How to Use posit in a Sentence
For All Mankind posits a world in which the Soviets beat us to it.
—Chloe Foussianes, Town & Country, 3 June 2019
This is an album that posits its lack of ideas as big ideas.
—Chris Richards, Washington Post, 30 Mar. 2024
The authors posit that the boats could have reached the sea by floating about 23 miles down the River Arone.
—Paul Smaglik, Discover Magazine, 20 Mar. 2024
To posit that there is a risk arising from this is absurd.
—Enrique Dans, Forbes, 16 May 2021
Is the world too much with us, late and soon, as William Wordsworth posited in verse more than 200 years ago?
—David Holahan, Hartford Courant, 14 Jan. 2024
The great man’s love and his life are things apart, it is posited, and must not be mixed and mingled.
—Dana Snitzky, Longreads, 12 July 2018
First, Karas posited, the Barnetts had the girl's age changed legally.
—Christina Coulter, Fox News, 6 Jan. 2024
The book posits that there are two types of games: finite and infinite.
—Emily Heller, Vox, 23 Apr. 2018
One is to posit that democracy is in part about rights: who has them and to what extent.
—Anthony Salvanto, CBS News, 5 Sep. 2022
But researchers in the UK and Uganda posit that coffee farms can adapt in a number of ways.
—Diana Gitig, Ars Technica, 15 Dec. 2022
The episode posits that Paul helped stage his own kidnapping to collect a ransom and pay off the debt.
—Julie Miller, HWD, 8 Apr. 2018
Most locals posit that their living room view can feature quite the menagerie.
—Dallas News, 11 Aug. 2022
Both posit that certain types of crime have risen since Boudin took the helm of the DA’s office just over a year ago, and his policies are to blame.
—Megan Cassidy, San Francisco Chronicle, 19 Apr. 2021
Yet, the script posits, did that erase the value people had given it over the years, diminish the beauty of it?
—Monica Kim, Vogue, 27 Aug. 2018
The researchers also posit that a similar process could have been active on Mars in the past, too.
—Joshua Hawkins, BGR, 12 May 2022
In the Obama years, the policies that flowed from this approach gave us 2% growth, which was posited as the new normal.
—William McGurn, WSJ, 5 Mar. 2018
That theory posits that Luke sensed danger not in Kylo but in Rey, and that Luke tried to kill her that night in the tent.
—Eliana Dockterman, Time, 26 Aug. 2019
In it, authors Darryl Granger and others posit that the skull date back to between 3.4 to 3.6 million years.
—Joshua Hawkins, BGR, 3 July 2022
And 48% of managers posited that AI tools were a threat to their salaries and will lead to wage declines throughout the workforce this year.
—Chloe Berger, Fortune, 25 Mar. 2024
Robbie didn’t ever quite crack the States, Billboard UK posits.
—Sophie Williams, Billboard, 28 Jan. 2025
Dadush even posits identity harm as a kind of defamation.
—Marc Bain, Quartz at Work, 16 Dec. 2019
Some have posited that the tensions at Giant Rock may be fueled, in part, by the same kind of backlash.
—Alex Wigglesworth, Los Angeles Times, 23 June 2024
That's what fans on the Internet are positing, at least—but take a look at the video for yourself, below.
—Christopher Rosa, Glamour, 6 June 2019
Casey posits that the roots of humanity's aversion run, well, deep.
—Amy Brady, Scientific American, 20 June 2023
Some posit the nerveless current to be less than parklike.
—Jay Pilgreen, Kansas City Star, 12 Feb. 2024
One theory posited that maybe the Night King was going to bring the ancestors back to life and use them against those in the crypts.
—Glamour, 27 Apr. 2019
The reason it was not loaded or fired, researchers posit, is because the Spanish didn't have time.
—Christopher Cann, USA TODAY, 26 Nov. 2024
For instance, it is claimed that Kendi and CRT posit a hierarchy of races, with whites at the bottom of the totem pole.
—Max B. Sawicky, The New Republic, 30 Aug. 2021
One woman, while laying down while feeling sick, posited that on TikTok.
—Eduardo Cuevas, USA TODAY, 27 Feb. 2025
Soon, news articles about the residential-schools issue in Canada were positing the discovery of thousands of unmarked graves.
—The Editors, National Review, 28 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'posit.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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