How to Use legato in a Sentence
But there is also comfort: the warmth of the hearth fire, tranquil and legato on the bow; lazy days punctuated only by the pizzicato of ice droplets on the roof.
—Jessica Chiccehitto Hindman, New York Times, 21 Feb. 2018
Still, the legato elegance and vocal weightiness of his singing have their own rewards.
—Anthony Tommasini, New York Times, 1 Jan. 2018
Even more important is the development of legato, the seamless movement from one note to the next, requiring a steady and even emission of breath.
—James Jorden, New York Times, 20 Sep. 2017
Elsewhere, Kang Wollett spun out long, legato solos in the Largo by Ives, making the dark romanticism sing.
—Tim Diovanni, Dallas News, 12 July 2019
The first movement has lyrical legato playing, kind of rhapsodic.
—Paul Freeman, The Mercury News, 5 Apr. 2017
From my seat the balance favored Ma's fulsome tone by a slight margin; Ax's legato playing sounded a bit watery even with the lid on his Steinway fully opened.
—Richard S. Ginell,, 5 Mar. 2018
If his tone was sometimes assertive to the point of brashness, his amazing technical skills – among them a legato line that that few horn players possess – polished the music to a high gloss.
—Marcus Overton,, 16 June 2017
Scott Hostetler traced a melting legato line in the famous English horn solo of the largo, although Muti’s easing the pace later in the slow movement threatened to stifle forward impetus.
—John Von Rhein,, 13 Apr. 2018
Gerstein’s descending figures might have managed the smoothest legato in the business, and Hagen faced the great stretch of tumult in the first movement with absolute clarity and composure.
—Peter Dobrin,, 22 Mar. 2018
This is a two-part skill; his superb legato (or connected articulation) on the keyboard was heightened by skillful deployment of both the sustaining and the soft pedal.
—Marcus Overton,, 8 Jan. 2018
Her Azucena is a creation of soaring high notes, fluttering trills, seductive legato, chilling low tones.
—Zachary Woolfe, New York Times, 23 Jan. 2018
Nor is his phrasing always the most pleasing—staccato too often supersedes legato.
—David Mermelstein, WSJ, 17 Oct. 2017
Jones played the demanding solo part with apparent ease, beauty of tone and, in the Andante, a lovely feel for legato playing, turning a fairly standard-issue slow movement into a noble aria.
—Zachary Lewis,, 11 May 2018
On Friday, his articulation, particularly for the left hand, was fascinating: often a mix of legato and detached notes that helped define and shape the phrases at ground level.
—Paul Hodgins, Orange County Register, 22 Apr. 2017
In long stretches of coloratura, especially, her legato, while smooth, retained remarkable clarity of pitch and evenness of rhythm, flickering like a lambent flame.
—James R. Oestreich, New York Times, 5 May 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'legato.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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