How to Use plumber in a Sentence
The plumber found the cash in a wall of the church in about 500 envelopes.
—Fox News, 7 Dec. 2021
The landlord sent a plumber to fix the pipe the next day, Jones said.
—Rebekah L. Sanders, The Arizona Republic, 28 Oct. 2020
If pipes do freeze: Leave the faucets turned on and call a plumber.
—Jennie Key, The Enquirer, 22 Dec. 2022
The 49-year-old U.K.-based plumber always sings on the job.
—Washington Post, 21 July 2021
The owner and the plumber did not respond to calls or emails.
—Heather Murphy, Chicago Tribune, 6 Aug. 2022
Aldrich is a plumber and said the win brings him a lot of relief.
—Jennifer Rodriguez, Kansas City Star, 28 Feb. 2024
If that happens, leave the faucets turned on and call a plumber.
—Leada Gore |, al, 20 Jan. 2022
There aren’t many action movies where the hero is a plumber.
—Simon Thompson, Forbes, 29 June 2022
Then, Kate lets the plumber in the house and neglects to lock the front door behind him.
—Amanda Ostuni,, 6 Apr. 2022
That’s what a plumber would charge you just to start up his truck and drive to your home!
—Tim Carter, Chicago Tribune, 5 May 2023
The Fed stepped in and acted like the plumber by pumping in vast amounts of cash.
—Matt Egan, CNN, 18 Dec. 2019
The Parhams call in the plumber to drain the pipes to prevent them from freezing and bursting.
—NBC News, 1 Nov. 2020
Time to call the plumber, and shell out for a couple hours of service, right?
—Chris Stirewalt, Fox News, 27 June 2018
Find a plumber in your area who will inspect your lines.
—Ron Wynn, Dallas News, 12 Jan. 2020
Wilkens’ father worked long hours for a plumber for years.
—Linda Gandee, cleveland, 15 Feb. 2021
The plumber said that the bones were from a pig in a TikTok video — which now has over 1.4 million views.
—Brittany Kasko, Fox News, 22 Jan. 2024
Use a rag or nylon brush to remove all traces of the old plumber’s tape.
—Kyle Schurman,, 4 Mar. 2021
Tony Blas is a plumber in his mid-thirties who lives in Queens, New York.
—Hanna Kozlowska, Quartz, 24 July 2019
Pastor Seth Baltzell said a plumber found the wallets stashed in the wall of a girls' bathroom.
—Megan Marples and Katherine Dillinger, CNN, 9 July 2019
A few days ago, the plumbers refused to go into a room when the toilet backed up.
—Ryan Gabrielson, ProPublica, 24 Apr. 2020
In the final week, Gaulier told her to perform as a plumber.
—Alex Marshall, New York Times, 24 Aug. 2023
The nonprofit dispatched a plumber, who fixed the sink at no cost.
—Vincent T. Davis, San Antonio Express-News, 21 Jan. 2022
The tenants said the landlord sent a plumber but that nothing was done to fix the sewage and hot water.
—Elena Bruess, San Antonio Express-News, 10 Apr. 2022
The electrician, the painter, the one who lays down tiles, the plumber — it all relies on cement.
—Los Angeles Times, 13 June 2021
Gagliardi agrees with the hundreds of commenters and plumbers who say this is a bad idea.
—Mary Cornetta, Better Homes & Gardens, 11 Dec. 2023
Here was the amazing thing—both men were skilled, even brilliant plumbers.
—John Jeremiah Sullivan, Harper's Magazine, 14 Aug. 2023
The son of a San Jose plumber who raced as a hobby, Ribbs fell in love with racing at age 9.
—Ann Killion,, 25 June 2020
The wrench doesn't make the plumber, and social media doesn't make the journalist.
—Star Tribune, 5 June 2021
The site is where fans hash out the best rap album ever and plumbers weigh in on how to unclog a drain.
—Matteo Wong, The Atlantic, 29 Jan. 2025
Albert forced himself into the cabinet and got face-to-face with the plumber under the sink.
—Kristan Hawkins, Newsweek, 6 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'plumber.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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