How to Use munch in a Sentence
The herd had been in the barn area for decades, munching feed.
—Peter Whoriskey,, 8 May 2017
If the munchkins do plan on munching on the chia, please, uh, don’t.
—Alejandra Gularte, Vulture, 25 Nov. 2023
The goat-palooza calmly chewed grass and munched on branches.
—Amy Lieu, Fox News, 4 Aug. 2018
Adults munch on flowers and skeletonize leaves of a broad range of plants.
—The Editors, Good Housekeeping, 18 June 2018
About 2.5 pounds of maggots can munch through five pounds of food waste in about four hours.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 7 June 2017
In the meantime, dogs can munch on two menu items catered to canine tastes.
—Paul Stephen, San Antonio Express-News, 14 Apr. 2021
The man munched on Arby's French fries while police talked to him.
—Bob Sandrick,, 16 Feb. 2018
As herds were moved into barns, and thus away from grass, more and more munched maize.
—The Economist, 13 Sep. 2017
Plus, many of these Halloween treats make for quick snacks to munch on throughout the week.
—Leah Rocketto and Elizabeth Berry, Woman's Day, 26 May 2022
For years, a blight of caterpillars had been munching the trees to death.
—Rachel Riederer, The New Yorker, 12 June 2024
In Paris, people walking home at the end of the day, munching on a bit of baguette, remains a part of the cityscape.
—New York Times, 10 Nov. 2019
Be on the lookout for brown or white moths – these come from worms that love to munch on cabbage.
—Erika Butler, The Aegis, 16 Mar. 2018
Dogs and cats also tend to munch on the bumbling insects.
—London Gibson, USA TODAY, 10 June 2021
But if that bison munches on a few grass leaves, the plant can regrow new leaves from the base.
—Paul Cappiello, The Courier-Journal, 17 May 2024
When the eggs hatch, the larvae munch on the ball while the parents feed them and protect the nest from other beetles.
—Elizabeth Pennisi, Science | AAAS, 24 Aug. 2017
Downstairs, the masses munched street food and made a party of their search for the guts of this night's glory.
—Michael Barnes, Austin American-Statesman, 29 Dec. 2024
Frantz often sets out on the popcorn trail of his life, only to stop and munch the popcorn.
—Dan Chiasson, The New York Review of Books, 25 Mar. 2021
Video shows the big animal making his rounds and stopping to munch on the vines.
—Los Angeles Times, oregonlive, 28 Sep. 2019
Pick your favorite, spread out the map on a picnic table, take in the view, maybe munch a trail lunch and plan the rest of your trip.
—Tom Stienstra, San Francisco Chronicle, 31 Dec. 2017
Getting to munch on free snacks while shopping at Costco is one of the best parts of a trip to the wholesale store.
—Katlyn Moncada, Better Homes & Gardens, 1 June 2020
The 20-year-old toiled with the other students who munched on pizza and guzzled cans of Coke.
—Washington Post, 2 Dec. 2019
Every party needs a bowl of sweet, spicy, zesty nuts that guests can munch by the handful.
—Wini Moranville, Better Homes & Gardens, 26 Aug. 2022
This is the perfect thing to munch on while watching the Macy’s parade on TV.
—oregonlive, 23 Nov. 2019
Guests can munch on salty snacks (cheeses, meats, nuts) and sweet treats (ice cream and cherry candies).
—Hannah Kirby, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 22 Dec. 2021
Each table has a bowl of peanuts to munch on while waiting for an order.
—Susan Dunne,, 30 July 2021
Hopkins led the way, inviting us to munch on sourwood leaves or horse mint.
—Mark Rozzo, Town & Country, 11 Feb. 2019
Kate and her kids munched on food packed in lunchboxes with the trunk popped open and the royal mom taking a seat on the grass.
—Stephanie Petit,, 4 Nov. 2019
And the bowl is nice to munch on after a weekend morning workout class.
—cleveland, 19 Aug. 2020
Two toddlers sat in a stroller, munching on Goldfish crackers and swinging their legs as the adults around them waved signs in support of Palestine.
—Riley Beggin, USA TODAY, 16 Oct. 2024
Sixty-six million years ago, a marine creature, minding its own business at the bottom of a Cretaceous sea, munched on some sea lilies—then didn’t feel too great.
—Margherita Bassi, Smithsonian Magazine, 30 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'munch.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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