How to Use leaf miner in a Sentence
leaf miner
The leaf miner ranks low on the list of problem pests, but chilli thrips are another matter.
—Rita Perwich, San Diego Union-Tribune, 5 Aug. 2023
The leaf miner damage will also be limited to the new growth.
—Chris McKeown, The Enquirer, 27 Aug. 2023
If those are missing, the FDA allows larvae of spinach worms or eight whole leaf miner bugs.
—Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 4 Oct. 2019
The pest attacking your tomatoes is called a leaf miner.
—Dan Gill,, 3 Sep. 2020
In a few weeks, the aspen leaf miners will turn many of those leaves into silver potato chips.
—Ned Rozell, Anchorage Daily News, 9 June 2018
The culprit is citrus leaf miner — a tiny critter that burrows between the layers of leaf cells.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7 Oct. 2023
This is when citrus leaf miner moths lay their eggs that hatch into larvae to tunnel within the leaves.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 14 July 2018
Curly patterns in leaves of squash, pumpkins, melons and cucumbers are caused by leaf miners that burrow through the leaves.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 July 2023
The most common are boxwood leaf miners and boxwood psyllids.
—Chris McKeown, The Enquirer, 27 Aug. 2023
The culprits here are sucking insects such as leaf hoppers, aphids, thrips, chilli thrips, leaf miners or spider mites.
—Rita Perwich, San Diego Union-Tribune, 2 Mar. 2024
To keep leaf miners and other pests away, simply place row covers over your beets during the insects' busiest time between May and late June.
—The Editors, Good Housekeeping, 21 Aug. 2018
Every tomato plant has a few leaf miner trails streaking through some of their leaves without causing major harm.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 13 Mar. 2021
Cutting off infected leaves causes the tree to make new leaves, which will also get infected with leaf miner.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Oct. 2022
Cutting off infected leaves causes the tree to make new leaves, which will also get infected with leaf miner.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7 Oct. 2023
The species, present in Europe since before the last Ice Age, has been threatened by defoliation because of the leaf miner moth, and a blotch caused by a fungus, as well as by human pressures.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 27 Sep. 2019
Data suggests tomatoes can tolerate up to three leaf miners per leaf, but these bugs certainly make the plants look bad and may reduce vigor.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 7 Sep. 2019
That is summary-talk for birch leaves withering, massive lilac leaf roller attacks, aphid invasions and leaf miners where there are no aphids.
—Jeff Lowenfels, Anchorage Daily News, 30 Aug. 2019
Also check out the possibility of a leaf miner problem.
—, 4 Nov. 2017
This is also a great time to treat your boxwoods with a systemic insecticide if they were infested and damaged by either the boxwood leaf miners or the psyllids.
—Chris McKeown, The Enquirer, 25 Feb. 2023
Use floating row covers to keep insects such as beet leaf miners, cabbage maggot adult flies, and carrot rust flies away from susceptible crops.
—oregonlive, 1 Apr. 2022
Other plant families have their own leaf miners with the host species and characteristic form of the larva’s leaf squiggles helping to identify the insect species; this includes the larvae of some sawflies and wasps.
—Rita Perwich, San Diego Union-Tribune, 5 Aug. 2023
This is a natural substance made by a soil bacterium that is effective against all chewing insects other than slugs and snails (caterpillars, thrips, leaf miners, etc.).
—Earl Nickel,, 20 Sep. 2019
Minor diseases like powdery mildew or nuisance pests like aphids are less of a concern, but more substantial diseases like downy mildew and pests like allium leaf miner are best managed with prevention.
—Miri Talabac, Baltimore Sun, 7 Sep. 2023
Examples include: garlic planted near roses helps keep the aphid population in check; radishes alongside spinach will keep the leaf miners away; tall flowers provide shade for lettuce.
—Timothy Dahl, Popular Mechanics, 1 Mar. 2018
Spinosad insecticides also control thrips, leaf miners and immature stink bugs.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 15 Nov. 2019
Pests controlled: Use horticultural oils to combat aphids, mites, beetles, leaf miners, caterpillars, thrips, leafhoppers, and whiteflies.
—The Editors Of Organic Life, Good Housekeeping, 18 Dec. 2017
Insecticides are rarely recommended to control leaf miners.
—, 7 June 2019
Control caterpillars with weekly applications of the organic insecticides Bt (just controls caterpillars) or spinosad (controls a variety of insects, including thrips and leaf miners).
—Dan Gill,, 13 Apr. 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'leaf miner.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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