How to Use orthodoxy in a Sentence
noun- I was surprised by the orthodoxy of her political views.
- He rejected the orthodoxies of the scientific establishment.
Not since the early adapters and the quants learned that much of the orthodoxy of hitting was stone-cold wrong.
—Tom Verducci,, 21 Mar. 2018
Can the Democrats pass something that will break from 40 years of tax-cut orthodoxy?
—Daniel Strauss, The New Republic, 10 Sep. 2021
But Valve, with its brand-new Steam Deck handheld, aims to shake up the orthodoxy for good.
—Luke Winkie, Vulture, 16 July 2021
But other than a shift to the left on trade issues, the party orthodoxy has held.
—Zaid Jilani, Washington Examiner, 31 Dec. 2020
The orthodoxy, though, hasn’t been able to withstand the weight of counter-evidence.
—Rich Lowry, National Review, 25 May 2021
Gone is the orthodoxy of stretching two hands to every shot.
—Joshua Robinson, WSJ, 13 July 2018
The time has come to nail a new set of theses to this secular orthodoxy’s door.
—Daniel Lee, WSJ, 12 Mar. 2021
As with language, so with thought: Step outside of orthodoxy, free the mind.
—Charles Arrowsmith, Los Angeles Times, 30 Sep. 2022
That doesn’t mean that she’s conformed to genre orthodoxy.
—Jewly Hight, New York Times, 25 Aug. 2022
In the Christian orthodoxy there’s the devil and there’s God, good and evil, doing right and doing wrong.
—Craig Jenkins, Vulture, 30 Nov. 2022
Since orthodoxy had gone out the window anyway, some games kicked off at 9 a.m. to make the whole schedule fit.
—Joshua Robinson, WSJ, 11 Dec. 2020
The orthodoxy of the sport requires managers to use their closers for the ninth inning of deadlocked contests.
—Andy McCullough,, 25 Apr. 2018
Science is supposed to be the search for truth, not the acceptance of orthodoxy.
—The Editors, National Review, 10 Oct. 2024
Trump, far more than Sessions, likes to flout GOP orthodoxy.
—Callum Borchers, Washington Post, 12 June 2018
Despite decades as a staple of baseball orthodoxy, a walk is not quite as good as a hit.
—Tim Sullivan, The Courier-Journal, 6 June 2019
The arguments and battles were bitter, but in the end the old orthodoxy was overthrown.
—Alec Ryrie, CNN, 29 Oct. 2017
Few classes of quarterback prospects ever have threatened the NFL’s orthodoxy more than the one that’ll take the stage at the league’s draft on April 26.
—Alex Putterman, The Atlantic, 23 Apr. 2018
Only a handful of E.U. states broke with the bloc’s vaccine orthodoxy.
—Washington Post, 18 Mar. 2021
Not many teams rely on tight ends to be two of their top three receivers, but no one has accused the Ravens of orthodoxy on offense.
—Childs Walker, Baltimore Sun, 5 Sep. 2022
In the end, Mason is unsure what will come of the manifesto and the radical orthodoxy rhetoric.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 5 Dec. 2020
But some of her past comments could diverge from its orthodoxy.
—Isaac Arnsdorf, Washington Post, 16 May 2022
Rossi was relieved of his duties at Grace for calling out the school for its antiracist orthodoxy.
—Nr Staff, National Review, 14 Sep. 2021
Stoking fears of a return to the 1970s helps obscure the long wreckage of the free-market orthodoxy that decade ushered to power.
—Aaron Timms, The New Republic, 31 Oct. 2022
But both within the album’s context and in and of themselves, Blount notes, the songs are free from religious orthodoxy.
—Katherine Proctor, Los Angeles Times, 17 Nov. 2022
By the time Polanyi’s book was published, the Keynesian view had become orthodoxy.
—Caleb Crain, The New Yorker, 7 May 2018
Martin Luther’s challenge to Catholic orthodoxy was, of course, powered by the printing press.
—Cullen Murphy, The Atlantic, 10 Dec. 2019
But beyond touching on edgy subjects, Stanhope’s work pushes back on orthodoxies.
—Jesse David Fox, Vulture, 31 Jan. 2025
What shareholder wouldn’t demand the company justify its position as recent research and rulings are turning against DEI orthodoxy and other companies are dialing back their previous initiatives?
—Pamela N. Danziger, Forbes, 1 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'orthodoxy.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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