How to Use undeserving in a Sentence
After his tenth miss of the season, the kicker has become undeserving of the coach's trust.
—Jim Ayello, Indianapolis Star, 4 Nov. 2019
An undeserving Chi Chi, lands in the bottom with Thorgy and Kennedy.
—Joey Guerra, Houston Chronicle, 1 Feb. 2018
Or was last season a fluke, as evidenced by Randle’s dud in the playoffs, and the Knicks just gave the money bag to the undeserving?
—Stefan Bondy,, 17 Oct. 2021
Neither of those two deserves to be sent to the minors, but that happens often to the undeserving.
—Jeff Wilson, star-telegram, 1 July 2018
This is the complaint of a film critic toward an undeserving movie.
—Bill Goodykoontz, azcentral, 5 Mar. 2018
The calamity couldn’t have happened to a more undeserving member of his moneyed class.
—Marilyn Stasio, New York Times, 26 Oct. 2017
And Sunmi may or may not be seizing on all of them in this self-affirmation kiss-off to an undeserving lover.
—Tamar Herman, Billboard, 14 Dec. 2017
Others insisted that many of their colleagues at the plant were undeserving or lazy.
—Greg Jaffe, Washington Post, 12 June 2022
The pandemic could lead governments to prolong the life of many undeserving firms.
—The Economist, 26 Sep. 2020
Stiglitz says a few simple rules can separate the deserving from the undeserving.
—Peter Coy,, 28 Apr. 2020
John Wall, an undeserving selection, would have been left home.
—Ben Golliver,, 26 Jan. 2018
The main charge is not that Anne Hathaway is untalented or undeserving of celebrity.
—Jenny Singer, Glamour, 24 May 2022
Bush had already decided the week before that Libby was undeserving and told Cheney so, only to see the question raised again.
—Time, 13 Apr. 2018
Not making it on the first ballot isn’t a sign a player is undeserving but a testament to the backlog of tremendous players who, for one reason or another, have had to bide their time.
—Brad Biggs,, 8 Feb. 2022
The more citizens believe that a small group of undeserving wealthy people are denying them nice things, the uglier our politics will become.
—Jonah Goldberg, National Review, 13 Nov. 2019
However, mixed in with all the good extensions are a handful of thoroughly undeserving contracts for players who have offered next to nothing on the pitch.
—, 18 Oct. 2019
Multitudes in our cities have been lacking food and shelter, but they have been discounted as somehow undeserving.
—Popular Science, 28 Apr. 2020
Terrible things happen all the time, to the deserving and the undeserving; people are never short of excuses for inaction.
—The New Yorker, 8 Nov. 2021
Other schemes try harder to sift out undeserving cases.
—The Economist, 12 Apr. 2018
The state’s press corps was expecting typical first lady chitchat, devoid of hard news, undeserving of major headlines.
—Felice Belman,, 18 Apr. 2018
Work for welfare is now an old idea, rooted in the conviction that people become poor due to some personal failing, and are thus undeserving of government aid.
—Sarah Jones, The New Republic, 17 Apr. 2018
This distinction between the protest and the encampment is really a distinction between the customer and the New Yorker, between the deserving and the undeserving—the moral and the immoral—user of public space.
—Apoorva Tadepalli, The New Republic, 11 Aug. 2020
The truth is that the narrative of poverty or anti-poverty programs has become racialized and distorted to the point where the poor—especially the black poor—are seen as shameful, sinful, lazy and undeserving.
—Angela Helm, The Root, 4 Apr. 2018
Even though the Boers were often portrayed as crude people undeserving of sympathy, the treatment of European descendants in this fashion was shocking to the British public.
—Andrea Pitzer, Smithsonian, 3 Nov. 2017
After a church corruption scandal, her belief that church was simply not for her transformed into sadness for those who put their faith in undeserving leaders.
—Megan Marz, Washington Post, 17 Jan. 2020
Now a Guggenheim fellow, Machado was once conditioned to accept that zaftig women are undeserving of worship.
—Washington Post, 5 Nov. 2019
Experts say one of the most harmful aspects of the public's scorn is the underlying assumption that character flaws make Heard undeserving of empathy.
—Alia E. Dastagir, USA TODAY, 10 May 2022
The remedy of impeachment was given to us by our constitution to ease the nation of undeserving officials.
—Washington Post, 8 Mar. 2018
By the mid-’70s — just as Taylor was becoming Exhibit A of the undeserving poor — more women of color were being granted access to the assistance benefits long denied to them.
—Christopher Borrelli,, 7 June 2019
But having been witness to much of the recent history of Emmy awards and nominations, the current batch, announced this week, does inspire a few observations — and not the usual ones about who got snubbed and who was undeserving.
—Bill Carter, CNN, 19 July 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'undeserving.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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