How to Use jokey in a Sentence
McGill: Joe felt Fred Gwynne was quite jokey as the judge.
—Andy Greene, Rolling Stone, 7 Mar. 2022
And even though there are many jokes in there, none of them are jokey.
—Jane Greenway Carr, CNN, 17 July 2022
So while that appears to have been more on the jokey side, the two have kept up the public flirtation.
—Fox News, 29 May 2018
Some of these new books were jokey satires aimed more at parents than children.
—Nicole Hemmer, CNN, 7 Apr. 2022
This episode is so jokey that Noel Fielding has to assume the nerd persona and keep the quiz moving.
—Bethy Squires, Vulture, 1 Jan. 2022
CivilWar2 had already been around for a while, appended to far less jokey tweets.
—Wired, 30 Sep. 2019
The film gets in on the MCU act with a jokey mid-credits sequence and then a more dramatic one at the very end, opening the door to a sequel.
—David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter, 13 June 2022
The actor also spoke about the clan’s jokey dynamic with ET Canada last month.
—Jack Smart, Peoplemag, 3 Oct. 2023
But two squawking, sashaying hookers who pick up Rusty just to hang out with him are jokey Times Square cliches circa the 1980s.
—Misha Berson, Variety, 27 Sep. 2022
Faced with a flood of upset users, Google claimed that those holidays were too reverent for the jokey nature of a doodle.
—Avi Selk, Washington Post, 2 Apr. 2018
Another faux pas: using the captions as a place to add jokey commentary.
—Wired, 1 Oct. 2019
One designed to be a jokey conversation piece, though at least half the joke is the title, which is so hilariously basic, so 1980s-meets-Tik-Tok, so balls-out-and-in-your-face.
—Owen Gleiberman, Variety, 23 Feb. 2023
Only the jokey homoerotic banter stamps it as typical of Mr. Ritchie’s work.
—Kyle Smith,, 20 Apr. 2023
Here’s hoping this overly jokey nonsense is Shazam’s last outing.
— Staff, Dallas News, 20 Apr. 2023
This is a straight-up revenge saga, with Statham as a father out to wreak havoc on the men who killed his teenage son, and the movie, after a jokey stage-setting intro, mostly eschews Ritchie’s usual quips and one-liners.
—Tim Grierson, Vulture, 11 May 2021
The announcement spurred lots of jokey jabs on Twitter (did Jeff Bezos accidentally buy the grocer while trying to order groceries via Alexa?), as well as lots of speculation.
—Anna Marum,, 16 June 2017
More Stories The point of an official emcee, who introduces an awards show with a long, jokey monologue and then occasionally bursts in to pep things up throughout the night, was much debated earlier this year.
—David Sims, The Atlantic, 23 Sep. 2019
His bluff, sometimes bombastic and often jokey manner — tolerated or even enjoyed during easeful times — has not helped him as the U.K. threatens to start unraveling at the seams.
—Christina Boyle, Los Angeles Times, 27 Jan. 2021
Originally released in 2013, the song benefits from a choreographed dance trend, as well as other general, often jokey posts including its lyrics.
—Kevin Rutherford, Billboard, 7 Mar. 2024
What started largely as a jokey way to send season’s greetings to friends and family and promote their video-production business became a viral sensation, racking up more than 18 million views to date on YouTube.
—Charles Passy, WSJ, 17 Dec. 2020
This group's playful, jokey dynamic will absolutely remind you of Sam Malone and his loyal customers on Cheers in a comfortable, nostalgic way.
—Christopher Rosa, Glamour, 28 Mar. 2019
Lennon veers between being sarcastically jokey and seeming to crave attention, as his companion, Yoko Ono, sits next to him, mostly staying quiet.
—oregonlive, 25 Nov. 2021
But making the character just a nuttier version of a jokey Australian male stereotype also robs him of the dimensionality that any villain who’s going to support Miller’s reach for mythic proportions would seem to require.
—David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter, 15 May 2024
Other barricades also received whimsical or jokey names.
—oregonlive, 4 May 2020
The narrative shifts to his dogged investigation and occasionally jokey interactions with an almost palpable sense of relief, compared to the dread overhanging Russell and Maben’s chapters.
—Atlanta Life, ajc, 30 Mar. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'jokey.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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