How to Use technocratic in a Sentence
The lobby floor of the Amygdala office is out of a technocratic sci-fi movie (the future is here!
—Owen Gleiberman, Variety, 9 Feb. 2022
There is an aspect of divide and conquer - the aim of which is to grant greater power to the EU president and the technocratic staff of the EC.
—Mike O'Sullivan, Forbes, 20 Sep. 2024
The best response to these developments is to face the contours of this brave new technocratic world head-on.
—Harper's Magazine, 2 Jan. 2025
And blacks aren’t moved by his progressivism in a technocratic guise.
—Rich Lowry, National Review, 28 June 2019
There’s more to managing than being a technocratic clerk in servitude to the geeks.
—Joe McCarthy*, Dallas News, 21 Oct. 2022
As such, secretaries of state tend to be more technocratic and civic-minded.
—Maresa Strano, Time, 20 Nov. 2022
The engineer looking at the screens in Hayek’s analogy is not a member of the technocratic elite locked up in a control room.
—The Economist, 18 Dec. 2019
Along the way, the notion that a decision on the more technocratic ECB boss would be kept apart from the political jobs was abandoned.
—The Economist, 4 July 2019
Vallas has tried to portray himself as a technocratic problem-solver who can best run the city out of the nine-candidate field.
—Gregory Pratt, Chicago Tribune, 4 Jan. 2023
Why not, then, look to technocratic Caesars like Moses to browbeat the opposition and get things done?
—Vinson Cunningham, The New Yorker, 31 Oct. 2022
His is a technocratic party, the voters of which care about the nuances of government action and for which wonkery is an asset.
—Susan B. Glasser, The New Yorker, 28 July 2022
What if a series of technocratic tweaks and training could make the police 72 percent less savage?
—David Roth, The New Republic, 11 June 2020
Instead, for the most part, the Dodd-Frank Act was classically technocratic.
—Ganesh Sitaraman, The New Republic, 23 Dec. 2019
His dry and technocratic political style might just have won him over to Germans looking for a steady hand.
—The Washington Post, Arkansas Online, 26 Sep. 2021
In that case, Macron might have to search for a prime minister on the hard left or, to form a technocratic government, somewhere else entirely.
—Christian Edwards, CNN, 7 July 2024
Mr Duque, his protégé, is less strident and more technocratic.
—The Economist, 15 Mar. 2018
And that means Democrats need to think bigger than technocratic tinkering.
—Kate Aronoff, The New Republic, 16 Dec. 2020
Putin's approach in his next term will be to create a more technocratic elite; appoint people who are younger, more efficient in his eyes.
—Fred Weir, The Christian Science Monitor, 16 Mar. 2018
Yet the Republican bill is not a technocratic fix for these problems.
—The Economist, 20 July 2017
But in recent months, al-Sadr has pressed for the creation of a non-religious, technocratic government.
—Vivienne Walt, Time, 14 May 2018
And despite a perennial fear of a technocratic future, robots haven’t nearly caught up to us yet.
—Jane Thier, Fortune, 23 Dec. 2023
But the over-all record of technocratic innovations like the Afghan Fund is not encouraging.
—Steve Coll, The New Yorker, 14 Sep. 2022
Such technocratic language must have sounded feeble next to the angry pleas of the residents and the political red meat served up by their lawyers.
—Alex Ross, The New Yorker, 20 Sep. 2021
If technocratic future-fantasies of labor and housing are cause for chagrin, so too are those of wealth transfer.
—Julianne Tveten, The New Republic, 31 May 2018
At the same time, a technocratic cabinet will lay the groundwork for rebuilding the economy.
—Washington Post, 22 Aug. 2019
Of course the paper is written in a somewhat dry technocratic style and is designed to pull punches rather than grab readers’ attention.
—Jemma Green, Forbes, 17 Mar. 2022
Macron, the front-runner in the French election, speaks in a technocratic vocabulary with long-winded sentences.
—, 3 May 2017
Still, Warren also has fans in the center of the party who respect her technocratic, policy-wonk style.
—Tim Fernholz, Quartz, 28 June 2019
And the ineluctable fact that nations battle hard over resources such as multibillion-dollar piles of cash is one reason that clever technocratic designs like the Afghan Fund have failed in the past.
—Steve Coll, The New Yorker, 14 Sep. 2022
This is a technocratic view of art’s purpose, one that reduces art to a type of soma for late capitalism’s weary workers, Apple’s dream employees on an eighteen-hour shift and counting.
—Michaëla De Lacaze Mohrmann, Artforum, 1 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'technocratic.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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