How to Use seek compensation in a Sentence
seek compensation
The villagers went to the governor’s office to make a complaint and seek compensation for the damage to their shops.
—Sudarsan Raghavan, Anchorage Daily News, 5 Oct. 2021
State lawmakers changed the law in 2019 so that D’Ambrosio and others could seek compensation.
—Jeremy Pelzer, cleveland, 30 Aug. 2021
Super Duper, the Bay Area burger chain, chooses not to seek compensation for its used oils, according to Onas.
—Bryan Mena,, 13 Dec. 2020
Victims who lose homes, businesses or loved ones can — and do — seek compensation.
—Esther Mobley, San Francisco Chronicle, 19 Aug. 2021
League sources said the Celtics granted Brooklyn permission to hire Udoka and did not intend to seek compensation in return.
—Adam Himmelsbach,, 9 Nov. 2022
Officials in the province are considering a trade action against the U.S. to seek compensation.
—Matthew Brown,, 11 June 2021
The Guardian reported that there is a new civil code in the country that allows a partner to seek compensation for housework and, say, caring for an elderly parent.
—Fox News, 24 Feb. 2021
The pardon means that Sharpe can seek compensation from the state for his wrongful conviction, his attorney, Theresa A. Newman, said.
—Christina Zdanowicz, CNN, 17 Nov. 2021
Filming of movies and television programs in the U.S. and other countries was shut down or scaled back at the height of the outbreak, leading production companies to seek compensation.
—Stephan Kahl,, 6 Oct. 2020
When Lee fires him and stiffs him on payment, Gauthier decides to seek compensation and a measure of revenge by pilfering items from the property.
—Brian Lowry, CNN, 27 Jan. 2022
Advertisement The New York lawsuit was granted class-action status on Sunday, and a person close to the case said more than 100 people may seek compensation.
—Julian Mark, Washington Post, 12 June 2023
Exonerees can also seek compensation through a private bill, although this process is difficult and rare.
—Celina Tebor, USA TODAY, 23 Oct. 2022
But as the damage mount some are already going to court, as citizens and politicians from vulnerable countries seek compensation for the loss of their livelihoods, homes or farms.
—Shannon Osaka, Washington Post, 29 Aug. 2022
McBean’s family can continue to seek compensation from Peraza based on a civil claim of excessive use of force.
—Rafael Olmeda,, 6 Dec. 2020
The system might one day play an important role for artists who want to seek compensation or credit for A.I. art generators that are trained on their work and mimic elements of their artistic style.
—Jeremy Kahn, Fortune, 7 Feb. 2023
Such orders can be used to seek compensation for locksmiths and lost wages, as well as expediting access to CalFresh and other safety-net programs.
—Sonja Sharp, Los Angeles Times, 17 May 2024
Yet courts also provide a way for someone who’s damaged by publicized falsehoods to seek compensation.
—The Editorial Board, WSJ, 14 Aug. 2022
The Court unanimously agreed with IJ that Nevadans do have a right to seek compensation when their constitutional rights have been violated.
—Andrew Wimer, Forbes, 10 Jan. 2023
In the United States, federal legislation that would have allowed victims to seek compensation for stealthing was introduced in the House last spring but has not made it past committee.
—Kelsey Ables, Washington Post, 15 Mar. 2023
Vincent Simmons intends to go back to court to seek compensation for wrongful imprisonment.
—CBS News, 21 May 2022
The law also requires patent owners to seek compensation for use of their intellectual property from the government rather than the contractor.
—Joseph Walker, WSJ, 26 Aug. 2022
The plaintiffs seek compensation for emotional distress, as well as for unpaid regular and overtime wages, among other damages.
—Angela Yang, NBC News, 2 July 2024
Where there is an infringement of IP rights by third parties, businesses can seek compensation payments through legal proceedings.
—Chor Meng Tan, Forbes, 1 June 2021
Several documents viewed by the Union-Tribune also detail his desire to seek compensation.
—Jeff McDonald, San Diego Union-Tribune, 29 June 2021
People who were part of a Maricopa County drug diversion program that was accused of preying upon people who couldn't afford the steep cost of treatment have won the right to seek compensation under a new settlement agreement.
—Jimmy Jenkins, The Arizona Republic, 3 Sep. 2023
Using this approach, the pharmacy bills Medicare for the dose, and the doctor uses one of several online portals to seek compensation from the patient’s insurance company for giving the vaccination.
—Helen Branswell, STAT, 26 May 2023
The next time a crippling storm slams Connecticut, electric utility customers in Connecticut may seek compensation for extended outages.
—Stephen Singer,, 30 June 2021
The bill would also allow property owners who experience damage during protests to seek compensation against a perpetrator equal to three times the monetary damages.
—Elizabeth Pritchett, Fox News, 10 Mar. 2023
With the exception of copayments and deductibles, Ohio law requires that health care facilities seek compensation for covered services from health insurance corporations, rather than the patient.
—Elizabeth B. Kim, The Enquirer, 11 Jan. 2024
Victims of wrongful convictions often seek compensation from their accusers.
—Reuters, NBC News, 15 July 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'seek compensation.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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