How to Use resister in a Sentence


  • Sounds like a vindication of the bedtime resisters, at least in part.
    Cari Romm, The Cut, 18 July 2017
  • Those on the right argue that the U.S. military engaged in a noble fight that was winnable had Congress not given in to the war resisters.
    Orange County Register, 2 Mar. 2017
  • In contrast, passive resisters will give the appearance of being on board but not follow through.
    Eric Waller, Forbes, 11 Dec. 2023
  • Hey, resisters, don’t get too excited about Paul Manafort going to jail.
    Paul Thornton,, 16 June 2018
  • Many of these resisters were born after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and have never known any kind of freedom of speech.
    Lily Moayeri, SPIN, 15 Oct. 2024
  • The resisters provide a large amount of military intelligence that helps save lives and lead to the capture and death of major commanders.
    Igor Kossov, USA TODAY, 3 May 2017
  • The resisters debate whether simply listening to the radio and getting mad counts as action, or if more active steps are needed.
    James Poniewozik, New York Times, 15 Mar. 2020
  • Rarely remembered are the networks of quiet, effective resisters who also risked their lives to thwart Nazi atrocities while the war raged on.
    Time, 5 Mar. 2020
  • In the Bible, this king eventually gets outsmarted by a Jewish orphan named Esther, her cousin Mordecai and a group of shrewd resisters.
    Rachel Held Evans, Washington Post, 12 July 2018
  • Even the original activist resisters, the hippies, had their moment again as San Francisco’s Summer of Love turned 50.
    Tony Bravo, Carolyne Zinko, Matt Haber, San Francisco Chronicle, 29 Dec. 2017
  • The resisters, who were stigmatized for decades as traitors, will be honored as pillars of the country’s modern democracy amid growing concerns about resurgence of the far-right.
    Fox News, 20 July 2019
  • The resisters wanted changes — and several demanded more time.
    Dan Balz,, 27 June 2017
  • In Tyrant, Greenblatt analyzes the characteristics and paths to power of the archvillains in Shakespeare’s history plays, and the roles of enablers and resisters.
    Glenn C. Althschuler,, 18 May 2018
  • Gaullist resister Felix Eboué and famed writer Alexandre Dumas.
    Arno Pedram, Sylvie Corbet, Anchorage Daily News, 29 Nov. 2021
  • McGill became an early, perhaps unlikely, ally of the passive resisters, the civil rights icons.
    Greg Bluestein, ajc, 14 Aug. 2017
  • Such was the cost that the Dutch Council of Resistance instructed resisters in 1943 to stop their pilot-rescue activities.
    Megan Koreman, WSJ, 25 Oct. 2018
  • All the Germans’ ammunition and reinforcements, and most of their food, had to come to the fighting fronts across hundreds of miles now infested by resisters, most of whom had been trained and armed by Allied agents.
    Sonia Purnell, Twin Cities, 6 June 2019
  • Carter also issued a sweeping all-is-forgiven for Vietnam War draft resisters.
    Steve Hendrix, Washington Post, 1 June 2018
  • The new law deputized their officials as slave-catchers and punished resisters with stiff fines and jail time, and Northerners reacted with fury.
    Jamelle Bouie, Slate Magazine, 31 Jan. 2017
  • Mark McCullough did the gloomy lighting; Jessica Jahn, the contemporary costumes for the soldiers and resisters.
    Heidi Waleson, WSJ, 16 Aug. 2017
  • In my experience, passive resisters are the employees who need to be replaced sooner rather than later.
    Eric Waller, Forbes, 11 Dec. 2023
  • This is carefully juxtaposed with the exhaustion and sorrow felt by Miep, Jan and their fellow resisters, who are trying to maintain their courage in a world festering with hate.
    Aramide Tinubu, Variety, 29 Apr. 2023
  • His book is a love letter to the thousands of resisters across Europe who daily risked their lives to rescue Allied servicemen, many of whom were air crew, and escort them hundreds of miles to safety in neutral Spain.
    Lynne Olson, WSJ, 6 Sep. 2018
  • For additional information or to pre-resister, head over to
    Chris Barlow, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3 Jan. 2018
  • As Carr and a growing number of smartphone resisters note, our foremost national addiction isn’t good for anyone’s mental health.
    Heather Wilhelm, National Review, 12 Oct. 2017
  • The Germans and Vichy French honed this policy to ensure that responsibility was extended to the family of any resister caught.
    Megan Koreman, WSJ, 25 Oct. 2018
  • Written by a motivational speaker and behavioral scientist, the book all but promises that its repetitive story will knock out even the most adamant sleep resister.
    Jennie Yabroff, Anchorage Daily News, 18 Dec. 2022
  • His expression was again lightly sardonic: a Jewish wiseass, a natural resister and conspirator, one maybe even handicapped in that role by looking too much the part.
    John Ganz, Harper's Magazine, 22 May 2024
  • The little written about Asperger, in parent manuals and online blurbs, depicted him as a resister of Nazism and compassionate with his patients.
    Edith Sheffer, Time, 26 Apr. 2018
  • One law changed the behavior of impassioned resisters more effectively than a thousand public service announcements might have.
    New York Times, 16 Jan. 2018

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'resister.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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