How to Use swordfish in a Sentence
The crew of the tentpole next door have stolen the swordfish, too.
—Jack King, Vulture, 27 Oct. 2024
Place the swordfish on the grill and cook for 2 minutes.
—, 19 Oct. 2021
Plush enough to pair even with swordfish or a four-cheese lasagna.
—Tom Mullen, Forbes, 22 May 2022
Oh, sure, the restaurant is a looker, and the kitchen grills a juicy swordfish.
—Tom Sietsema, Washington Post, 27 May 2022
Old swordfish have even been caught with bills worn down to nubs.
—Joe Cermele, Field & Stream, 9 Nov. 2023
Some of the large tunas and swordfish will be aged anywhere from 12 to 28 days.
—Joey Skladany, Southern Living, 30 July 2024
Season both sides of the swordfish with salt, pepper, and sumac.
—Caron Golden, San Diego Union-Tribune, 13 Mar. 2024
The giant squid weighs about the same as a swordfish, but its eye is around three times bigger.
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 15 Mar. 2012
The giant swordfish then went back to diving and circling the boat.
—Bob McNally, Outdoor Life, 24 Oct. 2024
In front of a large group of people at the marina, their swordfish weighed 305.6 pounds.
—Bob McNally, Outdoor Life, 28 Nov. 2024
Mint pesto packs on a refreshing punch to cubes of swordfish.
—Becca Miller, Good Housekeeping, 11 May 2023
These are fish that eat large amounts of deep-water shrimp, and the pigment from the crustaceans builds up in the swordfish’s flesh over time.
—Joe Cermele, Outdoor Life, 6 Mar. 2023
Perhaps a piece of halibut or fresh mahi or maybe a swordfish steak.
—Joe Cermele, Outdoor Life, 13 Sep. 2023
Lightly brush the swordfish with oil and season with salt and black pepper.
—Lynda Balslev, The Mercury News, 24 June 2024
And its menu of steakhouse classics ranges from oysters to grilled swordfish and filet mignon.
—Nora Heston Tarte, The Mercury News, 5 Aug. 2024
The giant swordfish made a hard run on the surface and then did a U-turn, swimming directly at the boat.
—Dac Collins, Outdoor Life, 22 Nov. 2023
Pearly slices of swordfish splashed with smoky chile sauce fan across a crisp tortilla, making for the hautest (and hottest) tostada around.
—Tom Sietsema, Washington Post, 17 May 2023
The swordfish lives at mid-level depths, while needlefish are found closer to the surface.
—Jeanine Santucci, USA TODAY, 24 Oct. 2024
Take to the stove or oven instead, where your finished swordfish will be no less moist and ready for any topping or sauce.
—Kendra Vaculin, Bon Appétit, 25 June 2021
For comparison, the largest fish eye is the 9-centimetre orb of the swordfish.
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 15 Mar. 2012
In the overfished Mediterranean, the swordfish might have fought to ensure a larger share of the remaining scraps.
—Joshua Sokol, New York Times, 27 Oct. 2020
At first glance, a swordfish and a flounder couldn’t seem more different.
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 18 Aug. 2010
As servers brought us swordfish, Noboa spoke about a dry part of southern Ecuador where people go to ease health problems.
—Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker, 17 June 2024
Dishes range from $6 potato rolls to $38 swordfish, the website said.
—Talia Lissauer,, 14 Sep. 2023
There are prizes for the top tuna, wahoo, blue marlin, dolphin and swordfish, too.
—Baltimore Sun Editorial Board, Baltimore Sun, 4 Aug. 2024
The swordfish, dry-aged for five to 14 days, is sliced to resemble a steak and mic-dropped on the table without any plating fanfare.
—Caroline Hatchett, Robb Report, 1 Nov. 2024
An angler in Maryland got his name in the records books after hauling in a massive swordfish.
—Michael Hollan, Fox News, 29 July 2021
Experts were of mixed opinion on whether the clip showed a shark or another large fish, likely a swordfish.
—From Usa Today Network and Wire Reports, USA TODAY, 3 Oct. 2022
Owens treats the swordfish like a steak, so slice each swordfish medallion or steak and set them together upright on the yogurt.
—Caron Golden, San Diego Union-Tribune, 13 Mar. 2024
Sailfish are among the fastest fish species in the ocean and, like the swordfish, are recognizable by their extended, pointed bills.
—CBS News, 25 July 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'swordfish.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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