How to Use spendthrift in a Sentence
Or maybe one spouse is frugal, while the other’s a spendthrift.
—Abby Hayes, USA TODAY, 5 July 2017
In the end, like a spendthrift child whose credit card bill is covered by Dad, the private pension problem was solved in the bailout.
—Michael Taylor, San Antonio Express-News, 31 Mar. 2021
But Bitcoin can count at least one group of spendthrifts among its users: Russian hackers accused of hacking in the 2016 election.
—Gregory Barber, WIRED, 13 July 2018
Protesters see the council as a group of irresponsible spendthrifts who have pushed the city to the brink of insolvency.
—Gilbert Garcia,, 2 Nov. 2019
This man only wanted to buy a home for his irresponsible son and his spendthrift wife.
—Amy Dickinson, oregonlive, 28 Feb. 2022
Democrats are compassionate and generous, but spendthrift, dovish, and (in the views of many white people) indulgent of crime and prone to subsidize poor people who don’t want to work.
—Jonathan Chait, Daily Intelligencer, 17 Dec. 2017
Flushing money down the toilet is usually only a metaphor, reserved for spendthrifts or those casual with their cash.
—Amie Tsang and Palko Karasz, New York Times, 19 Sep. 2017
Their more spendthrift mood spells continued strain for supply chains, which were struggling to fill orders even at lower levels of spending.
—Nathan Dicamillo, Quartz, 15 Oct. 2021
The hardest parts of the pandemic will pass, but the question is whether consumers will return to their spendthrift ways — revolving high-interest credit card debt.
—Washington Post, 21 May 2021
So is a reluctant child of that aristocracy overcoming his distaste for the fallacies of class to become the most ruthless spendthrift of them all.
—Alison Willmore, Vulture, 24 Nov. 2021
China has pegged its economic future on its spendthrift consumer class.
—Jane Li, Quartz, 15 Oct. 2021
As countries prepared to enter a monetary union without a central fiscal authority, rules were needed to bind the hands of the spendthrift.
—The Economist, 31 Oct. 2020
Cheapskates and low spenders aren’t the ideal credit card customers for banks because they’re typically not as profitable as fast-swiping spendthrifts who rack up finance charges.
—Gregory Karp, The Seattle Times, 16 Oct. 2018
This profile in cowardice comes from two Democrats whose party is facing a possible midterm wipeout thanks to high inflation that has been made worse by its spendthrift policies.
—Kevin D. Williamson, National Review, 9 Feb. 2022
The flood of money is even making Tom Steyer, the liberal hedge fund manager running on a platform of combatting climate change, look like a spendthrift.
—Tim Fernholz, Quartz, 14 Feb. 2020
These include two other Latin American governments, with spendthrift Venezuela far outstripping the field (see chart).
—The Economist, 14 Oct. 2019
The siblings fired back, characterizing her as a spendthrift who once charged two Hermes Birkin handbags to her hotel room in Las Vegas and pressured him into a hasty wedding.
—Jean Marbella,, 21 Aug. 2020
In Sri Lanka, the opposition united to beat a spendthrift, vicious autocrat.
—The Economist, 14 June 2018
Moreover, when the settlor dies, any spendthrift provisions in the trust will be respected — just like any other trust — to protect the trust assets from the creditors of beneficiaries.
—Jay Adkisson, Forbes, 11 July 2022
Caracalla was a spendthrift and unstable ruler, and extending citizenship to the huge populations that inhabited his mighty realm was a quick way to increase his tax base.
—National Geographic, 4 Nov. 2019
TMG fired back shortly afterwards, labeling the actor a hopeless spendthrift who squandered millions on extravagances like fine wine and art against their advice.
—Daniel Goldblatt,, 20 June 2017
Many in Wall Street also are pointing out that rising house prices could make today’s higher inflation less temporary than assumed, by making households more spendthrift and pushing up shelter costs.
—Jon Sindreu, WSJ, 19 June 2021
He was deposed after months of political unrest directed at his administration, which was accused of being spendthrift and out of touch.
—Katie Rogers, New York Times, 13 Oct. 2017
Teams with spendthrift owners would otherwise stand little chance of competing against their deep-pocketed counterparts.
—Bryan Toporek, Forbes, 2 Aug. 2022
In its two scenes — which together last under an hour — the filling-station owner Bob and his wife, Mary, deal with the ingratitude and arrogance of Bob’s younger brother, Nate, a spendthrift academic whose studies were underwritten by the couple.
—New York Times, 28 May 2021
Christian Europe’s cultural unity allowed for transnational banking entities, which became so large that Jakob Fugger and his firm were able to profit from the Habsburgs’ spendthrift habits.
—Razib Khan, National Review, 31 July 2021
The surprise abdication and quiet succession earlier this year were undoubtedly an attempt to refresh the country’s image of a spendthrift and corrupt monarchy in peril.
—Leah McLaren, Newsweek, 17 Sep. 2014
An earlier version of this article incorrectly described them as spendthrift.
—Rochelle Toplensky, WSJ, 16 Dec. 2020
His powerful ministry, which drove German policy during the euro crisis, has suspicion of spendthrift foreigners coursing through its corridors.
—The Economist, 8 Mar. 2018
The biggest spendthrift and borrower is the federal government, not individual consumers.
—Phillip Molnar, San Diego Union-Tribune, 26 Nov. 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'spendthrift.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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