How to Use phlegm in a Sentence
noun- He displayed remarkable phlegm in very dangerous conditions.
You guys, mucus—snot, boogers, slime, nose goblins, phlegm—is the best.
—Sarah Fallon, WIRED, 28 July 2016
From upstairs there came a grunt, the clearing of phlegm, a cough or two, more grunting, and then a voice that said, Who’s that?
—David Means, The New Yorker, 14 Oct. 2019
He is called Allan, a name that, when spoken out loud, sort of sounds like an attempt to clear the phlegm from your throat.
—Vulture, 22 July 2023
He is called Allan, a name that, when spoken out loud, sort of sounds like an attempt to clear the phlegm from your throat.
—Vulture, 15 Dec. 2023
Cannabis may act as an expectorant, helping to clear phlegm from the lungs and throat.
—Tribune Content Agency, The Mercury News, 15 Nov. 2024
Image Chazz Palminteri had phlegm in his throat on a recent Friday.
—New York Times, 25 May 2018
Nearby, one man cleared his throat and spat an oyster of phlegm onto the sidewalk.
—New York Times, 24 Mar. 2020
Depending on what those results show, the next step can be a blood test or a phlegm sample.
—Melody Schreiber, NPR, 2 May 2024
Herbal Products Some herbal products can help clear phlegm out of your airways.
—Amanda Gardner, Health, 3 Sep. 2023
What are the symptoms of active TB? Symptoms include a bad cough that lasts three or more weeks, pain in the chest and coughing up blood or phlegm.
—Kelly Meyerhofer, Journal Sentinel, 7 Feb. 2024
Even when Rode joined the force in the year 2000, masks weren't necessarily the norm, and firefighters would cough up black phlegm in the days after a fire.
—Sophie Carson, Journal Sentinel, 1 Jan. 2025
Symptoms include a bad cough that lasts three weeks or longer, chest pain, or coughing up blood or phlegm, according to the CDC.
—Aria Bendix, NBC News, 2 May 2023
Wet coughs, also known as productive coughs, are ones that bring up phlegm or mucus.
—Nicole Harris, Parents, 24 Aug. 2023
Haley said even her cat was coughing up phlegm and acting lethargic.
—Cameron Knight,, 6 May 2020
Baby wet cough: A wet cough causes phlegm or mucus (which contains white blood cells to help fight germs) to form in the baby's airways.
—Evan Forster, Parents, 17 June 2024
Between the 2nd and the 18th centuries, medicine defined health depending on four humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile.
—Fay Bound Alberti, Quartz, 25 Nov. 2019
The theory contends that four fluids — blood, choler (yellow bile), phlegm and black bile — make up the body and must maintain balance for good health.
—Sara Novak, Discover Magazine, 5 Apr. 2023
There’s a wet, formative gurgle as someone down the block hocks a magnificent wad of phlegm into the street.
—Cassandra Landry,, 24 Oct. 2019
The way the seasons withered crops or provoked tree sap to flow might manifest in the body as yellow bile surging in the summer and cold, wet phlegm dripping in the winter.
—Meg Leja, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 Nov. 2023
The way the seasons withered crops or provoked tree sap to flow might manifest in the body as yellow bile surging in the summer, and cold, wet phlegm dripping in the winter.
—Discover Magazine, 7 Nov. 2023
Keegan half expected a sensory flashback to the choking heat and the taste of dusty phlegm and gunpowder residue.
—August Cole, Wired, 5 June 2020
The practitioner dealt mostly with plants and relied on the ancient system called the Four Humors, which focused on bile, phlegm, and blood.
—Dennis Hohenberger,, 30 Aug. 2019
Dozens of times a day, her parents, Rafael and Sonia, use a special machine to suction out saliva and phlegm from their older daughter’s mouth.
—Jocelyn Wiener, The Atlantic, 19 May 2017
Dozens of times a day, her parents, Rafael and Sonia, use a special machine to suction out saliva and phlegm from their oldest daughter’s mouth.
—Jocelyn Wiener, Kaiser Health News, 22 May 2017
Victims of black lung often suffer bouts of coughing that produce copious amounts of dark, inky phlegm.
—Maya Wei-Haas, Smithsonian, 16 May 2017
So if someone’s four humors—black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm—were seen to be out of balance, they’d likely be advised to avoid certain tastes, and eat more of others.
—Aaron Gilbreath, Longreads, 22 July 2017
Signs and symptoms include a cough that lasts for three weeks or longer, coughing up blood or phlegm, chest pain, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, fever, chills and night sweats, according to the CDC.
—Mary Kekatos, ABC News, 28 Jan. 2025
Victims of black lung also often suffer bouts of coughing that produce copious amounts of dark, inky phlegm.
—Maya Wei-Haas, Smithsonian, 16 May 2017
When the air quality is bad enough, even healthy people can suffer wheezing, phlegm, and inflammation.
—Eleanor Cummins, Slate Magazine, 11 Dec. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'phlegm.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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