How to Use perchlorate in a Sentence
This was the first testing done for perchlorate in food and water in over a decade.
—Julia Gomez, USA TODAY, 15 Aug. 2024
Bacteria that eat perchlorates might also be used to cleanse the soil.
—Author: Kenneth Chang, Anchorage Daily News, 13 Jan. 2018
And again, the liquid involved would be far saltier than Earth's oceans (and the salts are likely perchlorates, which aren't as common on Earth).
—John Timmer, Ars Technica, 25 July 2018
The perchlorate absorbs the water and forms a salty solution.
—Sarah Scoles, Discover Magazine, 13 Apr. 2015
In 2008, the Mars Phoenix lander discovered perchlorate ions in Mars soil.
—Carmen Drahl, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 May 2023
Agents found that Dodson had purchased 50 pounds of potassium perchlorate in the spring.
—John Caniglia, cleveland, 1 Oct. 2021
Similarly, some small open spaces in the basalts have been filled in with sulfate and perchlorate salts.
—Scott K. Johnson, Ars Technica, 18 Sep. 2023
Rovers on Mars have detected a type of salt known as perchlorates in the dirt, which can be toxic for humans if consumed in high enough quantities.
—Loren Grush, The Verge, 21 Sep. 2018
The Mars water would be full of perchlorate salt, which chemically toxic to most Earth lifeforms.
—Joe Pappalardo, Popular Mechanics, 25 July 2018
While the Moon’s dust is sharp and presents issues like cutting holes in spacesuits, Mars' red dust contains chemicals like perchlorates, which are toxic.
—Sara Novak, Discover Magazine, 5 June 2024
The soil of Mars, for instance, contains perchlorate compounds that some Earth microbes can turn into chloride and oxygen.
—Saugat Bolakhe, Quanta Magazine, 17 July 2023
One potential suspect is perchlorates, which are stable, toxic salts found in the Martian soil.
—Michael Greshko, National Geographic, 18 Nov. 2019
Sulfur may have helped protect the organics even when the rocks were exposed at the surface to radiation and bleach-like substances called perchlorates.
—National Geographic, 7 June 2018
Colonies of bacteria could produce oxygen from perchlorate, the very same chemical that keeps the water from freezing.
—Joe Pappalardo, Popular Mechanics, 25 July 2018
The burning waste is rich in lead, mercury, chromium and compounds like nitroglycerin and perchlorate, all known health hazards.
—Krista Stevens, Longreads, 21 July 2017
In the Southwest, perchlorate has been detected in groundwater that entered Lake Mead in Nevada.
—CBS News, 31 Mar. 2022
That’s because Martian regolith is full of perchlorate, an oxidative compound that stunts plants’ growth and can be harmful to humans.
—Joanna Thompson, Scientific American, 2 June 2022
One aspect that Guinan and Wamelink have not tackled yet is the presence on Mars of perchlorates, a poisonous chemical that causes thyroid problems in people.
—Author: Kenneth Chang, Anchorage Daily News, 13 Jan. 2018
On Earth, for example, organisms called halophiles (salt lovers/lickers) would love to live in calcium-perchlorate-land.
—Sarah Scoles, Discover Magazine, 13 Apr. 2015
Martian soil is rich in perchlorate and other compounds that make growing food difficult.
—David Kelly, San Diego Union-Tribune, 23 June 2019
The device reportedly was made of a cardboard tube filled with a mixture of potassium perchlorate and aluminum powder.
—Elizabeth Depompei, Indianapolis Star, 27 Dec. 2019
Cells bathed in radiation without the perchlorate experienced just a two-fold fall-off.
—Jeffrey Kluger, Time, 6 July 2017
The tests by the advocacy group come decades after the chemical, called perchlorate, was first identified as a contaminant in food and water.
—Kate Gibson, CBS News, 7 Aug. 2024
But in 2008, the Phoenix Mars Lander discovered that martian dust is laced with perchlorate, an ingredient in rocket fuel.
—Marissa Grunes, Discover Magazine, 6 Apr. 2023
A substance called perchlorate exists in relatively high quantities on Mars (and also on Earth in bleach and other substances), making up about 1 percent of all the dust on the red planet.
—Laura Poppick, Smithsonian, 1 Mar. 2017
Rovers and satellites have detected concentrations of toxic perchlorates—a salt so reactive that it’s used on Earth to make rocket propellant—on the Martian surface that would be swept up in the wind.
—Joe Pappalardo, Popular Mechanics, 8 May 2023
Only a single type of molecule, which could have been produced by the perchlorate reacting with organics, appeared in each sample.
—Andrew Lawler, Discover Magazine, 22 Nov. 2010
Across the San Gabriel Valley, compounds like perchlorate, used in rocket fuel, and other chemicals seeped into something like 170 square miles, reaching into the aquifer serving more than a million and a half people.
—Los Angeles Times, 12 Oct. 2021
The middle of the cylinder is filled with a powdered mixture of ammonium perchlorate and ammonium nitrate, the oxidants.
—The Economist, 31 May 2018
Because that water irrigates crops and rangeland, perchlorate also taints a variety of foods.
—Patrick Morgan, Discover Magazine, 3 Feb. 2011
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'perchlorate.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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