How to Use inexorable in a Sentence
That is the inexorable force out there, and green shoots abound!
—Bernhard Warner, Fortune, 4 Oct. 2021
Here are some highlights of the inexorable march of Italian food to the top.
—John Mariani, Forbes, 28 Dec. 2021
Still, the album and the movie exert an inexorable hold on me.
—Ryu Spaeth, New Republic, 25 May 2017
The Spin Doctors may be hold the record for the slowest inexorable climb of an album up the charts.
—Mel Shields, sacbee, 14 June 2018
The only thing that slowed the Tigers’ inexorable game-winning drive was a cat which ran across the field.
—Jimmy Wigfield, al, 19 Nov. 2022
Since the start of October, the rise in cases has been steady and inexorable, with no plateau in sight.
—New York Times, 23 Oct. 2020
My seven years of working on this have been the slow inexorable death of Kendall Roy.
—Alexis Soloski, New York Times, 30 May 2023
The camera keeps rolling and through the inexorable march of time, the burger sits, the lettuce wilts, the tomato droops, and mold grows on the burger.
—Melissa Locker, Time, 19 Feb. 2020
Ready meals, the rise of which had come to seem inexorable, have not kept up with the general rise in grocery sales.
—The Economist, 11 July 2020
And that’s why our subs have this inexorable push upwards.
—Nick Vivarelli, Variety, 6 Apr. 2022
In the true, inexorable tradition of Greek tragedy, there is no getting out of it.
—Gary Thompson,, 12 July 2018
The music reminds you that the stakes are ancient but low, that there is no danger in the show’s world that is inexorable.
—Wesley Morris Ron Butler Emma Kehlbeck Ted Blaisdell, New York Times, 5 Apr. 2024
Evil, as conceived by Stephen King, is an inexorable force as old as the world itself.
—Michael Nordine, Variety, 23 Sep. 2023
Despite his inexorable link to Mayfield’s injury and the end of his career here, the two have kept in touch.
—cleveland, 25 July 2022
But the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict.
—Michelle Manetti, Good Housekeeping, 26 Aug. 2018
The inexorable force of Moore’s law was bound to do the rest—VR rigs were only going to get cheaper, faster, and better.
—David Karpf, Wired, 27 July 2021
Now most of the world makes or is trying to make features, swelling Annecy’s inexorable growth.
—John Hopewell, Variety, 11 June 2023
The sea is the inexorable social night into which the penal laws fling their condemned.
—Mario Nicolais, The Denver Post, 18 May 2017
The inexorable gears of profit appear to be slowing for US tech.
—Wired, 16 Nov. 2019
The math is inexorable as long as infection rates rise.
—Fox News, 10 Nov. 2020
The tide on Brian Wilson’s life has begun its inexorable roll out to sea.
—Michael Peregrine, Forbes, 16 Feb. 2024
In the trial of young Elwood, Whitehead dares to test the great preacher’s doctrine of inexorable love.
—Ron Charles, Houston Chronicle, 30 July 2019
The inexorable lengthening of days as spring turns to summer spirals my sense of loss.
—Jake Stern, Outside Online, 3 July 2024
Tham’s, point to a new Parlour Tapes brimming on the horizon, inexorable as a sunrise.
—Hannah Edgar,, 14 Apr. 2021
Opinion polls this year had tracked Bernie’s inexorable rise and Mr. Biden’s decline.
—Daniel Henninger, WSJ, 4 Mar. 2020
Without distance, Rishi knew the inexorable love for his art, for creation, would suck him in and never let go.
—Katie Ward Beim-Esche, The Christian Science Monitor, 5 June 2017
The tech-heavy Nasdaq has lost 6 percent over the past two weeks, halting what seemed like an inexorable rally in tech stocks.
—Daniel Tenreiro, National Review, 4 Mar. 2021
And in cities such as Washington, the cost of housing was starting the inexorable rise that continues to this day.
—Washington Post, 14 Nov. 2021
There are a few different recurring themes, like the cramped horizons facing women who want to devote themselves to sport as adults, and, always in the background, the inexorable passage of time.
—Alex Hutchinson, Outside Online, 2 Dec. 2024
Most important, closer defense and security ties with the United States would enable it to ward off the inexorable threat from China.
—Sumit Ganguly, Foreign Affairs, 20 June 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'inexorable.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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