How to Use pyre in a Sentence
The fire is lit through a chimney in the center of the pyre.
—Alvaro Barrientos, Fox News, 13 Sep. 2018
Take a nighttime boat ride down the Ganges in Varanasi, past the burning pyres66.
—WSJ, 26 Oct. 2017
As carts filled with bodies roll toward a mass pyre, Schindler spots the girl among the dead.
—Washington Post, 21 Apr. 2022
The weaker men maintained the pyres that smoldered through the night, filling the air with the heavy smell of burning flesh.
—Matthew Shaer, Smithsonian, 2 May 2017
The weaker men maintained the pyres that smoldered through the night, filling the air with the heavy smell of burning flesh.
—Matthew Shaer, Smithsonian, 29 Mar. 2017
Yes! ‘Tis our day, my neighbors to light these pyres and feast by these mighty waters!
—Lauren Daley,, 23 June 2023
Open pyres burn along the waterside, their bright flames dancing in the air with all the drama of a scene from Game of Thrones.
—Skye McAlpine, Condé Nast Traveler, 12 June 2018
The girl sees the widows all around her kill themselves on a great funeral pyre.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 3 Apr. 2023
Not for the Pixar toys the yearnings of Pinocchio or the existential anguish of the rabbit on the pyre.
—Ross Douthat, National Review, 11 July 2019
At the last minute, an eagle would be released from the pyre, presumably glad to escape the flames.
—Mary Beard, The New Yorker, 26 June 2023
In this case, the pyre was carefully sealed beneath a raft of two dozen bricks, arranged in four rows.
—Franz Lidz, New York Times, 25 Mar. 2023
One crew hauled stretchers filled with corpses up the ramp, and another crew pushed the bodies onto the pyre.
—Matthew Shaer, Smithsonian, 2 May 2017
But a grisly mix-up had been made on the death certificate, and soon the wrong body would be burned on the funeral pyre.
—Los Angeles Times, 29 Oct. 2020
The family travelled to Tibet to retrieve and cremate the body in a pyre at base camp.
—Nick Paumgarten, The New Yorker, 22 Jan. 2022
Holika, who was immune to fire, tricked Prahlada to sit in a pyre with her.
—Abhishyant Kidangoor, Time, 9 Mar. 2020
Kratos and his son, Atreus, are out in the woods, chopping down a tree to be used for a funeral pyre for their dead wife and mother.
—Andrew Webster, The Verge, 12 Apr. 2018
On the eve of the festival, large pyres are lit in many parts of India to signify the burning of evil spirits.
—Abhishyant Kidangoor, Time, 9 Mar. 2020
In a tradition dating back at least 200 years, a snowman figure called the Böögg is hoisted aloft a pyre in the square and set afire.
—Susan Steade, The Mercury News, 24 Apr. 2017
Think of the blazing boat burials written about in Icelandic sagas, or the pyre of legendary Beowulf.
—Byandrew Curry,, 5 Jan. 2023
At the open-air pyre in Colorado, I was held within the elegant bamboo walls, which kept mourners safe as the flames shot high.
—Caitlin Doughty, Time, 4 Oct. 2017
The child is burned on a pyre in yet another death ceremony.
—Omar L. Gallaga, Washington Post, 24 Oct. 2022
Another young man in his late 30s was standing near a burning pyre.
—Vedika Sud, CNN, 4 June 2021
Colorful flags flapped in the salt air, and in the distance, the smoke of a burning pyre rose up from a graveyard shared by Hindus, Christians, and Muslims.
—Patrice Grell Yursik, Travel + Leisure, 27 May 2021
As a priest lit the funeral pyre, close friends of Paudel came together to reminisce.
—Anish Bhattarai,, 17 Jan. 2023
Maybe Taylor is burning them in a giant funeral pyre just out of view.
—Charles Manning, Cosmopolitan, 31 Oct. 2016
The wood collected by Zeidel and his fellow prisoners would form the pyres.
—Matthew Shaer, Smithsonian, 29 Mar. 2017
The family and its inner circle gather as the child's body is burned on a funeral pyre.
—Randall Colburn,, 24 Oct. 2022
Stack plenty of extra dry tinder and kindling of various sizes near the pyre.
—T. Edward Nickens, Field & Stream, 9 Jan. 2017
The scene is crosscut with Rhaenyra and her family throwing items, including a riding blanket and a little horse figure, into a funeral pyre for Luke.
—Omar L. Gallaga, Washington Post, 17 June 2024
There are flashes of an intimate scene between two women, a massive structure in flames, Kwame getting kicked in the head in the arena, a funeral pyre, and, finally, a combatant battling a massive lion.
—Wesley Stenzel,, 13 June 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'pyre.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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