How to Use redraw in a Sentence
Kids are waiting for the adults to redraw the line on what youth sports are meant to be for them.
—Angela Glenn, Baltimore Sun, 3 May 2024
That court ordered the state to redraw the map ahead of a May 24 primary.
—Tribune News Service, al, 9 Feb. 2022
In the end, Disney agreed to redraw Tiana’s appearance in the film.
—Edward Segarra, USA TODAY, 19 Apr. 2023
Once your symbol is out of your head and on paper, draw and redraw it.
—Jaime Lowe, New York Times, 30 Nov. 2021
North Carolina is the third state ordered by the courts to redraw its lines.
—Aaron Navarro, CBS News, 5 Feb. 2022
Here is a closer look at how the process is playing out in six states that have to -- or could soon -- redraw their maps.
—Caroline Curran, ABC News, 10 July 2023
The suits seek to force Texas to redraw its congressional and state House maps in time for the 2024 election.
—, 31 May 2022
The court will appoint a special master to redraw the lines, pending appeal.
—Ben Kamisar, NBC News, 6 Sep. 2023
If the map is deemed to be in violation of the VRA, a special master will be appointed to redraw it.
—Caroline Curran, ABC News, 23 July 2023
The device uses neural networks to redraw images based on the style of a source image.
—Connor Lynch, Discover Magazine, 10 Oct. 2022
The three-judge panel ordered the commission to redraw the maps and has already approved a new state House map drawn by the commission.
—Clara Hendrickson, Detroit Free Press, 26 June 2024
The delegation can approve the map, reject it or redraw it.
—Madison Bateman,, 18 Nov. 2021
That would have allowed lawmakers to redraw the map, if needed, during the session, which is scheduled to end March 8.
—Jim Saunders, Sun Sentinel, 2 Jan. 2024
The new map completely redraws that district and others.
—Megan O’Matz, ProPublica, 16 Feb. 2024
The state, where more than one in four voters is Black, will now have to redraw its congressional districts in a way that gives Black voters more power.
—Jessica Gresko, Chicago Tribune, 1 July 2023
The mappers worked as a group to redraw seven metro Detroit districts after the judges found that the current lines that run through the city were drawn primarily based on race.
—Leah Olajide, Detroit Free Press, 23 May 2024
In 2012, the court ordered the redistricting board to redraw its map and submit it for further legal review.
—James Brooks, Anchorage Daily News, 12 Feb. 2022
That could potentially force countries and companies to redraw trade maps that have been built over decades.
—Paul Berger, WSJ, 2 Jan. 2024
With the new space, students will be moved to the affected schools as dictated by a future boundary study, which would redraw school zoning lines.
—Sabrina Leboeuf, Baltimore Sun, 9 Aug. 2023
Had the dissenters secured the vote of any of the other four judges, the state could have been required to hastily redraw the electoral lines, upending plans for Maryland’s primary.
—Jeff Barker, Baltimore Sun, 2 Sep. 2022
And with that shift comes the potential to redraw the landscape of modern tech — to dethrone Google and drive it from one of the most profitable territories in modern business.
—James Vincent, The Verge, 9 Feb. 2023
The high court ordered Alabama to redraw the map to include at least two majority-Black districts.
—Tori Otten, The New Republic, 5 Sep. 2023
Alabama repeatedly tried to redraw districts in a way that keeps the status quo and dilutes Black votes.
—Tori Otten, The New Republic, 26 Sep. 2023
The Ohio Redistricting Commission is working to redraw the maps and has until the Monday deadline.
—Andrew J. Tobias, cleveland, 23 Mar. 2022
That left councilors scrambling to redraw the map of City Council districts in time to keep this fall’s municipal elections on schedule.
—Emma Platoff,, 14 July 2023
If a challenge is successful, a court could force Democrats to redraw the maps or appoint a special master to do so instead in a nonpartisan way.
—New York Times, 2 Feb. 2022
The gloves come off The City Council, charged at that point with adopting or tweaking the commission’s map, proceeded in a series of 38 motions to redraw it entirely.
—Leanne Abraham, New York Times, 5 Sep. 2023
In 2011, the last time boundaries were redrawn, lawmakers couldn’t reach agreement on the congressional districts and the state’s highest court named a special master to redraw the lines.
—Susan Haigh,, 21 Dec. 2021
The Charter requires the City Commission to redraw districts on an equal population basis every four years.
—South Florida Sun Sentinel, Sun Sentinel, 18 Oct. 2024
That part is obvious to the Biden administration, which has no illusions that Israel will dismantle settlements and redraw borders anytime soon.
—Amir Tibon, Foreign Affairs, 10 Feb. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'redraw.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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