How to Use nonreligious in a Sentence
The court ruled that the law against use of peyote applied to all, religions groups and nonreligious groups alike.
—Mark Johnson, Anchorage Daily News, 8 Sep. 2022
He had been raised nonreligious and his wife was raised Jewish.
—CNN, 16 Nov. 2020
Being nonreligious, my sister didn’t know what to do with it.
—Abigail Van Buren, oregonlive, 28 June 2020
The church opens its doors for a range of nonreligious activities.
—Jonathan M. Pitts,, 28 Oct. 2019
That’s a mistake, Speed argues, in part because nonreligious people are not all the same.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 4 Mar. 2021
Here, some tips to ensure your own nonreligious wedding goes off without a hitch.
—Vogue, 23 Sep. 2017
The country was less diverse, and Americans had yet to push hard for the rights of the nonreligious and religious minorities.
—Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post, 21 Feb. 2018
That said, for Catholic and nonreligious reader alike, Douthat’s book asks the necessary questions.
—Tara Isabella Burton, Vox, 5 Apr. 2018
Critics say the bill is an affront to the separation of church and state that could alienate nonreligious people.
—USA TODAY, 6 Mar. 2020
Religious and nonreligious Americans had the strongest sense of self, and the Buddhists, especially the monks, had the least.
—Alison Gopnik, WSJ, 6 June 2018
Though more Americans identify as nonreligious than ever before, the Bible Belt still lives up to its name in many ways.
—Kimber Myers, Los Angeles Times, 1 Aug. 2019
Darren Higgins, who has a 4-year-old at the school and describes himself as nonreligious, said a compromise at this point would not make much of a difference.
—Joe Heim, Washington Post, 4 Nov. 2017
The number rose to 79 percent among the secular and nonreligious Israelis.
—Sam Sokol,, 13 Aug. 2019
Many nonreligious activists think that a greater push among Democrats, with direct pitches to the unbelievers, would push Democrats over the top in November.
—Nicholas Rowan, Washington Examiner, 15 Sep. 2020
Some of that’s easy to see in dress codes that have cultural biases, with schools banning head-wraps, nonreligious scarves and do-rags that are staples in some African American wardrobes.
—Petula Dvorak, Washington Post, 26 Apr. 2018
Anderson was born in Switzerland to an American father and English mother, and grew up in a nonreligious home in France.
—Sean P. Means, The Salt Lake Tribune, 24 Jan. 2022
About 70% of all independent schools are nonreligious, while 17% are Catholic.
—Carol Ferrara, The Conversation, 24 Nov. 2020
One part of the family wanted a nonreligious service while the other side wanted a Christian service.
—Caleb Wilde, The Cut, 29 Sep. 2017
Take, as a nonreligious example, the rise of Instagram and YouTube influencers learning how to cook and sew for themselves, getting farms, and living the lives that many in the past 40 years would have termed oppressive.
—WSJ, 2 Jan. 2024
Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious and open to all cultures, races and creeds.
—Carol Kovach, cleveland, 8 Aug. 2023
Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious and open to all cultures, races and creeds.
—cleveland, 3 May 2020
Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.
—Carol Kovach,, 18 July 2017
Last year, the firm won a victory for the Encinitas School District that allowed its schools to continue their yoga programs as a form of nonreligious instruction.
—Nick Davidson, Outside Online, 1 Oct. 2014
Guerra said the church has planted seeds in nonreligious programs, like Cuba Emprende, that support entrepreneurship and run soup kitchens.
—Orlando Matos, NBC News, 18 Apr. 2024
That calls for equal treatment of religious and nonreligious speech, not preference.
—Elliot Mincberg, Slate Magazine, 5 May 2017
First, and consistent with past research, the nonreligious person was trusted less than the religious person.
—Jordan W. Moon, Quartz, 28 Dec. 2019
Shopkeepers for whom Saturday is their only day off complained that their nonreligious customers — suddenly able to ride to open malls — would desert them.
—David M. Halbfinger, New York Times, 10 Jan. 2020
Some nonreligious folks also see the church solution as nothing but an excuse for the faithful to proselytize.
—Ericka Andersen, WSJ, 11 July 2019
About twice as many nonreligious voters as religious voters rate it the most important issue.
—Craig Gilbert, Journal Sentinel, 4 Oct. 2024
But the move prompted a coalition of parents — Jewish, Christian, Unitarian Universalist and nonreligious — to sue the state days later in federal court.
—Erik Ortiz, NBC News, 6 Aug. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'nonreligious.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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