How to Use pharynx in a Sentence
The flow of water is powered by beating tails on the cells of the basket/pharynx.
—Jennifer Frazer, Scientific American Blog Network, 10 July 2017
The other type of reflux involves the upper part of the throat that includes the voicebox and pharynx, or the back of the mouth .
—Alice Park, Time, 7 Sep. 2017
In the lungs, the larvae claw their way out of the organ's tiny air sacs and then clamber up to the windpipe to the pharynx to be coughed and swallowed.
—Beth Mole, Ars Technica, 1 Mar. 2018
The researchers found that after seven days, there was no presence of the virus in the pharynx, crissum and lungs of the monkeys in the group with the highest dosage.
—Fox News, 28 Apr. 2020
The zigzag ended at the pharynx of a cave, reminiscent of a human face with one eye.
—Vladimir Sorokin, Harper’s Magazine , 20 July 2022
In the emergency room, X-rays showed that the pent-up pressure from the sneeze had escaped the windpipe and ripped the soft tissue of his pharynx.
—Sarah Rense, Esquire, 16 Jan. 2018
Tardigrades have eight legs with claws at the end, a brain and a central nervous system, and a sucker-like pharynx behind their mouth.
—Cnn, The Mercury News, 7 Aug. 2019
That left behind just the worm's tube-like mouth sticking out of its belly, attached to its digestive tract via the pharynx.
—Annalee Newitz, Ars Technica, 13 June 2017
Most tests rely on a nasal swab that penetrates deep into the pharynx, the mucous membrane behind the nose and mouth.
—Kristen V Brown,, 7 May 2020
The symptom usually occurs with spasms of the pharynx, or cavity behind the nose and mouth.
—Caitlin O'Kane, CBS News, 27 Sep. 2023
Tardigrades have eight legs with claws at the end, a brain and central nervous system, and a sucker-like pharynx behind their mouth, which can pierce food.
—Amy Woodyatt, CNN, 7 Aug. 2019
At the same time, the larynx — the structure in the pharynx that guards the entrance to the lungs — closes up and shifts downward, sealing off the lower respiratory tract.
—New York Times, 20 Jan. 2022
Has a bellows-like pharynx that enables it to vacuum its prey into its mouth.
—Henry Alford, The New Yorker, 29 July 2022
The scientific name for this process is retro nasal olfaction, where the odors flow from the back of your mouth up through your nasal pharynx and into your nasal cavity.
—Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 25 June 2021
Of these features, the adults retain only a small portion of the nerve cord and the pharyngeal slits, which become the basket-like pharynx the animal uses to feed and breathe.
—Jennifer Frazer, Scientific American Blog Network, 10 July 2017
Zenker’s diverticulum is a pouch that forms where the pharynx, or voicebox, meets the esophagus.
—Sandra G. Boodman, Washington Post, 17 Mar. 2018
Large droplets fall quickly to the ground, but the rush of air also creates an aerosolized mixture of everything that’s lingering in the mucus membrane of your pharynx.
—James Hamblin, The Atlantic, 10 June 2020
Sipping hot fluids helps to warm the bottom of your nasal pharynx, which can also help improve symptoms, Saketkhoo explained.
—Lisa Drayer, CNN, 9 Mar. 2018
Hagfish take in water through their nasopharyngeal duct, which leads to their pharynx and gill pouches.
—Mary Bates, WIRED, 3 Nov. 2014
The second phase of this vaccine strategy exploits the influenza virus’s ability to enter the body through the nasal pharynx.
—William A. Haseltine, Forbes, 31 Jan. 2022
Laryngopharyngeal reflux is when stomach acid comes all the way up the esophagus into the pharynx.
—Dr. Keith Roach, oregonlive, 15 July 2022
The monkeys given the highest dose of vaccine had the best response: Seven days after the animals received the virus, researchers could not detect it in the pharynx or lungs of any of them.
—Jon Cohen, Science | AAAS, 23 Apr. 2020
From the baboon’s larynx and vocal folds, which is high up and close to their chin line, there’s just a short step up through the cavity called the pharynx, then a long way out the horizontal oral cavity.
—Louis-Jean Boë, The Conversation, 11 Dec. 2019
In addition to perforating your pharynx, slamming your nose and mouth shut mid-sneeze could also perforate the eardrum or rupture a vein in the brain.
—Carl Engelking, Discover Magazine, 16 Jan. 2018
Small particles can get caught in your dog's nasal passages or pharynx, causing irritation and prompting a sneeze.
—Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 17 Oct. 2022
Finally, your partner may not thank you for this but singing is a good way to stimulate your vagus nerve, which carries signals between your brain and heart and runs through your larynx and pharynx.
—Georgia Day, Vogue, 25 Mar. 2024
In other words, during swallowing, the pharynx only leads to the digestive tract and the upper and lower airways are protected.
—New York Times, 20 Jan. 2022
New fossils from rocks dating to the Cretaceous period from southeastern Morocco, known as the Kem-Kem beds, show that spinosaurs were able to widen their jaws and greatly open the pharynx to swallow over-sized chunks of food.
—Jon Tennant, Discover Magazine, 11 Jan. 2016
In subjects practicing fellatio this reflex is absent even when the tongue depressor is inserted well into the vault of the pharynx.
—Ncbi Rofl, Discover Magazine, 19 Dec. 2010
Alcohol is known to be a direct cause of seven types of cancer: oral cavity, pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box), liver, breast, and colorectal.
—The Week Staff, The Week, 19 Mar. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'pharynx.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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