How to Use thalamus in a Sentence
The thalamus sends fibers to the area of the cortex where sounds are processed.
—Mo Costandi, Scientific American, 29 June 2017
The thalamus is about the size and shape of a quail egg and sits deep in the brain, relaying info all around the cortex.
—Max G. Levy, Wired, 11 May 2021
These were stuck into four sections of their brains: three regions of the cortex and the thalamus.
—Max G. Levy, Wired, 11 May 2021
Smell is the only sense that doesn’t pass through the thalamus before reaching the forebrain.
—Carl Engelking, Discover Magazine, 21 Dec. 2022
And that consciousness is known to be linked to the activity of structures such as the brain stem and thalamus.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 4 Oct. 2019
The thalamus may not be involved in the same manner for both types of information.
—Jackie Wattles, CNN, 31 Mar. 2023
In Dobbyn’s case, the target is a little area of tissue about the size of a pencil eraser deep in a brain region known as the thalamus.
—NBC News, 11 Feb. 2018
In this way, smell is totally unique from all other senses, which pass first through the thalamus, a sort of relay station of the brain.
—NBC News, 30 Oct. 2017
The thalamus, on the other hand, didn’t change for another 15 minutes.
—Carl Zimmer, Discover Magazine, 25 Mar. 2019
The stimulation of the vagus nerve could in effect be giving the thalamus a volume boost in the brain, reports Price.
—Ben Panko, Smithsonian, 28 Sep. 2017
The spongy tissue that Gambetti found in Silvano's thalamus was full of tiny holes: the aftermath of prions that left dead cells in their path.
—Michael Nedelman, CNN, 19 Sep. 2017
In the case of FFI, these proteins mostly home in on two locations within a central brain structure: the thalamus.
—Michael Nedelman, CNN, 19 Sep. 2017
The thalamus is often described as the brain's switchboard, relaying signals from one region to the next.
—Michael Nedelman, CNN, 19 Sep. 2017
Likewise, the neocortex (which governs things like movement and language) and the thalamus (close to the brain’s center) emit more prolonged waves—known as slow waves.
—WIRED, 14 June 2023
Specialists found an artery in his brain had burst, damaging the left side of the thalamus, which determines the meaning of signals and routes them to other areas in the brain.
—Tom Hallman Jr.,, 13 Oct. 2017
Unlike our other senses, smell doesn’t first pass through the relay center of our brain’s thalamus to be routed through to the language-rich cortex.
—Noy Thrupkaew, Washington Post, 21 Apr. 2021
Normally, pain signals begin somewhere in the body and work their way to the thalamus, deep in the brain, and then to the prefrontal cortex, producing conscious perception of pain.
—Erik Vance, Discover Magazine, 19 July 2014
In people with that condition, the structure and function of the thalamus can be different from what is typical.
—Anil Ananthaswamy, Washington Post, 28 May 2017
He was drawn to a thin layer of inhibitory neurons called the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN), which wraps around the rest of the thalamus like a shell.
—Quanta Magazine, 24 Sep. 2019
Monti placed the ultrasonic device at the right side of Crehan’s brain, aimed it at his thalamus, and pulsed 10 times at 30-second intervals.
—Los Angeles Times, 22 Aug. 2019
These new results suggest that learning to read changes the way the thalamus connects to the rest of the brain, and that in turn could help scientists figure out if disruptions in these connections could cause dyslexia.
—Erin Blakemore, Smithsonian, 25 May 2017
Smells bypass the thalamus, traveling straight from the nose to the olfactory bulbs located behind the spot where eyeglasses rest on your face.
—Wired, 2 Aug. 2022
Previous studies have shown a connection between the structure and function of the thalamus and dyslexia.
—Erin Blakemore, Smithsonian, 25 May 2017
Previous studies have shown a connection between the structure and function of the thalamus and dyslexia.
—Erin Blakemore, Smithsonian, 25 May 2017
The findings are also a great example of how integrated the brain is, Wen Li said: The amygdala needs the thalamus, and the thalamus likely needs signals from elsewhere.
—Yasemin Saplakoglu, Quanta Magazine, 7 Sep. 2022
Mice who had stem cells injected into their thalamus were healthier than average mice and lived 10% longer.
—Sophie Weiner, Popular Mechanics, 4 Nov. 2017
Connections between the spinal cord and the thalamus — which facilitate pain perception in both fetuses and adults — are present at 20 weeks’ gestation as well.
—Alexandra Desanctis, National Review, 5 Oct. 2017
Miller and Brown suspected that the thalamus would be especially important for reinstating the rich chaos of being awake.
—Max G. Levy, Wired, 11 May 2021
Researchers felt that the best way to unclog her brain cells was to inject the gene therapy directly into her thalamus, two oval structures deep inside the brain that act as sort of a highway junction, connecting paths from many parts of the brain.
—USA Today, 25 Apr. 2021
The Human Olfactory System Humans’ other sensory systems send their signals to the thalamus, which relays them to other parts of the brain.
—IEEE Spectrum, 17 Oct. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'thalamus.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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