How to Use sentimentality in a Sentence
There’s a sentimentality that comes out in a lot of shoots.
—Mark Holgate, Vogue, 31 May 2018
But Chance didn’t so much bask in sentimentality as dance right over it.
—Greg Kot,, 29 Sep. 2019
There wasn’t time, though, for sentimentality Monday, to think about his own Olympic dream, the one that never was.
—Adam Kilgore, Washington Post, 29 July 2024
Grealy writes without sentimentality and finds a way to fill the book with joy.
—Laura Trujillo, USA TODAY, 28 Mar. 2023
The sentimentality behind the trip means that the cost is of less importance.
—Jordy Fee-Platt, The Arizona Republic, 4 May 2023
And all that is well before the unearned sentimentality of the ending – which Driver comes damn close to pulling off on sheer will alone.
—Greg Evans, Deadline, 16 Oct. 2024
This is one of the keys to the two movies’ appeal, how their worship of speed and noise gives them cover to wallow in macho sentimentality.
—Mark Feeney,, 16 May 2022
Still, the soupy sentimentality of the picture does jar.
—John Banville, The New Republic, 16 Nov. 2021
Australia will have no time to bask in the sentimentality of the occasion.
—, 25 June 2018
Some of the lovey-dovey moments come close to pure sentimentality—but her sense of humor has a way of keeping them lively.
—Spencer Kornhaber, The Atlantic, 29 Oct. 2021
Just a nice ring to them, nice warmth, nice sentimentality.
—Gordon Monson, The Salt Lake Tribune, 3 Mar. 2021
Kara’s scenes are full of swelling strings and mawkish sentimentality that seem to be begging you to Feel Something Now.
—Kyle Orland, Ars Technica, 24 May 2018
But there’s no room for sentimentality with so much at stake.
—Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times, 3 July 2024
For perhaps the first time in her career, Ms. Wertmüller faced the charge of sentimentality.
—New York Times, 9 Dec. 2021
Of course, sentimentality is what the restaurant aims for: Dear Inga aims to do what its name announces.
—Soleil Ho,, 19 Dec. 2019
The end-of-year sentimentality is steadily welling up (this year more than ever).
—Michelle Ruiz, Vogue, 18 Dec. 2020
The sentimentality of it all threatens to slip into treacle, but the directors and their cast walk the line with enough restraint to strike the right balance.
—Theodore P. Mahne,, 12 Dec. 2017
One last season at Chelsea, for the sake of sentimentality.
—, 11 Oct. 2017
The aughts, thanks to shows like Mad Men, also had an air of ’60s sentimentality, for example.
—Angela Watercutter, Wired, 16 Jan. 2022
Loyalty looks like sentimentality when there’s little reason to think that a stretch of inspired play in May and June could put a team over the top.
—Nathaniel Friedman, GQ, 23 Aug. 2017
To insist on reading it thus is to indulge in a sentimentality that weakens the stab of this music.
—Leah Garchik,, 18 June 2019
This sentimentality towards the past is more than a sign of resistance to progress.
—Will Johnson, Fortune, 24 Aug. 2023
And the overt sentimentality of the ending is a minor letdown, too, for a movie that’s otherwise filmed with just enough restraint to stave off eye-rolls.
—K. Austin Collins, HWD, 1 June 2018
The sentimentality of handwritten letters and handmade cards hasn’t gone the way of Blockbuster, at least for me.
—Tyler Renner, San Diego Union-Tribune, 13 Dec. 2023
Or maybe this is the time for a little bit of that American sentimentality.
—Nick Suss, The Tennessean, 20 Dec. 2024
But Donoghue doesn’t just play it for laughs — or sentimentality.
—Ron Charles critic, Washington Post, 10 Sep. 2019
The idea began to form in his mind that something greater lay behind his sentimentality — a whole culture and heritage that might be thrown away.
—Alex Traub, New York Times, 11 Feb. 2022
Hustle has some of the tension of his serious movies, and a little of the underdog sentimentality of his comedies, and the remix pays off.
—Jesse Hassenger, Men's Health, 12 Jan. 2023
Call it a love letter as well, penned with undying admiration and possibly a soupçon of nostalgia but not an ounce of sentimentality, for a New Yawk that may as well be the Victorian era.
—David Fear, Rolling Stone, 29 Jan. 2025
Nostalgia and the ache of moving on permeate every frame of The Ballad of Wallis Island, lending an air of precious sentimentality that threatens to slide into the saccharine.
—David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter, 1 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'sentimentality.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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