How to Use infill in a Sentence
Tons of infill dirt was brought in, causing the land’s slope to change.
—Elena Bruess, San Antonio Express-News, 13 Sep. 2021
With all those previous infill projects, the sale price for the lots has been $1.
—Thomas Jewell, cleveland, 4 Aug. 2020
Most of the metro Phoenix mobile home parks to sell during the past five years are prime infill sites.
—Catherine Reagor, The Arizona Republic, 22 Oct. 2022
Adding urban infill in the form of more bars and restaurants could boost the district.
—Hayes Gardner, Baltimore Sun, 5 Apr. 2023
Graded on the curve of infill housing projects elsewhere in the Bay Area, the first batch of buildings isn’t bad.
—John King, San Francisco Chronicle, 1 Feb. 2022
Still, any moisture on the blades or still present in the infill system can freeze and turn the base hard and the blades extra slippery.
—Tim Newcomb, Popular Mechanics, 18 Nov. 2022
The Matrix turf has Geo Plus infill that consists of rice husk, coconut fibers, and cork.
—Richard Obert, azcentral, 2 Aug. 2019
The amazing thing, Davis tells me, is that something as basic as fiber can become both the structure (the wool yarn) and the infill (the fungus).
—Elizabeth Evitts Dickinson, Washington Post, 15 Nov. 2022
The method to reduce the heat is by treating the infill or sand to cool the entire turf system for sustained periods of time.
—Alex Kushel,, 9 Oct. 2020
Nearby, ripped bags with the infill of the turf, tiny pellets of shredded tires, littered the embankment.
—, 10 Oct. 2019
But what this board is looking at is infill housing where there are vacant lots.
—al, 8 Oct. 2021
Houston has chosen the 240-acre site of a former landfill to install what the city said will be the largest infill solar project in the nation.
—NBC News, 7 Mar. 2022
Adding an infill stop at Ivy City could address one of DC’s most notably transit deserts.
—Matthew Yglesias, Vox, 17 Nov. 2018
The Rebuild Duluth initiative, in which the city gives away free land to creative designs for infill projects, was launched last year to bring the cost of new homes down.
—Brooks Johnson, Star Tribune, 25 Sep. 2020
The team relied on careful design for this three-unit urban infill project, completed at the cost of $185 per square foot.
—Brenda Richardson, Forbes, 27 May 2021
In addition to the plaque, Shea said the park still needs some touch up work, including seeding in some areas and sand infill between the brick pavers.
—Emily Brindley,, 27 Nov. 2019
Rather, much of the slab floor and infill beneath it will be removed to expose the original steel-and-concrete supports that have long held it up.
—Peter Dobrin,, 4 June 2019
Green infill should be top priority and the type of industries coming into the desert should be top of mind as well.
—The Arizona Republic, 27 Mar. 2024
There’s a lot of room for infill development, and that’s what this plan purposes.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 8 Sep. 2019
Kreklow said this is the last infill land project or area dedicated to new construction in the village.
—Cathy Kozlowicz, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6 Apr. 2022
And every infill home is one that goes unbuilt on the edges, preserving rural and open spaces and prevent sprawl.
—Adam Rogers, WIRED, 21 June 2018
Some mobile home park buyers are clearing out tenants and flipping the infill sites for big profits.
—Catherine Reagor, The Arizona Republic, 22 Oct. 2022
Having a downtown location near the urban infill projects and historic sites where Clemens works was important to the firm.
—Shannon Rooney,, 14 Mar. 2018
The plastic was washed and treated before it was transformed into infill, which was used to build the artificial field.
—Allen Kim, CNN, 2 Feb. 2020
The pilot side lot program will go with $1 across the board, as is generally the case with infill developers.
—Thomas Jewell, cleveland, 25 Feb. 2020
Salt Lake City is seeing historic levels of infill construction and average rents are up about 10% over the past year alone and a stunning 37% from five years ago.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 21 Nov. 2021
This includes brooming out the rubber infill in the turf, watering down and sanitizing that infill and making sure the field is clear of garbage and debris.
—Lucas Gordon, The Arizona Republic, 13 Oct. 2022
Kids from the Youth Employment in Parks project are doing much of the labor, which includes hauling in gravel for use as infill in swampy areas, Underwood said.
—Beth Bragg, Anchorage Daily News, 26 July 2019
As Brea is very close to being built out, infill projects are looked at to allow for housing types that fit the surrounding neighborhood and provide housing at affordable prices.
—Michael Slaten, Orange County Register, 4 Oct. 2024
Turf, which is made from thousands of synthetic fibers and crumb plastic infills, is quickly becoming America’s go-to field material for its ability to provide a smoother, year-round surface at a lower maintenance cost than grass.
—Stephanie Lam, The Mercury News, 15 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'infill.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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