How to Use uncorrected in a Sentence
And how did this go uncorrected for more than 3½ months?
—Scott D. Pierce, The Salt Lake Tribune, 3 Sep. 2023
The lens doesn't show much in the way of distortion, just a slight inward curve for uncorrected Raw photos and none for JPGs.
—PCMAG, 26 Mar. 2024
Earlier this year, in the eastern half of the country, a time error of 10 seconds too fast went uncorrected for a week or more.
—Seth Borenstein, USA TODAY, 17 May 2018
Here, the drag of air particles, if left uncorrected, will siphon off energy, pulling the craft closer to Earth.
—Korey Haynes, Discover Magazine, 31 July 2019
The District must by law balance its budget, so the shortfall cannot go uncorrected.
—Peter Hermann, Washington Post, 26 Oct. 2020
There are some genes, though, where uncorrected damage can matter a lot.
—The Economist, 16 Sep. 2017
Raitt: For me, the vibe to go for is as live and uncorrected as possible. Minimal rehearsal.
—Natalie Weiner, Billboard, 21 Mar. 2019
But if left uncorrected, the problems the loss exposed could quickly spiral out of control.
—Kevin Baxter, Los Angeles Times, 12 Oct. 2021
That's down from 2,627 beach sites in the earlier, uncorrected report.
—Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY, 9 Aug. 2019
Many of the punches Brunson takes along the way, however, are going un-called — and Sunday’s uncalled foul went uncorrected.
—Kristian Winfield, New York Daily News, 2 Apr. 2024
On Twitter, his organization found a tweet in Arabic about ballots left on the side of the road that went uncorrected on Twitter the day after the election.
—Ashley Nerbovig, USA TODAY, 27 Nov. 2020
Crump confirmed Monday that the confusion was caused by a mix-up that allowed an uncorrected set of drawings to remain on a press website.
—Anita Chabria, Sam Stanton and Tony Bizjak, sacbee, 2 Apr. 2018
On Twitter, his organization found a tweet in Arabic about ballots left on the side of the road went uncorrected on Twitter the day after the election.
—Ashley Nerbovig, Detroit Free Press, 28 Nov. 2020
At one point the first three volumes had to be pulped because the printers originally produced an uncorrected version of his text.
—Sam Roberts, New York Times, 15 Sep. 2022
Among his findings: Most kids are sick or malnourished and up to two-thirds struggle with combinations of anemia, worms and uncorrected myopia that set them back at school.
—Andrew Browne, WSJ, 5 Dec. 2017
The bit that is clear has a resolution that is about 10 times better than the uncorrected image, revealing some hidden details.
—Chris Lee, Ars Technica, 14 Nov. 2018
Easter and Passover fall on the same weekend more often than not, but the two rarely coincide with the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which is based on an uncorrected lunar calendar.
—Grayson Quay, The Week, 17 Apr. 2022
Though it’s long been reported that the empty frames are left hanging to accord with that will, the museum says that is actually a long uncorrected mistake.
—Tom Mashberg, New York Times, 18 Mar. 2024
The stock is trading in an increasingly steep and uncorrected uptrend and far above its 150-day moving average.
—Carter Braxton Worth, CNBC, 11 Oct. 2024
Where abuses remain uncorrected the populace spreads the word by social media – a form unmuzzled by the state (in contrast to Russia or China).
—Melik Kaylan, Forbes, 12 Apr. 2021
Other versions remain online uncorrected and have been shared thousands of times.
—Bayliss Wagner, USA TODAY, 9 Sep. 2021
Remember, most companies fail not from a single blow but from a series of uncorrected missteps.
—Nelson Chu, Forbes, 18 Sep. 2024
Among the translation errors that went uncorrected was Mr. Schellenberg’s first assertion he was framed by Mr. Xu.
—Eva Dou, WSJ, 31 Dec. 2018
Some of those communication problems have been known for two years but remain uncorrected, the commission said.
—Washington Post, 30 Apr. 2021
Because of this, an uncorrected threshold of P<0.001 for the peak voxel within ROIs was set, namely the hippocampus, amygdala and entorhinal cortex.
—Neuroskeptic, Discover Magazine, 14 Aug. 2017
The difficulty begins when Mizuno carelessly includes the model’s name, Cojima, toward the end of the manuscript and the story goes to press uncorrected.
—Min Jin Lee, New York Times, 15 Feb. 2018
Neither he nor the audit addresses how officials will rectify the issues once the system goes live, and whether people will be on the hook to pay back overpaid benefits that went uncorrected.
—oregonlive, 23 Oct. 2019
More recent releases from bestselling authors—such as an uncorrected proof of Stephen King’s first novel, Carrie, on sale for $3,000—typically sell for less.
—Sophie Haigney, WSJ, 18 Aug. 2021
Scott Rozelle, a professor at Stanford, found that most kids left behind in the rural villages are sick or malnourished and that up to two-thirds struggle with combinations of anemia, worms, and uncorrected myopia, which set them back at school.
—Joel Kotkin, National Review, 25 July 2019
The DEA gave a grossly inaccurate depiction of its own operations to Congress, and let that account stand uncorrected.
—Mattathias Schwartz, The Intercept, 24 May 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'uncorrected.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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