How to Use leviathan in a Sentence


  • The factory is a towering leviathan in the middle of the town.
  • The leviathan is dead; sharks circle and feast on its tail and fins.
    Cate McQuaid,, 30 Aug. 2023
  • Then again, this Chevy is more of a leviathan than most pickups.
    Tom Voelk, New York Times, 15 June 2017
  • In the land of Exandria, there’s a legendary leviathan that awaits at the bottom of sea.
    Rob Wieland, Forbes, 27 May 2021
  • The best spots to see these leviathans with their new calves are off west Maui, around Wailea and Lahaina.
    National Geographic, 21 June 2019
  • The most obvious one, of course, is the modern leviathan state.
    Michael Tanner, National Review, 31 Jan. 2018
  • Hogan’s team hopes to use that breather to fill in vital details about the Mekong’s lengthy list of leviathans.
    Byrichard Stone,, 30 May 2023
  • The symphony is a leviathan, clocking in at roughly 70 minutes, and the Shed stage was packed to the rafters.
    Zoë Madonna,, 7 July 2019
  • But in the Mandate’s case, the real leviathan’s always changing its mind.
    Matthew Carey Salyer, Forbes, 25 May 2021
  • As states roll in, the needle, like a grand, languid leviathan, inches toward the winning side.
    Jason P. Frank, Vulture, 5 Nov. 2024
  • The leviathan emerges long enough to swallow a bantha whole and then vanishes back below the surface.
    Alex Kane, USA TODAY, 30 Oct. 2020
  • To the post-liberals, both the Republicans and the Democrats are in league with the enemy: the liberal leviathan.
    Becca Rothfeld, Washington Post, 28 July 2023
  • Jaws dropped—both in the cinema, and on screen—just as the leviathans, adorned with Fremen fighters, careened into the sands of Arrakis.
    Popular Science, 6 Mar. 2024
  • In Israel, the hero figure evolved into Yahweh — the Hebrew name for god — fighting a leviathan, Uehlinger said.
    Brendan Rascius, Miami Herald, 22 Feb. 2024
  • This time of year is prime for humpback sightings in Monterey Bay: The hungry leviathans stop in the area each summer to snack on schooling anchovies.
    Sarah Keartes, National Geographic, 30 July 2019
  • Texas is there in the residual aroma of the mesquite and oak smoke coming from the kitchen’s massive wood-burning grill hung with wheels and pulleys like a steampunk leviathan.
    Mike Sutter, San Antonio Express-News, 4 Mar. 2021
  • There's an encounter inside a leviathan fish that has been engineered to house life without feeling the pain of its own decay.
    Amy Brady, Scientific American, 14 Mar. 2023
  • But perhaps by finding more of these leviathans, scientists can unlock the ancient mysteries of the sea.
    Julissa Treviño, Smithsonian, 4 June 2018
  • Many Republicans think the federal government isn’t just a problem, but a leviathan that needs to be slain.
    James Hohmann, Washington Post, 23 Jan. 2018
  • Ancient plumage: Scientists for the first time have found fossil features from dinosaurs that indicate the leviathans lived in the coldest parts of the world 118 million years ago.
    Keith Ladzinski, National Geographic, 20 Nov. 2019
  • The flying leviathan is designed to carry rockets, including eventually a crewed spacecraft, to the edge of space and launch them.
    Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 22 Aug. 2018
  • The federal governmental leviathan is the faceless vanguard of the status quo.
    John Kass, Twin Cities, 2 Mar. 2017
  • And once again, Diamond was front-row center for the fireworks blasting from the collapse of yet another resort leviathan.
    Jason Blevins, The Denver Post, 26 Feb. 2017
  • Similar to whales found off of Australia and Chile, New Zealand’s whales are slightly smaller than the 100-foot leviathans that migrate to arctic waters.
    Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 18 May 2018
  • Yet for all scientists have learned about these charismatic leviathans, no one knows how baleen whales (a group that includes humpback, blue, fin and sei whales, among others) find their food in the first place.
    Kate Wong, Scientific American, 13 Mar. 2023
  • Though the prehistoric oceans were teeming with fierce marine predators like the ichthyosaurs and mesosaurs, those leviathans were not dinosaurs, but rather marine reptiles like sea turtles.
    Nicholas St. Fleur, New York Times, 6 Dec. 2017
  • The ships depart from Värtahamnen, a port that primarily handles ferries and not the leviathans that park closer to the city center.
    Andrea Sachs, Washington Post, 4 Oct. 2019
  • The federal government is a leviathan with many, many tentacles.
    Zachary B. Wolf, CNN, 29 July 2021
  • Before the leviathan was dragged to shore, before it was found floating at sea trailing a slick of blood, the massive creature had had its run-ins with its greatest nemesis: human beings.
    David Abel,, 15 June 2019
  • There, the company built a leviathan steel mill and an accompanying town named after its founding chairman, Elbert Henry Gary.
    Eli Wizevich, Smithsonian Magazine, 25 July 2024

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'leviathan.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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