How to Use nest egg in a Sentence
nest egg
noun- They built up a nest egg for their son's college education.
The sale would be his chance to cash in his Mobil stock and leave with a seven‐figure nest egg.
—Josh Noel,, 9 May 2018
That’s the simplest way to restore your nest egg and get back to growth.
—Catherine Brock, Forbes, 7 Mar. 2023
The latter would have a nest egg of about $1.1 million.
—Greg Iacurci, CNBC, 20 Sep. 2024
Now that they're married, the two have quite the nest egg between them.
—Caroline Picard, Good Housekeeping, 16 Apr. 2019
The pawn shop was supposed to provide a nest egg for Lex Hilliard.
—Alex Prewitt,, 19 Sep. 2019
My planner’s fee, as is common, is based on the size of my nest egg.
—Glenn Ruffenach, WSJ, 12 Nov. 2021
Even in the best of times, a college-tour road trip feels like gambling with your nest egg.
—Christopher Reynolds, Los Angeles Times, 19 Apr. 2021
That gives us a target of $1 million for your nest egg.
—Glenn Ruffenach, WSJ, 10 Feb. 2019
Our nest egg has not shown much growth over the last several years.
—Liz Weston, oregonlive, 17 Sep. 2023
Doing so will reduce your 2021 tax bill and add more to your nest egg.
—Jeanne Sahadi, CNN, 16 Dec. 2021
Spend some of your spare time deciding the best ways to create a nest egg for the future.
—Tribune Content Agency,, 29 July 2019
The second step is to decide how much of your income and nest egg to keep in dollars.
—Bob Carlson, Forbes, 20 Apr. 2023
Do your best to create a nest egg of at least six months’ worth of your expenses.
—Harriette Cole, The Mercury News, 1 Feb. 2025
So, create a small nest egg to help out during those in-between times.
—Essence, 18 Sep. 2019
Money could have been up and down since 2018 but has likely been building up in your nest egg for the past year.
—Kyle Thomas, Peoplemag, 14 Apr. 2024
Our parents worked hard all their lives and left both my brother and me a pretty good nest egg.
—Amy Dickinson, Detroit Free Press, 16 Oct. 2022
Musk parked a big chunk of Tesla’s nest egg in the riskiest of risk assets, yet made nothing.
—Shawn Tully, Fortune, 12 May 2022
Click on this link, answer a few questions — and watch your nest egg vanish.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 25 Aug. 2019
The stocks and mutual funds in these nest eggs are chosen based on their return to the investor.
—Timothy Noah, Washington Post, 16 Mar. 2023
Of course, part of the goal is to build that nest egg as quickly as possible to retire early.
—Michael Taylor,, 18 Oct. 2019
According to the strategy, retirees tap 4% of their nest egg the first year.
—Greg Iacurci, CNBC, 17 Dec. 2024
An Eagle couple trusted him for years to guard their nest egg.
—Audrey Dutton, idahostatesman, 24 Apr. 2018
Laffer’s advice was to be careful and not to risk blowing her nest egg.
—John Detrixhe, Quartz, 30 Mar. 2021
Plus, your property can become a nest egg as the mortgage is paid down.
—Heidi Mitchell, Esquire, 15 Dec. 2017
That reduces the number of years your nest egg will have to support you and gives your investments more time to grow.
—Anne Tergesen, WSJ, 18 Mar. 2021
The good news is that preparing for these costs will keep them from eating into your nest egg.
—Chris Hogan and Lizz Schumer, Woman's Day, 7 Jan. 2016
Meanwhile, Norma is rolling through their retirement nest egg to keep Ray in a place that can care for him.
—Donald Bradley, kansascity, 22 Oct. 2017
The fund itself is a sort of nest egg, seeded with oil money and grown through investments.
—Becky Bohrer, Anchorage Daily News, 12 June 2019
Nine months of pregnancy seemed like a small price to pay in return for a nest egg that would support the next phase of her career.
—New York Times, 3 May 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'nest egg.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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