How to Use outvote in a Sentence
The boys might be able to outvote from here 'till kingdom come.
—Megan Friedman, Country Living, 24 Apr. 2018
Through this transfer, Garces was able to outvote the investors by 3-2.
—Michael Klein,, 8 June 2018
If Mary benefits from the park and Raymond is harmed by it, then Mary will outvote Raymond.
—Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, Vox, 29 June 2018
There is only one hope for saving our democracy at this time and that is to outvote them at the polls while our votes are still counted.
—Letters To The Editor, Orlando Sentinel, 17 July 2024
Will Democrats and Independents do so in enough numbers to outvote them?
—Frank Rich, Daily Intelligencer, 28 June 2018
By crowding blacks into a few districts (and denying them the vote), the framers ensured that whites could never be outvoted.
—The Economist, 2 Nov. 2019
The crowd listened politely, yes, and then outvoted him.
—Brian T. Allen, National Review, 22 June 2019
The early reports were focused on15 big counties in Texas and the Democrats outvoted the Republicans in those 15 big counties.
—Fox News, 11 Mar. 2018
The transaction, which will value Grab at $40 billion, ensures that Tan will be able to outvote any outside investors.
—Gregor Stuart Hunter, Fortune, 18 Apr. 2021
Producer Lorne Michaels actually preferred her for the role of Regina but was outvoted in the end.
—Maureen Lee Lenker,, 9 Jan. 2024
After vigorous debate, we were outvoted by proponents of Granny, who calmly rocks in her chair on the porch of her house in the Streets of Old Milwaukee.
—Journal Sentinel, 23 May 2024
Then the conservative board members outvoted Tucker to remove them from the rolls.
—Doug Bock Clark, ProPublica, 13 July 2023
Note that, in Newey’s world, emotion is clearly outvoted by performance.
—Mike Duff, Car and Driver, 15 Mar. 2018
Democrats introduced their own spending plan, but were outvoted.
—Laura Schulte, Journal Sentinel, 7 May 2024
That was a change over four years ago, when Republicans outvoted Democrats in early balloting.
—Mike Ward, Houston Chronicle, 8 Mar. 2018
The stakes are high, and although women traditionally outvote men even in non-presidential years, that doesn’t mean it’s always easy for us.
—Celeste Katz, Glamour, 27 Aug. 2018
Those weren’t the only races where Democrats outvoted Republicans.
—David Weigel, Washington Post, 7 June 2018
This led to Volcker being outvoted on a rate decision in 1986, though his opponents backed down.
—Christopher Rugaber, Twin Cities, 9 Dec. 2019
And-- and for Republicans who are-- who are outvoted, ultimately on a-- on a committee like this not being in the majority, what-- what would that mean for them?
—NBC News, 3 Dec. 2019
At issue is a pattern in which a simple majority of board members are outvoting the interests of residents.
—Jeff Rumage, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 29 Jan. 2020
Yesterday, Democrats outvoted Republicans in only one of those, the 49th.
—David Weigel, Washington Post, 7 June 2018
In recent years, Republicans have dramatically outvoted Democrats in primaries, but this year the trend appears to be shifting.
—Alejandra Matos, Houston Chronicle, 2 Mar. 2018
The notion that the younger electorate can outvote baby boomers to reduce their benefits significantly is highly doubtful.
—Edward Conard, WSJ, 16 Aug. 2017
The conservative Justices outvoted the liberals, 5–4, granting the stay.
—E. Tammy Kim, The New Yorker, 7 Feb. 2024
Young people may completely surprise us this cycle and outvote a lot of different demographics.
—Saba Hamedy, CNN, 27 May 2018
But if those voters are outvoted by people in France or Belgium, there will be much less willingness to accept the outcome because there is no broader solidarity across Europe.
—Gerard Baker, WSJ, 7 Dec. 2018
Some investors balked at PetSmart’s terms and demanded tighter covenants, but they were ultimately outvoted by yield-hungry bondholders.
—Soma Biswas, WSJ, 21 Sep. 2017
The committee’s Brexit supporters were outvoted several times about the contents of its fourth report, issued today.
—Robert Hutton,, 4 Apr. 2018
Though Democrats saw a larger surge in primary voters, Republicans still outvoted Democrats, casting a record 1.5 million ballots.
—Nicole Gaudiano, USA TODAY, 3 Apr. 2018
But they were outvoted, rendering sentiment less relevant than the sheer practicality of a spring in which clocks are visible at every turn at Fenway South.
—Alex Speier,, 16 Feb. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'outvote.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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