How to Use occupational in a Sentence
The name was used for a person who laid tiles or bricks and often as an occupational name for a housebuilder.
—Vicky Yip, Parents, 1 July 2024
Research shows that home health care workers have some of the highest rates of occupational injury in the country.
—Andrea Flynn, STAT, 7 July 2023
Jake’s made an occupational fetish of going where the danger is.
—Andy Andersen, Vulture, 15 Feb. 2024
There was a two-part tax on sales, one which functioned like a sales tax and another more akin to an occupational tax for licensed dealers.
—Kelly Phillips Erb, Forbes, 20 Apr. 2023
Since then, the term spread from the occupational lingo of police and journalists into the public sphere.
—Mary Angela Bock, The Conversation, 3 Apr. 2023
Miller said voters could choose to increase the local occupational tax, which has been at the same level for 50 years, but many council members view that as a non-starter.
—The Courier-Journal, 19 Apr. 2024
Then one day, his occupational therapist looked at him, told him to sit down and called an ambulance.
—Ed Stannard, Hartford Courant, 27 Feb. 2023
Show more Carmel Gat, a 39-year-old occupational therapist, being held hostage in Gaza.
—Yuliya Talmazan, NBC News, 1 Dec. 2023
The Observer reviewed data for the 10 most unionized states in the nation, and found that all but one of them had lower occupational death rates than North Carolina.
—Ames Alexander, Charlotte Observer, 14 May 2024
An occupational therapist came to his room five days after the amputation to see if Drew Kennison was up to the task.
—Tom Hallman, oregonlive, 2 Sep. 2023
One day, my occupational therapist, Marnie Deardorff, asked me a question that almost brought tears of relief to my eyes.
—Dan Koeppel, New York Times, 4 Dec. 2023
Physicians and physical and occupational therapists teach them to read Braille, use a white cane and explore the world with their other senses.
—Brittany Truong, Journal Sentinel, 11 Aug. 2023
Marital and occupational status are also tracked in the study, as well as women’s roles as leaders.
—Angelique Jackson, Variety, 27 Feb. 2024
Forty-six years later, more and more occupational minorities are breaking through the glass ceiling.
—Elise Taylor, Vogue, 24 July 2024
Your healthcare provider or occupational therapist should instruct you on how and when to perform these techniques at home.
—Tolu Ajiboye, Verywell Health, 14 Feb. 2023
Simone, who is a grief coach and occupational therapist, told Newsweek of her admiration and heartache for her daughter's ability to shoulder the weight of loss at such a young age.
—Daniel R. Depetris, Newsweek, 8 Dec. 2024
Your occupational therapist role-plays how to make small talk with a hair stylist, because your brain isn’t quick enough to respond to normal conversation.
—Anne Lagamayo, Longreads, 11 May 2023
Analysts looked at everything from the preponderance of elder abuse to assaults per capita to the share of adults with rainy day funds to the rate of fatal occupational injuries.
—Ben Kesslen, Quartz, 19 Nov. 2024
Requires the governor fill a vacancy on certain occupational boards within 90 days and the board to appoint a member if the governor does not.
—Binghui Huang, The Indianapolis Star, 2 May 2023
In 2021, the committee voted in favor of the Jynneos vaccine for people with occupational risks of virus exposure.
—Jen Christensen, CNN, 22 Feb. 2023
The case highlights a nationwide problem with occupational licensing boards, which already control more than one-fourth of all U.S. jobs.
—Daryl James, Orange County Register, 30 Mar. 2024
State occupational health and safety rules still require workers who have been exposed to the coronavirus to wear masks at their worksite for 10 days after their exposure.
—Los Angeles Times, 27 Jan. 2023
Six-year-old Cyrus attended occupational, physical, and/or speech therapy five or six nights a week for years.
—Erin Prater, Fortune Well, 18 Feb. 2023
Workers also have weekly access to an occupational coach who can offer tips and tricks on everything from how to deal with an over-full inbox to how to socialize with colleagues.
—Erica Pandey, Axios, 8 Aug. 2024
From the perspective of apparent order, the problem of trucking safety—the job ranks eighth on the list of occupational fatality rates—is driver fatigue.
—Gideon Lewis-Kraus, The New Yorker, 31 Jan. 2023
There will be no occupational licensing in the virtual world.
—Adam A. Millsap, Forbes, 8 Oct. 2021
Insomnia is the occupational disease of enslaved mind workers, with a predictable spillover into the aesthetes who mock it yet participate in it.
—Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker, 20 Jan. 2025
Jaime was a performing dancer who hoped to become an occupational therapist and mother.
—, 13 Oct. 2022
Kappa Alpha Psi states on its website that Kappa League is a career-development program for the educational, occupational and social guidance of male students in sixth to 12th grades.
—Jessi Virtusio, Chicago Tribune, 12 Feb. 2025
Moseley authored House Bill 1182 which would permit an employee to choose an attending physician after an employment injury or occupational disease.
—Alexandra Kukulka, Chicago Tribune, 16 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'occupational.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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