How to Use mangrove in a Sentence
The mangrove is a tree who grows up close to the ocean and our creek(s) here.
—Maggie Andresen, Scientific American, 17 Dec. 2021
On the far shore, a fringe of mangroves marks the edge of the mainland where ther.
—Rooksana Hossenally, Forbes, 19 Oct. 2024
The loss of mangrove forests is slowing around the world.
—Erika Page, The Christian Science Monitor, 9 Jan. 2023
Smell of oil and the rich tidal funk of mangrove and saltgrass from the islands.
—New York Times, 14 Oct. 2022
The mangrove swamps reached as far as the airport, so the first smell was this ripe earth smell.
—New York Times, 18 Nov. 2020
The roots of the sundari, the mangrove species for which the forest is named, stick out of the mud like fingers of the dead.
—Somini Sengupta, New York Times, 25 June 2023
Hoyt still has photos of the canal when it was lined with mangroves and palm trees.
—Susannah Bryan, Sun Sentinel, 5 Jan. 2024
Wilson hit on the idea of using clumps of mangrove north of Key West.
—Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker, 25 Oct. 2021
Her remains were tied to a mangrove tree with wire, Springer said.
—Tim Stelloh, NBC News, 8 June 2022
Spend the day seeing the world-famous Gold Rock Beach and pine forests, mangroves, and coral reefs.
—Skye Sherman, Travel + Leisure, 24 May 2023
Fish spend some of their life cycles hiding in the mangroves.
—Amanda Milkovits,, 2 June 2023
Dr. Beach noted the blue heron and other birds that mingle in the mangroves.
—, 26 May 2017
Firstly, a small eco-cruise tour of the lagoon, through the Mayakoba mangroves.
—Harriet Marsden, The Week Uk, theweek, 26 Feb. 2024
The cenote winds through a lush mangrove and is a snorkeling and scuba spot.
—Brittany Anas, Forbes, 29 June 2021
The building’s first floor is 18 feet off the ground; a boardwalk cuts through a forest of mangroves to his boat launch.
—, 5 Dec. 2019
Use dip nets and seine nets to study the aquatic life living among the mangroves in these salt marsh areas.
—Joe Rassel, Orlando Sentinel, 19 June 2024
Use dip nets and seine nets to study the aquatic life living amongst the mangroves in these salt marsh areas.
—Joe Rassel, Orlando Sentinel, 7 Aug. 2024
Watch a video from MNN of Quenee and his friends planting mangroves above.
—Meghan Overdeep, Southern Living, 13 Apr. 2018
Kayak and canoe trails on the bay side dart among mangroves and into sea grass flats where blue heron perch and feed.
—Katherine Rodeghier,, 5 Feb. 2018
Wet mangroves line the rivers that meet the ocean along Colombia’s Pacific coast.
—Dan Dubno, Popular Mechanics, 23 Apr. 2018
Its habitat ranges from mangroves and river mouths to open seas.
—Jake Parks, Discover Magazine, 7 Nov. 2023
The potential drug is released by a sea squirt that lives on the roots of mangrove trees in the Caribbean.
—Caitlin Looby, Journal Sentinel, 8 Jan. 2024
Some people come to get off the grid, camping in the mangrove forests or living on sailboats.
—Alan Blinder, Marc Santora and Vivian Yee, New York Times, 12 Sep. 2017
Its waters are lined with snarled mangrove roots and canopied with dense foliage.
—Charles Elliott, Outdoor Life, 27 June 2024
The base of the tree seems especially tangled, more like a mangrove rather than an oak.
—Carl Zimmer, Discover Magazine, 18 Mar. 2011
Rivers and land merge in a giant delta of marshland and mangrove where Tabasco lies at the crook of the Gulf of Mexico.
—Elisabeth Malkin, New York Times, 1 Dec. 2019
Sea grass meadows and mangroves in the area are also struggling.
—Arielle Paul, New York Times, 18 Nov. 2023
The Niger Delta is home to one of the largest mangrove ecosystems in the world, one that humans lived in harmony with for centuries.
—New York Times, 3 Sep. 2021
Watch dunlins, piping plovers, herons, osprey, and even bald eagles make the mangroves and coastal pines their warm-weather home.
—Kelsey Glennon, Southern Living, 15 Feb. 2025
See new species On Colón Island, Panama, a new species of shrimp was discovered under dying mangrove roots.
—Stories By Real-Time News Team, With Ai Summarization, Miami Herald, 21 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'mangrove.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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