suggesting that the company would have to enlarge the mine to be profitable.
—Acacia Johnson, National Geographic, 14 Jan. 2020
And if the recognition of any wrongdoing seems unfeasible, then so are any talks of reparations.
—Carlos Aguilar, Los Angeles Times, 1 Dec. 2022
Sports hijabs were rare and needed to be imported at a high cost, making them unfeasible for most schoolgirls.
—Ruqaya Izzidien, Outside Online, 6 June 2018
But TikTok has argued that a sale is unfeasible and the Chinese government opposes the sale of the algorithm which powers the app.
—Fin Gómez, CBS News, 16 Dec. 2024
To do so may be unfeasible, given the huge political stakes both have wagered.
—Stephen Collinson, CNN, 21 Jan. 2022
While many cities and states have begun to replace their lead pipes, some utilities and officials say the 10-year time frame is unfeasible and too expensive.
—Kff Health News, The Mercury News, 18 July 2024
Dr Pitts further adds that expecting working-class people to know how to budget their way out of the worst cost of living crisis in decades is a huge and unfeasible request.
—Beth Ashley,, 28 July 2022
However, the plan would cost tens of trillions, which many economists say is unfeasible.
—Cassidy Morrison, Washington Examiner, 19 Feb. 2020
Lower output means that installing a packaging line will be even more unfeasible for small and mid-sized breweries.
—Tony Rehagen, Popular Mechanics, 20 Aug. 2020
The messages suggest Musk soured on that plan after concluding it would be unfeasible.
—Time, 30 Sep. 2022
After that, Pluto’s axial tilt would cause more and more of its surface to be in shadow, making a worthwhile flyby unfeasible for decades to come.
—Marcia Bartusiak, WSJ, 11 May 2018
But such vessels are going to be largely unfeasible for the North without external assistance in the near-term, Panda said.
—Kim Tong-Hyung, Chicago Tribune, 8 Sep. 2023
And critics of his plan say that a massive deportation of so many millions of people with very varying personal and legal situations would not only be unfeasible, but potentially cruel.
—Taylor Wilson, USA TODAY, 22 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'unfeasible.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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