How to Use sea captain in a Sentence
sea captain
There's something there: an eye, a crook of a mouth, a sea captain's hat, a beard...
—Veronique Greenwood, Discover Magazine, 7 Aug. 2012
The uniformed figure of an old sea captain snapped to salute.
—New York Times, 12 May 2022
Linn, a sea captain, came to Birmingham in 1871 and founded the city’s first bank.
—al, 1 June 2020
There was a queen dressed as a sea captain being half-eaten by a shark.
—Jenna Wortham, New York Times, 24 Jan. 2018
In the end, the retired sea captain Balstrode calmly tells Grimes to get in his boat and sink it out at sea.
—Dallas News, 21 Oct. 2022
Kennedy was a sea captain who plied the waters along Mexico’s east coast in the early 1800s.
—Jonathan M. Pitts, Baltimore Sun, 2 Aug. 2024
The rooms are a modern take on a sea captain’s quarters, with fireplaces and Persian rugs.
—Jody Rosen, Smithsonian, 14 June 2018
Cape Disappointment itself was named by a sea captain in the late 1700s who searched in vain for a way through it.
—Kirk Johnson Ruth Fremson, New York Times, 18 Feb. 2023
Manos was a sea captain who had been brought up in Odessa but felt the call of Santorini, birthplace of his father.
—Stellene Volandes, Town & Country, 24 Feb. 2022
Dunn’s brother and a local sea captain pulled him to safety.
—Matt McCall, National Geographic, 12 June 2019
The letters were from a man who was not the previous owner's husband, but a sea captain.
—Lydia Price, Peoplemag, 20 Oct. 2023
The letters were from a man who was not the previous owner's husband, but a sea captain.
—Lydia Price, Peoplemag, 12 Oct. 2022
Looking every bit the sea captain, Mr. Rivers steered the barge to the edge of the boom, the thick mantle of garbage undulating on his approach.
—New York Times, 14 June 2022
The sea captains, sailors, explorers, naval heroes, even the pirates were all men.
—Carl Nolte, San Francisco Chronicle, 27 Jan. 2018
In it, a young girl gets lost, is raised by a sea captain, and later finds love — as well as her family of origin.
—Scott Kirsner,, 20 June 2023
There’s an array of sea captains who’d love nothing more than to take you on a romantic sunset cruise of the Bay.
—Kate Bradshaw, The Mercury News, 12 Feb. 2024
On a flight during the last trip, Belt dressed as a sea captain while many young players were outfitted in sailor costumes.
—John Shea, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 Sep. 2021
My father looked over the banister, and coming up the stairs was sort of like the apparition of a man who appeared to be like a sea captain, or a sailor type of guy.
—Allison Stewart,, 7 Nov. 2019
Boats were run two at a time and were eligible for different awards, such as stylish sea captains, plus a speed award.
—Karie Angell Luc,, 23 July 2019
One of the most colorful of those shipowners was Laskarina Bouboulina, the 50-year-old widow of a sea captain.
—Nicholas Gage, Town & Country, 17 June 2013
Among the people the Dutchman meets at the bar is Daland — in the libretto a sea captain and the father of the opera’s heroine, Senta, but here a clean-cut, middle-class man.
—New York Times, 26 July 2021
For many years, a retired sea captain and his wife lived there, followed in the Fifties by another family.
—Joe Kloc, Harper's magazine, 10 June 2019
This bizarre hybrid was bought by Moses Kimball, founder of the Boston Museum, from the family of a sea captain.
—Philip Ball, Scientific American, 18 Apr. 2023
There’s also a big picture of him, looking like a sea captain who moonlights as Santa.
—Washington Post, 24 Feb. 2022
And in the roadless hills south of Zdarsky’s airport stands the Lake Bonneville Guardian, a wooden totem pole painted with a glowering sea captain hugging a bear.
—Smithsonian Magazine, 17 Aug. 2023
Febos had not been a fearful child, rather one with calluses on her feet and a toughness that came with being a sea captain’s daughter.
—Melissa Febos,, 1 Apr. 2021
In his career as an opera composer, Jake Heggie has written about nuns and mad sea captains, death row inmates and the angels among us.
—Georgia Rowe, The Mercury News, 23 July 2019
Senta, the dreamy daughter of a Norwegian sea captain, Daland, is obsessed with a portrait of the Dutchman and his legend.
—Heidi Waleson, WSJ, 4 Mar. 2020
Throughout history, most sea captains have tried to steer their vessels out of extreme weather, but the whole purpose of SD 1045 was to steer into it.
—Porter Fox, New York Times, 9 May 2023
The claims included transcripts of interviews with other sea captains meant to prove how the doomed ocean liner had violated safety norms.
—Cybele Mayes-Osterman, USA TODAY, 1 Apr. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'sea captain.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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