How to Use principled in a Sentence
adjective- She took a principled stand on funding public education.
The principled case, now and then, is summed up in three words: Trump’s a crook.
—Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker, 28 Aug. 2019
But it must be done in a principled and clear-eyed way.
—Annabelle Timsit, Quartz, 23 Aug. 2021
Anne was a principled young women who loved her friends, and her school work, and of course Gilbert Blythe.
—Joanna Robinson,, 10 May 2017
Their four lonely votes against the bill were portrayed as a principled stand, with more to come.
—Lisa Mascaro,, 10 July 2019
But like the principled chief before him, Cobb refused to sell.
—Michael Lapointe, The Atlantic, 11 May 2018
He was raised to be humble, so he's reserved, and principled.
—Simon Abrams, The Hollywood Reporter, 19 Nov. 2017
Thank you for running a principled race & for getting in the arena.
—Tom Benning, Dallas News, 2 Jan. 2020
An inspiring account of how and why to live a principled life, spiced with Pan-Asian recipes.
—Carly Tagen-Dye, Peoplemag, 4 Aug. 2024
There are very few super principled people who are willing to do the right thing at great cost.
—Michael Tomasky, The New Republic, 20 Apr. 2023
Just one has thrown all of that away to do what was unpopular but principled.
—The Economist, 26 Oct. 2017
Mark Felt wasn’t the glamorous, high-principled hero some expected Deep Throat to be.
—Rosa Inocencio Smith, The Atlantic, 31 May 2017
But the tech firms can afford to take such a principled stand because they are shut out of China's mainland.
—Grady McGregor, Fortune, 9 July 2020
Change will come through principled engagement—not through storming out of the room.
—Erika Guevara-Rosas, Time, 20 June 2018
Along the way, the hard-nosed and principled leader was also a minor league manager, scout and bullpen coach.
—Paul McCardell, Baltimore Sun, 28 Mar. 2024
Along the way, the hard-nosed and principled leader was also a minor league manager, scout and bullpen coach.
—Paul McCardell, Baltimore Sun, 31 Jan. 2024
In the 2010s, emo gets both smaller (waves of principled revival bands) and bigger (rap stars who worship Paramore).
—Chris Richards, Washington Post, 21 Sep. 2023
Our purpose is to join in creating a just and principled nation and world.
—Washington Examiner, 15 Dec. 2023
Toomey is a thoughtful and principled guy who, like Rob Portman of Ohio, is choosing to leave the Senate of his own accord.
—Keith C. Burris, Star Tribune, 21 Feb. 2021
Colleagues on both sides of the aisle described him as principled and didactic.
—Ovetta Wiggins, Washington Post, 14 Sep. 2022
Young is well-known for taking a principled approach to his music.
—Jake Kanter, Deadline, 3 Jan. 2025
Are House Democrats principled patriots fighting for the right against tough odds?
—John Kass, Twin Cities, 11 Dec. 2019
So these activists’ principled stand may serve them well on Sundays—but just not on Election Day.
—Philip Elliott, Time, 23 June 2023
In some not-quite-definable way, the film itself is all of a piece with Rogers’s principled gentleness.
—Peter Rainer, The Christian Science Monitor, 29 June 2018
Renowned astronomer Galileo Galilei has been lauded for centuries for his courageous principled stance against the Catholic Church.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 22 Sep. 2018
The Senate should confirm him because there is no principled reason to vote no.
—David C. Frederick, Twin Cities, 12 Mar. 2017
Which struck me as odd because why take a principled stand to publish something that wasn’t even memorable enough to stick in my brain?
—Andrew Wallenstein, Variety, 11 Dec. 2024
The time has come for a principled stand against this adorable scourge, before some reckless studio madman greenlights a spinoff.
—Charles Bramesco, Esquire, 8 May 2017
Pence, a born-again Christian, has also proven himself to be far less principled than Bannon might have feared.
—Abigail Tracy, The Hive, 10 Oct. 2017
Taking a very principled character and putting him in a job that is very morally queasy was something that felt like a good evolution in Season 2.
—Matt Webb Mitovich, TVLine, 21 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'principled.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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