How to Use seismometer in a Sentence
If that doesn’t move the needle for you, the off-the-chart seismometer readings might.
—James Grebey, TIME, 19 July 2024
Already work is afoot on the next seismometer that will be sent to space.
—Jonathan O'Callaghan, Scientific American, 28 July 2022
The lander will use its robotic arm to place a seismometer on the smooth surface.
—Amina Khan,, 30 Mar. 2018
The moon still holds seismometers left behind by the 12 moonmen.
—Washington Post, 2 May 2018
The first is a seismometer wrapped in a dome that insulates and protects from the planet's dust storms.
—Matt Simon, WIRED, 9 Apr. 2018
The Schrödinger mission will carry a lunar seismometer—the first to land on the moon since Apollo and the first on the far side—along with a drill, to study the inside of the moon.
—Rebecca Boyle, Scientific American, 28 July 2022
As the earth moves, the weight remains in place, allowing the seismometer to measure the amount of movement relative to the weight.
—Anna Kuchment, Dallas News, 21 May 2020
But near any given quake there are rarely enough seismometers around.
—The Economist, 22 Feb. 2018
Then, by the end of the summer, the lander's seismometer will only be turned on at certain times, such as night when winds are not as high.
—Mary Kekatos, ABC News, 18 May 2022
On April 6, for example, the seismometer felt its first quake.
—Korey Haynes, Discover Magazine, 24 Dec. 2019
Now, though, the team has decided to sacrifice the last bit of its power to keep the seismometer up and running.
—Joshua Hawkins, BGR, 23 June 2022
These sounds can vary a great deal depending on how close the seismometer was to the earthquake source, as well as the magnitude of the earthquake.
—National Geographic, 10 Apr. 2017
These sounds can vary a great deal depending on how close the seismometer was to the earthquake source, as well as the magnitude of the earthquake.
—National Geographic, 10 Apr. 2017
InSight's robotic arm will then plant two instruments deep in the soil: a seismometer and a heat probe.
—David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 28 Aug. 2017
Lough and her colleagues left the seismometers in place until the following year.
—Brigit Katz, Smithsonian, 6 June 2018
The seismometer revealed not just what was below but also the dynamics in the air above.
—Kenneth Chang, New York Times, 17 May 2022
That’s where the Apollo missions’ seismometers come in.
—Rudy Molinek, Smithsonian Magazine, 2 Aug. 2024
The bright spot in between the solar panels is the protective dome that sits atop the lander's seismometer.
—Ashley Strickland, CNN, 17 Oct. 2019
The fore body would include a drill for sampling beneath Mars’s surface and a seismometer.
—David S. F. Portree, WIRED, 30 July 2012
The seismometer was the last instrument on the probe running as dust built up on the lander’s solar panels.
—Lee Roop |, al, 21 Dec. 2022
InSight has had its seismometer deployed for a few months now and the fourth planet is quiet.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 24 Apr. 2019
The seismometer had been mounted on top of the lander rather than in direct contact with Mars's surface.
—Alexandra Witze, Scientific American, 28 Apr. 2018
The rocky landscape was necessary, as the seismometers required a bedrock base.
—Jack Flemming,, 3 July 2019
As the waves passed through the heart of the planet, they were recorded on 400 seismometers positioned at the other end of the globe in Alaska and Northern Canada.
—Tyrone Beason, Los Angeles Times, 24 July 2024
In Seattle, two recent shows caused the ground to shake enough to register on a nearby seismometer.
—Christopher Parker, Smithsonian Magazine, 17 Aug. 2023
If this portion of the Indian Ocean were to warm 1° C, T-waves from those earthquakes would take 5.4 seconds longer to reach this seismometer.
—Scott K. Johnson, Ars Technica, 26 Sep. 2020
The seismometer has been listening out for earthquakes on Mars.
—Ashley Strickland, CNN, 1 Oct. 2019
Placing seismometers at the glacier's terminus to sense the spread of hidden fractures.
—Paul Voosen, Science Magazine, 10 Oct. 2019
The music apparently shook the ground and registered on seismometers.
—Paul Du Quenoy, Newsweek, 9 Dec. 2024
Our testers felt every twist and turn when another tester got in and out of bed, and our seismometer (which measures motion transfer) showed significant movement after dropping a steel ball on the opposite side of the bed.
—Ashley Zlatopolsky, Architectural Digest, 25 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'seismometer.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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