How to Use inkblot in a Sentence
The blue check mark has long been a cultural inkblot of sorts.
—Avi Selk, Washington Post, 21 Apr. 2023
For example, those are not, in fact, inkblot tests on the new menus.
—Nick Rallo, Dallas News, 11 June 2020
Because movies are inkblots of one kind or another, as are books.
—Daniel A. Gross, The New Yorker, 29 Oct. 2019
Bored joggers are looking at oil stains on cement like inkblot tests to keep their minds busy.
—Kevin Armstrong, WSJ, 5 Mar. 2021
For now, there’s little more than inkblots to interpret.
—, 25 Sep. 2019
Researchers then took a series of Rorschach inkblots and fed them to both Norman and a standard AI to compare results.
—Brett Molina, USA TODAY, 7 June 2018
But melasma—a puzzle of brown patches resembling the inkblots on a Rorschach test—is quite another.
—Rachel Marlowe, Vogue, 7 Nov. 2018
Each time my eyes pause, perfectly round purple inkblots appear.
—Lisa Wood Shapiro, WIRED, 18 June 2018
The measure isn’t unlike the pain scale that doctors use to ask how patients feel, or the Rorschach inkblot that psychologists use to prompt subconscious feelings from their clients.
—Gabriela Riccardi, Quartz, 27 Dec. 2022
Now another inkblot of feathers rose off the September sheet water, swirled for a moment as if gathering its wits, and streamed straight for the decoys.
—T. Edward Nickens, Field & Stream, 24 Sep. 2020
Rorschach is no longer a hero but the motif of a white-supremacist terrorist movement whose members wear ghostly white masks adorned with amorphous inkblots.
—Sophie Gilbert, The Atlantic, 21 Oct. 2019
Critically, the brain remains intact after a primary blast injury, and the only potential sign of trauma is a faint inkblot of blood that may be spread across its surface.
—Rachel Lance, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 Mar. 2020
The prints were complemented by logos and the occasional colorful graphic—are those inkblots or feathers?
—Steff Yotka, Vogue, 8 Sep. 2017
The low complexity fractal inkblots made this process trigger-happy, fooling observers into seeing images that aren’t there.
—Richard Taylor, Smithsonian, 31 Mar. 2017
James Lee, the demented guy who was killed after taking hostages at the Discovery channel headquarters, is turning into quite an illuminating inkblot in the blogosphere.
—Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 2 Sep. 2010
In the Rorschach test a participant’s perceptions of inkblots are recorded and are then analyzed for clues about his or her personality characteristics and emotional functioning.
—NBC News, 25 Jan. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'inkblot.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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