How to Use misinterpret in a Sentence
verb- He claims that his statements have been misinterpreted by the media.
- Her silence should not be misinterpreted as consent.
The problem: many people misinterpret the cone as the size of the future storm.
—Jessica Hullman, Scientific American, 3 Sep. 2019
Someone might misinterpret him as a man who doesn’t play by the rules.
—Washington Post, 12 July 2020
Harder told the Guardian that the initial claims in the suit had been misinterpreted.
—Sam Dangremond, Town & Country, 12 Apr. 2017
Just don’t go too snarky on the jokes in case they're misinterpreted.
—Katie Bowlby, Country Living, 28 May 2019
The passage was misinterpreted by scholars in the mid-1900s, and over time the apocryphal tale was born.
—Maya Wei-Haas, Smithsonian, 14 Feb. 2018
Some readers, fooled by its up-to-date style, misinterpret it as a piece of reportage.
—Ruth Franklin, The New York Review of Books, 4 Apr. 2019
Regardless of how — and why — others are now choosing to misinterpret the past, that is the truth.
—Nick Romano,, 19 Feb. 2021
This isn't the first time a song has been used against an artist's wishes or misinterpreted as part of a campaign.
—Allyson Chiu,, 21 May 2018
Or, they are lost souls who have misinterpreted the meaning and love behind the faith.
—Tresa Baldas, Detroit Free Press, 18 Mar. 2018
Guiao said in his email to me that the audit is being misinterpreted by some.
—Mark Naymik,, 1 June 2017
There is a tendency to misinterpret the worst effects of a nor’easter.
—Angela Fritz, Washington Post, 28 Feb. 2018
The laws in question are complex and easy to misinterpret or distort.
—Michael Smolens,, 29 Apr. 2018
The book misinterprets the causes of growth in another way.
—Foreign Affairs, 16 Aug. 2012
Just like many of my paintings are often misinterpreted, the same goes with my show.
—Jordan Moreau, Variety, 21 Apr. 2023
This is just one of the voice examples, but there were others like a timid, mousey girl that could be misinterpreted, too.
—Ron Amadeo, Ars Technica, 27 June 2018
The Common Core was intended to change that, Wexler said, but in many places it has been misinterpreted.
—Jay Mathews, Washington Post, 13 Sep. 2019
Many were amused that the scene had been misinterpreted to the point where McFarlane had to clarify.
—Dani Di Placido, Forbes, 22 Jan. 2025
Despite the increasing prevalence of the term, the nebulous nature of the Metaverse has caused many to misinterpret the term.
—Washington Post, 1 July 2021
In its appeal, the state argued Benitez had misinterpreted the law and the Supreme Court’s guidance on such laws in Bruen.
—Kevin Rector, Los Angeles Times, 30 Oct. 2023
Green then responded to a post from Skip Bayless, who seemed to misinterpret a quote from Green on his podcast.
—oregonlive, 20 June 2022
Clay took Ani out on a dinner date that was misinterpreted as a study session.
—Kaitlin Reilly,, 24 Aug. 2019
The Mai Tai alone is viewed as a classic cocktail, though one that has been widely misinterpreted throughout the years.
—Kevin Hopper, idahostatesman, 2 June 2018
Jay and Phil share a fun, final awkward bonding moment when Phil misinterprets Jay and tries to spoon him.
—Dan Snierson,, 9 Apr. 2020
Still, some stroke patients seemed to misinterpret the guidance.
—Emily Baumgaertner,, 26 July 2023
The defense of these jokes is inevitably that they are misinterpreted.
—Elysha Chang, GQ, 24 Oct. 2017
Every good love story has a moment in which the precious ingénue, blind to the complexities of the world, misinterprets the lover's move.
—Wired, 16 Sep. 2019
The state report blames some of the troubles at the school on a staff so motivated to help students reach their goals that rules were bent and laws misinterpreted.
—Diana Lambert, sacbee, 3 July 2018
Kirby Smart complained about the call afterward but seemed to misinterpret what being set over the ball meant.
—Pete Sampson, The Athletic, 4 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'misinterpret.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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