How to Use laity in a Sentence
noun- The laity has played an important role in the history of the church.
No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move; ’Twere profanation of our joys To tell the laity our love.
—John Edgar Wideman, The New Yorker, 8 July 2021
In a remarkable shift, it is being led by a 2-to-3 margin by laity.
—Nicole Winfield, The Seattle Times, 31 July 2018
In the initial phases, there will be training and dialogue for priests and laity.
—Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press, 6 June 2020
In the message, the pope expressed concern for the laity and clergy of Germany if their leaders break with established church teaching.
—Fox News, 21 July 2022
The adoption of meditation by the Buddhist laity in Southeast Asia began during the 1880s.
—David Kortava, Harper's Magazine, 16 Mar. 2021
That has emboldened bishops and laity to test the limits of Rome’s authority.
—Francis X. Rocca, WSJ, 29 Sep. 2021
From this perspective, halachah is a partnership between the laity and the rabbinate, with the laity playing a critical role in the halachic process.
—Rabbi Avi Weiss, Sun Sentinel, 9 May 2022
For the next seventy years, the esoteric practice slowly spread among the Buddhist laity.
—David Kortava, Harper's Magazine, 16 Mar. 2021
Among the laity there are now serious efforts to draft and institute reforms that would ensure bishops tell the truth and are held accountable.
—William McGurn, WSJ, 30 July 2018
No member of the laity or clergy may conduct a worship service or a devotion of any kind in a church, or other location.
—al, 17 Mar. 2020
It's run mostly by laity, but in cooperation with church prelates and the wider Catholic hierarchy.
—Fox News, 28 Aug. 2022
To repress these arguments and scruples of the laity by force alone, and not to resolve them by giving reasons, is to expose the Church and the pope to the ridicule of their enemies, and to make Christians unhappy.
—Marilynne Robinson, New Republic, 12 Dec. 2017
But his numbers lag behind Trump's ratings among the Republican laity, 85% of whom have a positive view of the President.
—Jennifer Agiesta, CNN, 20 Dec. 2017
Her defection from a youthful spell as a novice nun is both a credential of her expertise and a qualification for talking to the laity.
—Dominic Green, WSJ, 16 Sep. 2022
The position is currently held by Cardinal Kevin Farrell, the head of the Vatican’s laity office.
—Nicole Winfield, ajc, 7 June 2023
The position is currently held by Cardinal Kevin Farrell, the head of the Vatican's laity office.
—Nicole Winfield, Star Tribune, 6 July 2021
Another task, in the midst of a clergy shortage, is to lift up the laity to take greater responsibility for their own communities.
—Hartford Courant, 13 Oct. 2022
Both laity and high-ranking clerics helped cover it up, some even participating by holding the victim down.
—Audrey Clare Farley, The New Republic, 13 Dec. 2022
This recent cultural shift in Western nations has raised difficult questions for Catholics, both clergy and laity.
—Joanne M. Pierce, The Conversation, 4 Nov. 2022
At one end, clergy and laity alike edged forward carrying the great block of stone with reverent heaving so intense, and with such reverent slow motion, that it was believed that angels moved it.
—Peter Brown, The New York Review of Books, 24 Sep. 2020
Collected here are examples of ecclesiastic garb as it has been translated for the laity.
—Vogue, 3 May 2018
Delegates are to be seated at round tables, with around a dozen laity and clergy mixed together in the Vatican’s big auditorium.
—Nicole Winfield,, 20 June 2023
One such example is the story of the Dominican friar Felix Fabri, who was known for recording his own pilgrimages in various formats, some geared toward the laity and some for his brothers.
—Kathryn Barush, The Conversation, 10 Aug. 2020
This suffering is elicited by the intercession of qualified (or ordained) critics and psychotherapists, who join in this communion of pain and distress, and share it with the laity via books and monographs.
—Will Self, Harper's Magazine, 23 Nov. 2021
Luther, perhaps more aware of the accessibility of the thoughts and writings of Wycliffe and Hus, or of the growing pressures of print and vernacular literacy, dismisses the idea that the laity were to be excluded from these disputes.
—Marilynne Robinson, New Republic, 12 Dec. 2017
The intense little group must articulate the church’s goals, interview ministerial candidates and present the best applicant to the laity.
—Washington Post, 3 May 2022
To try to recover that credibility, Marx has spearheaded a process of reform and debate with the powerful German laity to address some of the structural problems that contributed to the crisis.
—Kirsten Grieshaber and Nicole Winfield, Star Tribune, 4 June 2021
More broadly, the laity can powerfully impact the vision, mission, and core values of their respective communities.
—Rabbi Avi Weiss, Sun Sentinel, 9 May 2022
The Synodal Path in Germany, an ongoing national consultation of bishops and laity, has pressed for progressive changes in doctrine and discipline.
—Carl R. Trueman, WSJ, 10 Nov. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'laity.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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