How to Use misanthrope in a Sentence
From the far side of the door, Frank seemed like a misanthrope who maybe didn’t like his brother very much.
—Amanda Whiting, Vulture, 30 Dec. 2021
In the book, Hazel’s father, Herb, is a misanthrope covered in wispy white hair.
—Kate Knibbs, Wired, 4 May 2021
Wilson has been described as a misanthrope, but that’s not quite right.
—Chris Hewitt, Twin Cities, 23 Mar. 2017
The author is a bit of a misanthrope, but his misanthropy is central to the text and explains some of its appeal.
—Christian Alejandro Gonzalez, National Review, 21 Feb. 2021
Maybe that seems like a hot take from a grouchy, antisocial misanthrope (still not wrong).
—Clay Skipper, GQ, 1 Feb. 2018
Tyler remains the lonely misanthrope that arguably changed the face of rap — just a lot wealthier and wiser.
—Jeff Ihaza, Rolling Stone, 30 June 2021
Eisenberg excels at playing an easy-to-dismiss type: the nebbish, the misanthrope, the loner.
—Justin Chang, Detroit Free Press, 18 July 2019
The casual viewer of White’s work might mistake him for a misanthrope.
—Chris Vognar, Los Angeles Times, 12 Aug. 2023
The decision to end the beloved sitcom about a group of New York misanthropes by putting them in jail for being bad Samaritans is now more than 20 years old, but age hasn't helped it.
—Kelly Lawler, USA TODAY, 25 May 2023
The other one is sort of a misanthrope who can barely get along, and has a more messy internal experience.
—Anne Cohen,, 8 June 2020
Wilson, a middle-aged misanthrope, is based on a character created by Daniel Clowes in his graphic novel of the same name.
—Michael O'Sullivan, The Denver Post, 24 Mar. 2017
Waking up one morning to find his wife, Sif, bald to the scalp, Thor goes straight to that conniving troublemaker, the shape-shifting crafty misanthrope who lives among the gods, and threatens to break every bone in his body.
—Lidia Yuknavitch, New York Times, 15 May 2017
Van Name, who had grown up in a family of Yale scholars, was a lifelong bachelor and confirmed misanthrope, preferring the company of trees and birds to that of people.
—Melissa Groo, Smithsonian Magazine, 16 Mar. 2021
American readers fell in love with this bloated, hapless misanthrope in a green hunting cap, and the bestselling comic novel won a Pulitzer—one of the few times the prize has been awarded posthumously.
—The Economist, 30 May 2020
In a vicious about-face, the internet citizens -- who, just days prior, stood sentry between a weeping 11-year-old and five middle-school misanthropes -- turned on him.
—Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN, 12 Dec. 2017
Its narrator, Sally Milz, is a misanthrope who has given up on the idea of romantic partnership.
—Washington Post Editors and Reviewers, Washington Post, 26 May 2023
But Ferrell foregoes the lip-smacking villainy of that legendary misanthrope in favor of a traditionally secondary role, the Ghost of Christmas Present.
—David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter, 9 Nov. 2022
Much as my inner misanthrope laments the digitization of tan-line and character-building summer camps, Maker Camp turned out to be pretty cool.
—Nathan Hurst, WIRED, 19 July 2012
The laugh-out-loud factor, not to mention Dern’s presence, begins to decrease, and Wilson’s ultimate change from a misanthrope to a happy human being doesn’t ring completely true.
—David Lewis, Orange County Register, 23 Mar. 2017
Ah, to be young and meandering around the desert, locating hidden oases to skinny dip in, and trespassing in the buildings of a misanthrope’s roadside attraction full of waxwork figures who seem to move of their own accord.
—Brooke Knisley, Vulture, 8 May 2021
Within the field of nature writing, Matthiessen works primarily in the tradition of the spiritual pilgrim, while Tesson writes in the tradition of the disgruntled misanthrope.
—Kathryn Schulz, The New Yorker, 5 July 2021
Being an introvert, a misanthrope, a cat lady, and a bookworm makes me easily uncomfortable in many friendships.
—Marianne Garvey, Good Housekeeping, 17 Apr. 2019
For all its rage and grotesquerie, that book was ultimately a conversion story about a depressive misanthrope who learns to live again, aided by psychopharmaceuticals and a brush with mass tragedy.
—Jess Bergman, The New Republic, 22 June 2022
It is perhaps not the healthiest tendency for a man who is already if not a hermit at least a part-time misanthrope.
—Edmund White, Vanity Fair, September 1996
Their subjects included British misanthropes, fantasy kings and Russian spies.
—Kelly Lawler, USA TODAY, 18 Dec. 2019
The story of Ebenezer Scrooge's transformation from crabby miser and ornery misanthrope to a generous and fulfilled human has been a Guthrie mainstay for 45 years, introducing and hooking generations of Minnesotans to theater.
—Rohan Preston Star Tribune, Star Tribune, 17 Dec. 2020
In addition to her reputation as an incredible, often unsettling writer, Highsmith earned herself the reputation of a grumpy misanthrope.
—Ella Feldman, Smithsonian Magazine, 7 Sep. 2022
My favorite early-20th-century humor writer was Stephen Leacock, a joyful misanthrope who found much to lampoon in human behavior, particularly the overheated prose in Victorian drama.
—Washington Post, 23 Sep. 2021
Countless other stories have modeled characters on Dickens’ iconic misanthrope, albeit without the Victorian sleeping cap.
—Stephen Humphries, The Christian Science Monitor, 28 Nov. 2023
Many members of the contemporary movie audience, only marginally socialized, would have made a misanthrope of Gandhi; they undermine every argument for intelligent design in the universe.
—James Morris, Wilson Quarterly, Autumn 2005
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'misanthrope.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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