How to Use seer in a Sentence
All the seers and prophets are gone, their knowledge lost to the dust of time.
—Richard Lawson, Vanities, 21 Mar. 2017
Tourists and sight-seers are the rare exception instead of the norm.
—USA Today, 18 Mar. 2020
The Wordsworthian seer blest cracks her open and reshapes her for the better.
—, 4 Nov. 2021
None of us is a seer and planning is not about knowing what is going to happen in the future.
—Forbes, 31 May 2021
On the seventh day of prayers, Tudo spoke to her cousins through a seer, a woman who served as a conduit between the living and the dead.
—Carlo Gabuco, National Geographic, 9 Apr. 2019
On 16 April, two Hindu seers were lynched after a mob stopped their car and mistook them for Muslims.
—Parth M.n., WIRED, 23 Nov. 2023
So had the tournament officials and the crowds of sight- seers who had apparently come out from the city.
—Melody Chiu,, 26 July 2019
Zach Galifianakis pops up as the Happy Medium, a seer who points the way to the missing father.
—Michael Phillips,, 7 Mar. 2018
Watermelon and pineapple can take to a hot grill the same way that a piece of steak will, with a blackened seer that takes in the charcoal flavor.
—Chuck Blount, San Antonio Express-News, 9 July 2018
Historians, of course, are not called upon to be seers.
—Rick Perlstein, New York Times, 11 Apr. 2017
Legend says it was founded by a blind seer fleeing from burning Troy.
—Silvia Marchetti, CNN, 10 July 2021
He felt harassed by the taunts of jealous friends back home, taunts transmitted by a marabout, a seer or sorcerer.
—Julian Baggini, WSJ, 3 May 2022
One of the main reasons why smoking burgers is so rare is the peristent myth that the patty will remain soft and crumbly without the high-heat seer.
—Chuck Blount,, 1 July 2019
The Patriots had no business being in this game and nearly won it because of their sideline seer.
—Christopher L. Gasper,, 2 Oct. 2022
Faith Ringgold, artist-agitator-seer, can be thanked for that.
—New York Times, 17 Feb. 2022
Like Ernst and his fellow Surrealists, the German sees himself as an artist-seer.
—Washington Post, 29 Apr. 2022
The poet was a hero, a seer, a towering figure (Yeats above all), whose themes were history, epic and elegy.
—The Economist, 14 May 2020
Yet for me, of all those proffering a seer-stone to secret knowledge today, Q is the most interesting.
—Matt Farwell, The New Republic, 22 Oct. 2019
Chuck discovers that Megan is an associate of a Moab seer, who just happens to be his estranged mother, a real piece of work.
—Sandra Dallas, The Denver Post, 15 Dec. 2019
Brushing aside more sober seers, Mr. D’Aveni says that only companies that dive deeply into 3D printing now have a chance to survive.
—James R. Hagerty, WSJ, 17 Oct. 2018
It’s when Nick and Nigel get stuck trying to come up with a story for their musical that the old seer is asked to pluck an as-yet-unwritten Shakespeare winner from the future.
—David L. Coddon, San Diego Union-Tribune, 22 July 2022
Even to a comic-book reader such as myself, Madame Web is something of an obscure character, a sort of human-arachnid seer who pops in and out of the action from time to time.
—David Sims, The Atlantic, 14 Feb. 2024
Mr. Henry is, depending on your belief in the afterlife, a seer or a charlatan.
—Jon Caramanica, New York Times, 10 May 2017
Even Teller, normally a truth-seer, fell for Siegfried & Roy’s illusion of audience safety, at least in the moment.
—Chris Jones, The Atlantic, 13 Oct. 2022
Mr Patil came away announcing that the great seer had agreed with him that Lingayatism should be declared its own religion, distinct from Hinduism.
—The Economist, 23 Sep. 2017
The Northman sees Amleth commune with the astral projection of a mystic seer, fight a walking skeleton to claim a special sword, and chat to the disembodied head of an old friend.
—David Sims, The Atlantic, 20 Apr. 2022
Identity becomes a performance of shifting perceptions between the seer and the seen.
—Christopher Knightart Critic, Los Angeles Times, 18 July 2022
This striking combination made Dylan seem like both an age-defying seer and a post-modern shaman.
—George Varga, San Diego Union-Tribune, 16 May 2021
The best leaders are synthesizers, sense-makers, big-picture-seers.
—David Murphy,, 20 June 2018
He is considered a prophet, seer and revelator who leads the church - along with two top counselors and members of the Quorum - through divine revelation from God.
—CBS News, 31 Mar. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'seer.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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