How to Use ocher in a Sentence
The smoke blotted out the sun and the sky turned ocher.
—Joanna Slater, Washington Post, 9 June 2023
The ocher Mungo Man was buried in was a link to the cosmos.
—David Maurice Smith, Smithsonian, 23 Aug. 2019
Among the unique objects at Blombos are a number of pieces of ocher.
—Wyatt Mason, Harper's Magazine, 20 July 2021
Her rule of thumb: Stick with ocher and brown undertones.
—Kaylei Fear, Better Homes & Gardens, 13 Oct. 2023
The metallic ocher boucle on the seat cushions adds luster.
—Marni Elyse Katz,, 13 July 2018
Her thick gray hair is twisted around a headband of ocher stone beads, and her wrists are stacked with bracelets.
—Aurora Almendral, New York Times, 15 May 2017
The living room's cypress walls are painted with an ocher glaze for a soft, aged look.
—M.k. Quinlan, House Beautiful, 27 Mar. 2017
The miners followed along the deposit beds until the ocher petered out.
—National Geographic, 3 July 2020
Peterson has programmed the projector to color it the light ocher of a beach.
—Kevin Dupzyk, Popular Mechanics, 21 June 2018
If that's the case, the archaeologists say, then the people who made the bladelets and stained the ground with ocher may have been part of the first wave of our species to reach eastern Asia.
—Kiona N. Smith, Ars Technica, 3 Mar. 2022
Still, their palette of blue, greys and white is an update of the red-orange-ocher tile combos found in old Lebanese houses.
—Ian Phillips, WSJ, 8 Nov. 2018
The ocher had been carried a great distance—the nearest source was over 130 miles away—and had been either painted onto the body or sprinkled over the grave.
—David Maurice Smith, Smithsonian, 23 Aug. 2019
Her stilettos were leopard print, her skirt leather, her coat suede, in a warm ocher color that would have blended nicely with the red-earth airstrips of the African bush.
—Klara Glowczewska, Town & Country, 9 Oct. 2018
The work’s palette of browns, ochers, white and light blue is an exemplar of Taylor’s odd, frugal color.
—Roberta Smith, New York Times, 17 Oct. 2023
The color rocks found at the site were manganese and ocher, perfect for making black and red, respectively.
—David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 15 Mar. 2018
Here, the stucco walls are a rich, natural ocher and pair with 19th-century Neapolitan tile.
—Kelsey Mulvey, ELLE Decor, 6 Dec. 2022
Their pale, pinkish clay offsets the denser hues of emerald, siena and ocher in the paintings, and their bent and folded planes, wedges and lobes rhyme with the geometries on paper.
—Leah Ollman,, 13 Mar. 2018
His beautiful women are less flesh and blood than a waltz of curlicues conveyed in a palette of greens, peach, and ocher — nature’s colors.
—Brian T. Allen, National Review, 11 Jan. 2020
My entire closet now is taupes and ocher, and everything is linen.
—Vogue, 10 Sep. 2018
Surrounding it are oak leaves as well as ghostly stencils of those leaves made with ocher and cinnamon.
—Los Angeles Times, 6 July 2022
In the YouTube star Maangchi’s kitchen, the cookbook author and former gamer uses instant hazelnut coffee to flavor her pork and to stain it a gorgeous ocher.
—Washington Post, 28 Oct. 2020
The person was buried with great care—along with some stone tools and a lump of ocher—in the largest chamber of the cave, beneath an upper chamber decorated with hand stencils.
—Kiona N. Smith, Ars Technica, 7 Sep. 2022
The scientists traveled to a cave on the coast of Spain where Dr. Zilhão had earlier discovered shells that had been drilled with holes and painted with ocher.
—Carl Zimmer, New York Times, 22 Feb. 2018
Artifacts in the grave included a bright-red nodule of ocher found near the person’s mouth and several flake-stone objects.
—Dominique Mosbergen, WSJ, 7 Sep. 2022
We were surrounded by space and air and skyscraper-size monoliths of constantly changing texture and color; the light taupe of the Kaibab giving way to the ocher of sandstone.
—Jamie Quatro, Travel + Leisure, 4 Mar. 2021
The stucco walls are in a natural ocher, and the 19th-century Neapolitan tile was hand-painted to mimic parquet flooring.
—ELLE Decor, 30 Nov. 2022
Guest rooms wrap around the courtyard or look onto Via Gesù; they are decorated in green, ocher, and terra-cotta with Fortuny fabrics and Frette linens.
—Condé Nast Traveler, 20 Oct. 2017
The hues of the neighboring garden inspired the olive, ocher, and mahogany palette of the property’s 19 rooms and suites, which were designed by husband-and-wife owners Pedro Oliveira and Alicia Valero.
—Christine Chitnis, Travel + Leisure, 15 Oct. 2023
Out of the darkened cleft of the fjord, three outriggers soon emerge, propelled by local Korafe women in skirts of tapa bark cloth painted with ocher, their necks hung with flowers and shells, and faces tattooed in black.
—Sophy Roberts, Condé Nast Traveler, 3 May 2018
Her most recognizable calling card is probably her palette: a slender, tonal range of subdued greens, creams, and ochers, with accents of black for depth.
—Catherine Hong, ELLE Decor, 20 Apr. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'ocher.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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