How to Use rhododendron in a Sentence


  • Like seeing the rhododendron starting to bloom this year -- the first year in how long?
    Maria Shine Stewart, cleveland, 9 June 2020
  • When to trim? Q: When is the proper time to trim azaleas and rhododendrons?
    oregonlive, 16 Sep. 2023
  • There were pianos in the rhododendrons, pianos in the conifers and pianos in the redwoods.
    Steve Rubenstein,, 5 July 2018
  • In the side yard, a magenta bud peeks out from a perky rhododendron.
    Washington Post, 16 July 2021
  • If the plant is evergreen and has large leaves like a rhododendron, cut off half of each leaf.
    oregonlive, 4 Nov. 2019
  • Same thing with a pretty green plant with curly spikes of white that’s behind the rhododendron.
    Beverly Beckham,, 11 July 2019
  • There is a wreath of rhododendron, which is the state flower, featured.
    Olivia Munson, USA TODAY, 18 Mar. 2023
  • There is a wreath of rhododendron, which is the state flower, featured.
    Olivia Munson, The Courier-Journal, 5 Jan. 2024
  • The black bear is the state animal, the sugar maple is the state tree, the cardinal is the state bird, and the rhododendron is the state flower.
    USA TODAY, 15 Jan. 2020
  • It is bordered by a sidewalk, a stone wall and a rhododendron that is doing quite well.
    oregonlive, 15 Aug. 2021
  • In spring, rhododendron and flame azaleas are among the 1,500 kinds of flowering plants found here.
    Steve Ahillen, USA TODAY, 22 May 2017
  • In this case, the pathogen was found in late May on rhododendron and lilac plants at some large chain retailers in Illinois.
    Beth Botts,, 8 July 2019
  • Deep in the canyon of the Dan, the air has a pale chartreuse hue from all the vegetation on the walls above, and the air smells faintly of blooming rhododendron and mint.
    Frank Sargeant, al, 8 Aug. 2021
  • The trees were finally in full leaf and the rhododendrons were blooming, their gaudy pink-purple heads bobbing in the breeze.
    Jill Gleeson, Woman's Day, 7 Mar. 2017
  • Last fall my neighbor was getting rid of a large rhododendron.
    Carol Stocker,, 8 May 2022
  • Why not head out to one that, although renowned for its collection of species and hybrid rhododendrons, might be new to you.
    Homes & Gardens Of The Northwest Staff,, 30 Mar. 2018
  • Often, my father would go on about the wildlife in the park: the chestnut and elm trees around the perimeter, hyacinths, daffodils, rhododendrons.
    Nicolaia Rips, The New Yorker, 21 June 2024
  • Nary a blade of Kentucky bluegrass, nor an azalea, nor a rhododendron grows here.
    Anna Webb, idahostatesman, 23 June 2017
  • The rains of winter make the forest lush and green starting in April, and pink rhododendron blooms can appear from mid-May until late June.
    Jill K. Robinson, Condé Nast Traveler, 20 Mar. 2023
  • The landscape is lush with thick stands of rhododendron and azalea, flowering trees, fir and the land’s natural woods of oak and maple.
    Judy Rose, Detroit Free Press, 9 Dec. 2017
  • Neat little houses with roses and rhododendrons in the yard and children around.
    Beth Nakamura, The Oregonian -, 30 May 2023
  • There is a small statue on the Capitol grounds here in Boston, back among the rhododendrons, of a plain woman seated in a simple chair.
    WSJ, 1 Oct. 2018
  • On the 455-yard, par-four fifth hole, Woods went right off the tee and then blew his approach left of the flag and bounding nearly off the golf course, into a dense thicket of rhododendrons.
    Tim Layden,, 6 Apr. 2018
  • The front door greenery is a cluster of pine and fir branches, white rhododendrons, scarlet field berries and red leaved bamboo.
    oregonlive, 18 Dec. 2019
  • Her Wadsworth home — with a rhododendron bush taller than Douglas in the side yard, and wicker chairs sitting on the front porch — was built more than a century ago, in 1917.
    Jared Gilmour, miamiherald, 17 Apr. 2018
  • Worry about how much summer heat a rhododendron will take.
    Steve Bender, Southern Living, 8 June 2020
  • Plants that do well by the ocean and stay green in the winter include rhododendron, boxwood, azaleas, hydrangea, and catmint.
    Robert Knox,, 25 May 2023
  • Azaleas and rhododendrons are common names used for a very large genus of plants: Rhododendron.
    Tim Johnson,, 1 May 2018
  • Camellias, rhododendrons, azaleas, lilacs, and many other woody plants provide flower power in the early days of spring when these hydrangea plants are just beginning to send up new leaves and shoots.
    Megan Hughes, Better Homes & Gardens, 2 Sep. 2024
  • She was inspired by the buds of magnolia and rhododendron in the Arboretum to depict a sacred geometry shape on her embroidery.
    Simon Perry, Peoplemag, 26 July 2024

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'rhododendron.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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