How to Use nonfederal in a Sentence
The nonfederal cost share of the overall project is 20%.
—Morgan Greene,, 19 Jan. 2022
In the past decade, 69 nonfederal officers have been charged, while 21 have been convicted of some crime, according to the data.
—NBC News, 30 June 2018
Some Democrats have estimated that 83% of the funds raised by the state party are for nonfederal state and local candidates.
—Rick Pearson,, 15 July 2021
For the list, Premier crunched the numbers on 937 short-term, acute, nonfederal hospitals in the U.S. that treat a broad range of cardiovascular patients.
—Fortune Editors, Fortune, 15 Mar. 2023
According to the executive order, the committee will be funded by the IMLS and will include no more than 25 nonfederal members.
—Kelsey Ables, Washington Post, 1 Oct. 2022
Illinois and Michigan committed to providing the nonfederal share of about $10 million with the rest coming from federal funds.
—Morgan Greene,, 19 Jan. 2022
Illinois and Michigan committed to providing the nonfederal share of just over $10 million.
—Morgan Greene,, 14 Dec. 2021
Unshaded areas would be the only nonfederal land available for new oil and gas development.
—Dan Frosch, WSJ, 4 Nov. 2018
Some cranes have already been shipped to nonfederal facilities.
—Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, 26 Feb. 2018
Often, regulators permitted more than one service to occupy a single band, and many federal users shared bands with nonfederal ones.
—Ariel Bleicher, IEEE Spectrum, 20 Mar. 2013
Private student loans are nonfederal education loans made by banks and other financial institutions such as credit unions and online lenders such as SoFi.
—WSJ, 21 July 2017
Municipal bonds—the debt issued by states, cities, and nonfederal public authorities—occupy an important niche in the financial lives of Wall Street and America’s wealthy.
—Daniel Gross, Slate Magazine, 8 June 2017
For nonfederal landowners, actions that could result in unintentional kills could be allowed but will require permits.
—John Flesher, USA TODAY, 30 Nov. 2022
In the report, agricultural land is defined as nonfederal cropland, pastureland, rangeland and woodland used to support agriculture.
—Tara Duggan, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 May 2018
Remote-capable federal workers commute 1.5 days per week on average, similar to 1.8 days for nonfederal workers, according to the poll.
—Emily Guskin, Washington Post, 14 Apr. 2023
The difference is biggest in El Paso, Texas, where federal employees earn on average double what nonfederal employees earn.
—Maureen Linke, WSJ, 12 Jan. 2019
CalFire, meanwhile, tasked with responding to every fire on 31 million acres of nonfederal land inside state borders, has, compared to the Forest Service, almost no fuel-management authority.
—Daniel Duane, Wired, 30 Sep. 2020
Candidates seeking to lead the Democratic National Committee have called for a more intensive focus on nonfederal elections, and several senior Democrats said distraught party donors were turning their attention to the states.
—Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin, New York Times, 11 Jan. 2017
The figures, which exceed estimates published by nonfederal researchers, include 9 million hectares of pinyon-juniper woodlands (pictured here in Utah)—a forest type that was previously rarely categorized as old growth.
—Byscience News Staff,, 4 May 2023
For example, the investments partnership program requires jurisdictions to match every dollar received with 25 cents of nonfederal funding.
—David Garrick, San Diego Union-Tribune, 24 Sep. 2020
Investigators identified only 12 nonfederal initiatives nationwide that provide education, screening or treatment for brain injuries in this population.
—New York Times, 1 Mar. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'nonfederal.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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