How to Use social engineering in a Sentence
social engineering
It’s time for the forced social engineering at the expense of the taxpayers to stop.
—Michael Harriot, The Root, 4 May 2018
There are two ways to pull off this social engineering trick, Mack told me.
—Robert Hackett, Fortune, 9 June 2018
But the suits say the sanctions amount to a ham-handed attempt at social engineering that backfired.
—Douglas Belkin, WSJ, 3 Dec. 2018
Many threats are levied against the front line, from social engineering to technical means, and these threats are often the first domino to fall in a sequence of events.
—Emil Sayegh, Forbes, 3 Oct. 2022
In this case bigotry, social engineering, a real-life tragedy and the politics of black women's hair are just some of the subjects showcased in the films.
—Bill Goodykoontz, azcentral, 30 Jan. 2020
Elements of both the Left and the Right are minded toward social engineering.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 3 Jan. 2024
As a new mother, Wang said she was perplexed that such a strict policy of social engineering could take hold.
—Jeffrey Fleishmanstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 9 Aug. 2019
Finally, be aware of how phishing and social engineering attacks work and how to guard against them.
—Jim Salter, Ars Technica, 14 Sep. 2020
While the Twitter hack garnered major headlines, the social engineering attack at the heart of it is nothing new.
—Brian Barrett, Wired, 31 July 2020
This way, the attack doesn't need to rely on trickery and social engineering to infect victims.
—Lily Hay Newman, WIRED, 30 Mar. 2018
Keeping the public in tallying mode is a low form of social engineering.
—Armond White, National Review, 14 Sep. 2022
In the world of cybercrime and hacking, this is in the category called social engineering.
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 5 Nov. 2021
There are also more nebulous items, such as advice to beware of social engineering and watch out for spam.
—PCMAG, 22 Jan. 2025
But that’s not all; Black Friday is a fiesta for hackers, too, and the perfect time for social engineering attacks!
—Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report, Fox News, 23 Nov. 2024
Logging into your accounts with an email address and password is fine, up to a point, but these details can get lost, stolen, guessed, or teased out of you with some clever social engineering.
—David Nield, Wired, 12 July 2020
For all that realism, though, Marrs pins his plot on a government eager to do some social engineering.
—Alex Davies, WIRED, 27 Aug. 2019
Ariely, for his part, predicted that nudges were just the beginning, and held out for more ambitious social engineering.
—Gideon Lewis-Kraus, The New Yorker, 30 Sep. 2023
This type of ‘hack’ generally known as social engineering relies on con artistry rather than code.
—David Z. Morris, Fortune, 18 Mar. 2020
Social media fraud is part of an ecosystem of online crime that relies on social engineering and trust between users.
—WIRED, 26 July 2023
School busing in Boston is a case study on how not to conduct grand experiments in social engineering.
—Kevin Cullen,, 1 July 2019
That’s one reason tax expenditures aimed at social engineering should be on the chopping block.
—Veronique De Rugy, Orange County Register, 18 July 2024
Kroll’s 2024 Data Breach Outlook report also shows that social engineering attacks, such as phishing scams, are on the rise.
—María Soledad Davila Calero, Fortune, 9 Feb. 2024
Everything is social engineering in the new live-action version of The Little Mermaid.
—Armond White, National Review, 26 May 2023
But as with last year’s price increases, the new hikes are also a subtle bit of social engineering, strategic moves meant to push consumers in certain directions or else pay up.
—Alex Weprin, The Hollywood Reporter, 12 June 2024
The confrontation also underscores the huge gamble Biden is taking with some of the most ambitious social engineering in decades.
—Stephen Collinson, CNN, 7 Sep. 2021
Meta claimed that the personas were carrying out social engineering attacks on targets, attempting to get the victims to click on links that would unmask their IP address.
—Forbes Daily, Forbes, 15 Feb. 2024
This could become a valuable tool for when hackers steal data from victims or try to perfect their social engineering attacks.
—Michael Kan, PCMAG, 26 Jan. 2024
Hackers used social engineering to target some of Twitter’s employees and then gained access to the high-profile accounts.
—Zen Soo, The Denver Post, 16 July 2020
The ban is all that more unusual given Hadnagy’s social engineering village drew crowds.
—Christiaan Hetzner, Fortune, 19 Aug. 2022
Threat actors, for example, are using generative AI to automate and tailor their attacks via social engineering schemes, increasing both the effectiveness and scope of the attack.
—Raghu Bongula, Forbes, 3 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'social engineering.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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