How to Use inoculation in a Sentence
The vaccines don’t have to stay frozen right up to the time of inoculation.
—Mark Fischetti, Scientific American, 19 Nov. 2020
The vaccine is being made available to most of those in Group 1B of the state’s inoculation plan.
—Liz Hardaway,, 2 Jan. 2021
Both are located in ZIP codes with some of the lowest rates of inoculation in the city.
—Lisa Donovan,, 24 June 2021
Bauer said the newness of the vaccine may be one of the reasons the inoculation rate among younger children lags behind teens and adults.
—Steve Sadin,, 11 Feb. 2022
But the search for inoculation brings up a host of new dilemmas, because the stakes are higher.
—Emily Brindley,, 7 Mar. 2021
Still, mass inoculation will take at least four to six months.
—TheWeek, 29 Nov. 2020
While the shot is approved in the EU, the inoculation campaign hasn’t started.
—Naomi Kresge, Fortune, 13 Apr. 2021
The move has contributed to a sense of confusion and anger among those who now find themselves at the back of the line for inoculation.
—New York Times, 15 Jan. 2021
Canada has one of the highest inoculation rates in the Group of 20 nations.
—Washington Post, 7 Sep. 2021
In many countries that have had vaccines in hand for the better part of a year, inoculation rates still aren’t close to 100 percent.
—Rachel Gutman, The Atlantic, 1 Dec. 2021
That’s where the stress inoculation of our training comes in, to get you into the mindset to understand that this is not sports.
—Ian Douglass, Men's Health, 28 Apr. 2022
For all the things buffeting markets right now, none is more important than the race to find an inoculation to the virus.
—Vildana Hajric,, 24 Sep. 2020
People who have signed up for an inoculation might cancel at the last minute or simply fail to show up.
—Courtney Astolfi, cleveland, 26 Feb. 2021
Recovery will be slow and is likely to track the pace of inoculation.
—Phillip Molnar, San Diego Union-Tribune, 18 Dec. 2020
Millions of infants in Africa and Asia receive the inoculation each year.
—Viviane Callier, Scientific American, 19 Jan. 2023
Vaccinations first looked to be a panacea, but the world was unable to achieve high enough rates of inoculation broadly enough across the globe to stop the pandemic.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 31 Dec. 2021
Israel health officials launched inoculation campaigns in 2013, with the help of the WHO, in an effort to halt any potential spread of the virus.
—Jennifer Calfas, WSJ, 7 Mar. 2022
The two scientists’ work became the basis for a new type of inoculation.
—Naomi Kresge, Fortune, 2 Oct. 2023
That means the testing and inoculation requirements in the ports of call that your cruise will visit remain in effect.
—Tribune News Service, oregonlive, 3 Sep. 2022
The best inoculation from these temptations of the deep — which take many a varied form — is to recruit only the most trustworthy of crew and give wide berth to the merfolk.
—Los Angeles Times, 3 Mar. 2023
After a glow of hope when the first vaccines were approved last month, the nation's inoculation campaign has gotten off to a slow start.
—Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and Zeke Miller, Chron, 10 Jan. 2021
The roll-out marked the start of one of the most ambitious inoculation campaigns in recent history.
—, 16 Dec. 2020
Rapid mutations and imperfect inoculations mean that the virus is in charge, at least for now.
—Abhijit V. Banerjee, Foreign Affairs, 21 Jan. 2022
If approved, Pfizer’s inoculation will be the first against RSV and the first new product related to the infection in over two decades.
—Brenda Goodman, CNN, 1 Nov. 2022
Wharf refused to ask customers for proof of inoculation, the city shut down its indoor dining.
—New York Times, 2 Dec. 2021
In New York City, there is a massive difference in the inoculation rates among agencies that have required their workers to get their shot and those that have not.
—Tommy Beer, Forbes, 11 Oct. 2021
California has one of the highest vaccination rates in the nation, and the U.S. has one of the highest per capita rates of inoculation in the world.
—oregonlive, 25 June 2021
California has one of the highest vaccination rates in the nation, and the U.S. has one of the highest per-capita rates of inoculation in the world.
—Los Angeles Times, 24 June 2021
From the pulpit in 1882, Archdeacon Thomas Colley denounced the evils of inoculation.
—Marion Renault, The New Republic, 21 Oct. 2021
Performing an inoculation on this scale had never been done before.
—John Laycock, Baltimore Sun, 27 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'inoculation.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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