How to Use pictorial in a Sentence
Here's a pictorial overview of the snow depth in Fort Collins as of 10:30pm.
—Daniel Boniface, The Denver Post, 26 Nov. 2019
But it's come to serve as a catch-all for other kinds of pictorial writing, from the Mayans to the Incas.
—Courtney Linder, Popular Mechanics, 24 July 2020
It is designed to be a pictorial essay and guide of the 13 missing works of art.
—Edmund H. Mahony,, 11 Jan. 2018
The visual elements alone, like the opening pictorial key, are worth the price of the book.
—Alexandra Lange, Curbed, 6 June 2019
The pictorial space is as flat as a Parchesi board and equally jazzy.
—Peter Plagens, WSJ, 20 Oct. 2017
Here, both the lack of color and finish and the trompe l’oeil draw attention to the painting’s pictorial rhetoric.
—Washington Post, 23 Dec. 2020
The artist led many pictorial lives, and these are two at opposite poles.
—, 6 Sep. 2019
Among other things the show enables a visitor to compare the pictorial techniques and skills of the painters whose works are on view.
—Steven Litt,, 25 Feb. 2018
The painting has a rhythm in the way its lines dance up and down across the canvas as if this were a pictorial analogue to a Jackson Pollock painting.
—Tom Teicholz, Forbes, 22 Mar. 2023
The recital’s second half was devoted to three more or less pictorial pieces by Liszt.
—Dallas News, 29 Sep. 2022
One hundred years ago the Evening Tribune published this page as a pictorial review of the major news events of 1922.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 30 Dec. 2022
Why not place a clear pictorial symbol for a sun and a cloud instead, like what the Fujifilm Mini 9 has?
—Shannon Liao, The Verge, 10 Aug. 2018
It was followed by pictorial books on Rome, Moscow and Tokyo.
—Robert D. McFadden, New York Times, 12 Sep. 2022
Hyde then led the audience on a pictorial walk down the west side of the square, beginning with No. 2, the original courthouse and the former home of Whitey's Army and Navy store for 67 years.
—Mary Jane Brewer,, 15 Mar. 2018
The scene is intended to be funny, Trexler says, noting that the pictorial humor could go over the heads of some offended adults.
—Michael Cavna, Anchorage Daily News, 16 Apr. 2023
Tom Fox won first place in the pictorial category for an image of a rainbow and an airplane in flight.
—Tom Steele, Dallas News, 15 May 2021
The pictorial forms are stark and flat, although enhanced by dappled colors, in most of Curren’s works.
—Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, 13 May 2022
Watching it yet again, I was struck by the pictorial elegance and dynamism of the aerial sequences.
—Manohla Dargis, New York Times, 24 Mar. 2020
If men are allowed to enjoy pictorial sexts from lovers, why can’t their partners?
—Sophie Saint Thomas, Allure, 4 Apr. 2018
The cardboard pictorial cards are still sought today for their art and messaging.
—Brenda Yenke, cleveland, 22 Apr. 2021
When the programme revealed the damage caused by plastic in the world’s oceans, Tory MPs tweeted out the government’s plans to stop this evil, alongside a pictorial menagerie of seabirds and whales.
—The Economist, 14 Dec. 2017
Though tarot decks date back to the 1400s, pictorial cards were originally used for games rather than prediction.
—Aliza Kelly Faragher, Allure, 26 Feb. 2018
There’s a beautiful pictorial graphic sense to a lot of his work, but a lot of his writing is vaguely repellent.
—Dodie Kazanjian, Vogue, 10 Mar. 2022
With their help, along with the influence of the more pictorial style of tattooing employed in Japan, the trend became fashionable once again in Europe.
—Cody Cottier, Discover Magazine, 4 Sep. 2021
How do depictions of the halo change as pictorial space grows complex.
—Ben Lerner, The New York Review of Books, 6 July 2020
The relatives on his father’s side had owned cameras for more than a century, leaving a pictorial record of New England life going back to the 1890s.
—John Leland, New York Times, 26 Feb. 2021
Reading a comic book as God intended is a simple pleasure and as such, our precious pictorial pamphlet, like vaudeville and the magic lantern, is just the sort of thing that gets crushed in the gears of progress.
—Ed Park, The New York Review of Books, 14 Mar. 2023
This led me to go beyond conventions not only of pictorial structure but of content, too.
—Peter Schjeldahl, The New Yorker, 17 Feb. 2023
In her pictorial world, fairies dance in the forest, toddlers swim naked, and older children are all tidy, cooperative and nicely dressed.
—Meghan Cox Gurdon, WSJ, 16 Nov. 2023
Perhaps the most topical subtext of this book is one of Blackness — both political and pictorial.
—Adrian Dannatt, New York Times, 6 Dec. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'pictorial.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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