How to Use sawmill in a Sentence
Over the years, the sets have ranged from a Mayan temple to a sawmill.
—Don Stacom, Courant Community, 25 Sep. 2017
Heinz led with a firm but fair hand in the woods, at the sawmill and at home.
—Blaine Callahan, Hartford Courant, 4 Aug. 2022
In that year, a land grant was issued to put up a sawmill on the site.
—Susan Dunne,, 28 June 2021
The sawmill, which opened in 1947, is like so many here: a survivor.
—Los Angeles Times, 23 Apr. 2021
The town was laid out around an old sawmill at the end of the 19th century.
—Carl Nolte, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 Dec. 2017
The dam was built to power a grist mill and later a sawmill.
—Erik S. Hanley, Journal Sentinel, 9 Dec. 2024
The sawmill nearly took the arm of a high school football player.
—Julia Wick, Los Angeles Times, 24 Apr. 2021
Saahil: rhymes with sawmill, or at least that gets you 90 percent there.
—Saahil Desai, The Atlantic, 17 July 2023
Site work at the new Pike County sawmill is scheduled to start on March 15.
—William Thornton,, 28 Feb. 2018
Lumberjacks felled trees and floated logs to the sawmill to make boards faster.
—Doug Ross, Chicago Tribune, 21 Aug. 2023
Harding built the town's first sawmill on the south bank of the lake, along with a three-room house for his family.
—Arkansas Online, 12 July 2021
Rain and snow had left damp patches on the exterior cladding, which still had the scent of the sawmill.
—Rebecca Mead, The New Yorker, 18 Apr. 2022
Ivory, the son of a sawmill owner, grew up Catholic in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
—Sarah Larson, The New Yorker, 19 May 2017
Brooks was working at a sawmill when he was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1940.
—Leah Willingham and Rebecca Santana, Anchorage Daily News, 6 Jan. 2022
The town is dotted with sawmills that are the backbone of its economy.
—Washington Post, 31 Aug. 2019
In the second, a 16-year-old boy was killed when he got pinned in a wood-stacking machine at a sawmill.
—Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, 24 July 2023
Hardy and Brown concluded, was to hire loggers to clear out small trees -- and that meant there had to be a sawmill to take the logs.
—Arkansas Online, 11 Apr. 2021
Wood chips, byproduct of area sawmills, bound for China pulp mills.
—Robert Earle Howells,, 5 July 2018
In the late 1700s, sawmills began popping up in Michigan.
—Doug Ross, Chicago Tribune, 21 Aug. 2023
When the logging industry collapsed in the 1950s, one sawmill bought the other and shut it down.
—Jackie Burrell, The Mercury News, 29 Jan. 2017
In 1848, gold was found at a sawmill in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in California.
—Laura Baisas, Popular Science, 20 Nov. 2024
The tanks — which were empty — weren’t damaged, but the blast blew out all the windows in a wood storage warehouse and in parts of the sawmill.
—New York Times, 2 Aug. 2022
Those who worked at the local sawmill and paper mill, two bedrock employers in the area, were laid off in the past year too.
—Kate Payne and David R. Martin, Los Angeles Times, 3 Oct. 2024
The student body shrank decades ago after a local sawmill closed.
—Los Angeles Times, 25 Sep. 2022
When land is logged, the thick, straight trunks typically go to a sawmill that churns out things like two-by-fours.
—New York Times, 19 Apr. 2021
The old mill-dam was formerly the site of an up-down sawmill which was moved to Old Sturbridge Village.
—Hartford Courant, 8 Apr. 2022
But nationwide, the Obama era saw 7,221 new jobs in the sawmill sector.
—Josh Boak, Star Tribune, 27 Aug. 2020
My family worked with the ejido, which had its own sawmill.
—Outside Online, 25 Sep. 2024
Bad Bunny plays in the background as Joe dismembers a dead body at a sawmill.
—Naledi Ushe, USA TODAY, 12 Feb. 2023
Patrick Jones dropped out of high school in 2013, then worked in package handling for FedEx and as extra help at a sawmill.
—Sharon Nunn, WSJ, 5 Oct. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'sawmill.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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