How to Use nonbank in a Sentence
Shaky Foundations The rise for nonbanks in the mortgage sector and now their pain shows the shaky ground on which much of the post-crisis financial world has been built.
—Joe Light,, 10 May 2020
Six of the 10 biggest U.S. mortgage lenders today are nonbanks, according to the research group.
—Annamaria Andriotis, WSJ, 6 Sep. 2018
Stronger players—both banks and nonbanks—have been picking up servicing rights from weaker lenders that need to raise cash.
—Ben Eisen, WSJ, 13 Feb. 2019
Quicken is the first nonbank to become the top retail mortgage lender since the 2008 financial crisis.
—Jc Reindl, USA TODAY, 1 June 2018
On average, homebuyers save more in mortgage fees with a bank, like Chase vs. a nonbank.
—Noel Cody, Essence, 19 June 2024
Today, that number has more than flipped: Nonbanks originate 73 percent of the loans, with banks' share dropping to 18 percent.
—Julie Creswell, New York Times, 21 Jan. 2017
Many nonbank lenders, especially smaller ones, had to shut down after the Fed’s last round of rate increases.
—Orla McCaffrey, WSJ, 8 Jan. 2022
In sturdy financial systems, nonbanks help fill gaps left by banks.
—Anjani Trivedi, WSJ, 17 Oct. 2017
Business borrowers are more likely to seek business loans, lines of credit, and cash advances at large or small banks than at nonbank lenders.
—Rohit Arora, Forbes, 30 June 2022
BaaS integration helps the nonbank companies increase their customer base since bank customers tend to trust their banks to take care of their finances in the long run.
—Ankit Agarwal, Forbes, 26 Apr. 2022
So much of the credit formation has been in the leveraged lending market and the ultimate suppliers are nonbanks.
—James B. Stewart, New York Times, 10 Mar. 2020
Wall Street investors poured billions of dollars over the past decade into nonbank lenders like Crédito Real, enticed by their high growth and profits.
—Alexander Saeedy, WSJ, 13 June 2022
Loss of market share and profitable sources of income has weakened banks, and consumers are hurt by being driven to more expensive nonbank lenders.
—William M. Isaac and, WSJ, 26 Oct. 2017
Before Rocket’s blastoff, shares of nonbank mortgage lenders had done little to impress investors in recent months.
—Orla McCaffrey, WSJ, 3 Mar. 2021
At the same time, while lending is being limited by high-interest rates and risks, some banks and nonbanks are looking for ways to support their clients through subsidized loans.
—Jon Stojan, USA TODAY, 18 July 2023
But nonbanks tend to be more flexible on their underwriting.
—Christina Rexrode, WSJ, 22 Nov. 2018
The growth rate of BaaS sponsor banks has slowed, though those that remain committed (and have sound policies and procedures) should benefit since many nonbanks need sponsors.
—Paul Davis, Forbes, 20 Feb. 2024
For now bank resilience is mostly based on more and better capital and liquidity, but there has also been a rapid growth in complex ways to shift risk to funds, and in lending by nonbanks.
—James MacKintosh, WSJ, 6 Sep. 2018
Bob Broeksmit, head of the Mortgage Bankers Association, which represents nonbank lenders, said his group welcomed the review.
—Andrew Ackerman, WSJ, 31 Aug. 2022
The two biggest nonbank mortgage lenders finished out last year with their first quarterly losses since going public.
—Ben Eisen, WSJ, 1 Mar. 2023
On the contrary, Sens. Warren, Sanders, and others called for tighter controls on nonbank lenders to push more lending activity into the banking system.
—Brian P. Brooks and Charles W. Calomiris, WSJ, 23 Aug. 2022
While the largest banks remain well capitalized and safe, and the size diversity of the country’s banking system should be preserved, more may need to be done in overseeing mid-size banks and the nonbank sector.
—Catarina Saraiva, Fortune, 29 June 2023
Many auto lenders, including banks, nonbanks and the finance arms of car manufacturers, have been offering more loans with longer terms.
—Christina Rexrode, WSJ, 10 June 2018
Some lenders—particularly nonbanks that don’t have other lines of business —could take on riskier customers to keep up their level of loan volume, or be forced to sell themselves.
—Christina Rexrode, WSJ, 11 Oct. 2018
Of course, if the buyer of a reverse repo or a security sold by the Fed is a nonbank and pays for the purchase using its bank account, the money supply is directly affected.
—WSJ, 9 Aug. 2021
The bank had shied away from riskier leveraged finance amid steeper competition from nonbanks, Donofrio said in October.
—Bloomberg,, 4 June 2019
The reawakening of the nonbank lending industry has been good news for the broader real-estate community.
—Peter Grant, WSJ, 28 Sep. 2021
That poses risks for the industry, in particular the nonbank lenders that extended the majority of mortgage credit so far this year.
—Ben Eisen, WSJ, 10 Dec. 2020
So at the same time as investors have been seeking investments outside the public markets, there has been a resounding demand for private credit from nonbank institutions.
—Christian Faes, Forbes, 5 Nov. 2024
The mortgage industry in general has seen significant job losses since interest rates started climbing, with some nonbank lenders even going out of business.
—Jc Reindl, Detroit Free Press, 28 Feb. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'nonbank.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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