How to Use moldy in a Sentence


  • The wine had a slightly moldy aroma.
  • Her books became moldy after being left in a damp basement.
  • Should your wipes get moldy, toss them in the trash, clean and dry your warmer, and try again.
    Maya Polton, Parents, 4 Aug. 2023
  • Scott made dad a sandwich with moldy bread and was forced to eat it.
    Brian Tallerico, Vulture, 16 July 2021
  • The city does not accept wet, moldy, dirty, or bulky items.
    Bailey Allen,, 1 Nov. 2022
  • Be sure it’s straw and not hay, as hay gets wet and moldy quickly.
    Cathy M. Rosenthal,, 20 Dec. 2019
  • Wet and moldy feed, in general, is a health risk to birds.
    Leada Gore |, al, 2 May 2022
  • Flies buzzed around moldy garbage that often sat for weeks at a time.
    Mike Postalakis, SPIN, 1 June 2022
  • At a three-month follow-up, her moldy mitt had cleared up.
    Beth Mole, Ars Technica, 20 Oct. 2022
  • The sky turned purplish green, the color of moldy bread, and jagged lightning flashed and froze.
    Sam Anderson, New York Times, 30 Sep. 2020
  • The food should be stored in a cool, dry location to keep the seeds from getting moldy.
    Chris McKeown, The Enquirer, 18 Feb. 2023
  • In some ways this year might be a glimpse into a wet and moldy future.
    Erik Vance, Scientific American, 4 Dec. 2018
  • Remove and discard any moldy or mushy berries, so the mold won't spread.
    Andrea Beck, Better Homes & Gardens, 16 Oct. 2022
  • For Strickland, revenge is a dish best served stale and moldy.
    Dwight Perry / Sideline Chatter, The Seattle Times, 9 June 2017
  • In Kathy Aaron’s decrepit public school, the heat fills the air with a moldy, rancid odor.
    Julie Bosman, New York Times, 20 Jan. 2016
  • Liners keep them from getting moldy and help them to last longer, too.
    Brittney Morgan, House Beautiful, 16 Jan. 2019
  • Clean the moldy area with a 1:1 bleach to warm water solution.
    Megan Boettcher, Better Homes & Gardens, 4 Aug. 2022
  • To use one of those options, apply to a sponge or rag and scrub at the moldy spots until they're gone.
    Jolie Kerr, Esquire, 11 Mar. 2016
  • His bed was moldy and had a large hole in it, according to police.
    Adam Ferrise,, 15 May 2018
  • Hamm's cop is on the case that involves moldy fast food, a deaf hitman and a bunch of dim bulbs not good at crimes.
    Brian Truitt, USA TODAY, 15 June 2023
  • This Note pleads with people to stop eating moldy bread.
    Ephrat Livni, Quartz, 28 June 2019
  • For a while, the family of four shared a moldy queen mattress in a house with 10 roommates.
    Lauren Hepler, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 Oct. 2021
  • Don’t try to paper it over like a moldy wall in a Starbucks bathroom.
    Brian Moylan, Vulture, 24 Mar. 2021
  • Most of the naysayers lamented how quickly bread gets moldy when it’s not chilled.
    Emily Heil, Washington Post, 19 July 2024
  • Know that moldy smell that develops when wet clothes are left in the washer for too long?
    Marc Saltzman, USA TODAY, 28 May 2022
  • The men said police drove them to the Brookside jail, took their mugshots with a cell phone, and tossed them into a dirty, moldy cell.
    John Archibald |, al, 20 Feb. 2022
  • Once applied to the moldy area, leave it to dry for an hour, and then wipe away with a microfiber cloth or dry towel.
    Cate Geiger, Country Living, 30 Apr. 2020
  • One million funky, moldy, sweating disks of cheese and links of saucisson.
    Amiel Stanek, Bon Appétit, 13 Dec. 2019
  • But Wynter said Etienne dropped off food that looked to have come from a food bank, some of which was expired and moldy.
    Chris Quintana, USA TODAY, 13 Dec. 2024
  • If kept outside, certain items can rust, become moldy, or even crack and break.
    Claire Hoppe Norgaard, Better Homes & Gardens, 14 Jan. 2025

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'moldy.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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